Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1542: This cargo is also

Xu Xiao imagined what Xuan Rongrong would be like tens of thousands of years ago. After all, it is tens of thousands of years. He thinks that Xuan Rongrong should be a little girl who is not deeply involved, or a girl who is awkward. .

As for the appearance, Xu Xiao believes that it should not change much. After all, Xuan Rongrong, who has seen it later, is actually in his twenties.

However, at this moment, I saw Xuan Rongrong tens of thousands of years ago. Xu lacked a bit of a glimpse and guessed it wrong.

Tens of thousands of years ago, Xuan Rongrong, the temperament is still so indifferent and cold, at first glance, people feel unappealing, it is simply an iceberg.

On the contrary, her appearance, obviously more tender, the exquisite face, actually with a little bit of baby fat, not fat, only a trace of fleshy cute.

Xu could not help but "snap", quite sorry.

Because Xuan Rongrong of this period, there is also a realm of Xianwang. If she can be weaker, she will be able to lick her little face in the past, and even put her hands on her face, oh oh oh...

Ah, when you talk about it, you think of Xiaorou.

Xu’s thoughts are all floating, and I ignore the problem of Xuan Rongrong.

But this did not make Xuan Rongrong have any emotional ups and downs, she still calmly stood in the same place, looking at Xu deficiency.

From the beginning, she was already in this place, even a little earlier than the middle-aged man.

At first she saw Xu deficiency at the foot of the mountain and laid down the law, and the heart had already sentenced Xu to death.

Dare to ambush at the foot of the Tiangongyuan Mountain, this is simply not to put the Tiangongyuan in the eyes, not to mention this despicable act, she Xuan Rongrong has always been uncomfortable.

After the appearance of the middle-aged man, Xuan Rongrong did not stop the Xu deficiency.

She saw it. The middle-aged man also came with a murderous attack. The goal was Xu deficiency.

So she understands that no matter whether it is Xu deficiency or middle-aged man, neither of them is a good person. This is a drama of a dog biting a dog.

At that moment, Xuanyuan Rong was ready to leave, and did not intend to pay attention to such boring things, but Xu's shot, but she could not help but stay.

She was amazed at the strength of Xu's lack of space. A big Luojin wonderland was so powerful, and the shot was crisp and neat, especially the handprint of Xu, which was easy to play, and even she felt the pressure.

Generally speaking, these powerful fairy tales, the Tiangongyuan, the first major force in Tianzhou, must have a collection.

But she has been in Tiangongyuan for so many years and has never seen such powerful handprints.

So when the battle was over, Xuanyuan Rong couldn't help but ask Xu to find out where the palm prints came from.

However, seeing this young man did not respond, Xuan Rongrong thought that he did not want to inform, and did not ask again.

She turned and said indifferently: "Before I go back, withdraw your ban, and don't go to the Heavenly Palace. We don't welcome you like this."

Xuan Rongrong’s words did not carry any retaliation. It was entirely because she could not understand Xu’s premature ambush and killing.

She also knows that no one in the field of cultivation is absolutely clean and decent.

Even if there are many people like Xu Xiao in the Tiangongyuan, even worse than Xu’s lack of character, she just didn’t see it, so she wouldn’t care.

However, this time she witnessed Xu’s lack of such a thing, so she warned Xu Xuan that Xu’s lack of thoughts on attending the recruiting convention at Tiangongyuan.

Xu was originally still fascinated. Suddenly he heard Xuan Rongrong’s words. He suddenly picked up his eyebrows and rolled his eyes, silent for a while.

Xuan Rongrong, who was tens of thousands of years ago, is also so annoying!

"Hey, girl, I don't like to hear you. Do you think that I am going to the Heavenly Palace?"

Xu lacked a sigh and pointed to the foot of the mountain: "I am starving to death if I am missing, and I will not go to your Tiangongyuan if I jump out from here."

Xuanyuan Rong’s footsteps turned around and turned to Xu’s lack of expression. “If you don’t go into the Heavenly Palace, why bother to ambush and kill?”

"I can't sell it?" Xu lacked his eyes.

Xuanyuan Rong thought for a moment and nodded: "Yes!"

She felt that if Xu was only going to sell with a new order and not to enter the Tiangongyuan, it would not matter to her.

"I hope you can do it, I don't want to see you in the Temple of Heaven!"

After that, she turned and left, and the figure quickly faded away and disappeared.

"Don't worry, you can't see me, I don't know what to do!" Xu looked at her disappearing back and shouted.

Subsequently, Xu’s face was filled with a bright smile.

I can’t help but I’m going to help Xue Zhiqian to go.

I am going to help Xue Zhiqian not to go to the sky, then I will not be able to help Zhang Wuji to go to the sky?

Oh, innocent, I have a lot of people to help!

Soon, Xu lacked the arrangement of the ban on the surrounding, and walked to the nearby forest.

Not long after, a man in white robe walked out of the forest.

He wears a jade crown, a Chinese costume is honorable, and looks handsome. There is a gentle and elegant temperament on the whole body. If it is not the smug smile on his mouth, whoever he meets, he will think that this is a refined Reading person.

However, he is still lacking.

To change the identity and change the appearance and breath, for Xu deficiency, as long as a disguise can be solved, even the seventy-two change of the magical skills are not necessary.

Originally, he did not need to change his identity, but he was helpless. He was bumped into Xuanyuanrong. He could only make a low-key wave before he had the opportunity to enter the Tiangongyuan. When he found the right time, he would pay a profit. Can immediately let the system crack the prohibition of Taiyi Tianshi, leaving this memory world.

"Good hopes are in sight!"

Xu lacked the spirit and strode to the stone steps leading to the Tiangongyuan.

However, after just taking a few steps, I haven’t stepped out of the mountains, but I heard a roar of noise from afar, and the scent of the law fluctuated and spread to all directions.

"Hey, is someone fighting?" Xu missed it, and then he was happy. It seems that he was hiding in the ambush around the Tiangongyuan. There should be a lot of murders.

His mind was moving, and the majestic rhyme swept the whole body, and his ears trembled slightly, opening the ear.

When the ears are open, in all the territories, all the voices, ignorance, and freedom.

Xu lacked his heart and listened to the fight in the distance. Several conversations suddenly became clear.

"Mom, you are a beast, mean and shameless, but also a good name to call the disciples of the Tiangong Academy, this God deity despise you!"

"Hey, the mighty king, you are doing evil. Within ten years, I have stolen more than a hundred treasures from the Tiangong Academy. I have stolen ten of my school's fairy wares, and I have stolen hundreds of ceremonies in my hospital.

"Fart ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This **** has never done this kind of work, you are filthy, want to add sin and no trouble!"

"Don't dare to argue? Let's die!"


When I heard this, it was another roar of law.

Xu lacked his eyes and his face was wrong.

This **** respect? King of mighty?

Is this not a two-dog?

Lying in the trough, this product was really tens of thousands of years ago!



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