Ultimate Scheming System

Vol 3 Chapter 1543: Don't come innocent 2 dogs

Xu was surprised, but then he felt an inexplicable joy and joy. vertex

He came to this memory world and never thought about meeting two dogs.

Although the goods also said that it has lived for many times, but here is the Tiangongyuan tens of thousands of years ago, and the world is also big and big, Xu Xiao did not think about meeting two dogs.

But now it is so coincidental that at the foot of the Tiangongyuan, I heard that the two dogs are being besieged by the Tiangongyuan, and there is something to play with!

"Oh, a little bit!"

Immediately, Xu lacked a laugh, retired the whole body breath, stepped under the foot, instantly turned into a virtual shadow, rushed in the direction of fighting not far away.

Not long after, he came to a giant tree and stopped.

The battlefield in front of the battlefield has been played in a mess, and several figures have been drowned in the shackles of Fashen Huimang. Xu’s eyes are stunned, and he looks at it clearly and finally sees the fight.

It was a few young disciples of the Tiangong Academy, but they all reached the fairy kingdom. They all wore black and blue, embroidered the robes of the Tiangongyuan logo, and were besieging a fire unicorn.

Xu’s first reaction is a glimpse.

What about the two dogs?

The next moment, he slowed down.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the two dogs seemed to have not reincarnation into a dog, but a unicorn. Later, they ran to the four continents to create the mighty ancestor, which became the ancestral ancestral ancestor.

However, the appearance has changed, but the tone of the speech, the way of fighting, but a little bit has not changed.

It is obviously a unicorn, a strong body, a natural power, and a control of the flames. If you fight like a dog, you will always hold your head in the chaos. From time to time, you will spit at a certain Tiangongyuan disciple, occasionally find a chance, and turn to another The disciples of the disciples of the Tiangongyuan were kicked.

However, after watching this scene, Xu lacked his head and shook his head.

Although the disciples of the Tiangongyuan are all kings of the fairy kingdom, and from their wearing, they should be the elite disciples of the Tiangongyuan. The strength is extraordinary, but several people have been playing with them for so long, and they have also laid a pattern around here. Look at this trend, obviously there is no way to get the next two dogs.

"Hey, forget it, come here, help you!" Xu smiled and laughed again, and called out the system interface again.

A few people are still fighting, Xu is still reclusive, take out the array, surrounded by, and laid a few killings.


The array method was just arranged, and suddenly a wave of senile fluctuations was set off.

Although it was only a moment, it also made several Tiangongyuan disciples and two dogs, and at the same time sensed.

"Array method?"

"Let's go, who is here?"

Several disciples of the Tiangong Academy immediately separated from the two dogs, suspended the fight and shouted around.

The two dogs also blinked and secretly observed the Quartet, but it did not care who was secretly deployed here, but was looking for opportunities to prepare for the opening.

Xu lacked the formation of the law, and no longer hide, directly restored the true capacity, a black robe, carrying a purple gold stick, stepped out.

"In the next day, I will help Xu, and the friends of several Tiangongyuan, you are bullying less, it seems a bit unreasonable!" Xu lacks a smile, quite a masterful temperament.

"Budget, this is the boundary of the Tiangongyuan. I am waiting for this evil person here. What are you doing with you?" A disciple of Tiangongyuan pointed to Xu's lack of drink.

"There is a lot of work!" Xu Xiaoyan smiled and said: "I am with this two dogs... Oh, no, this temperamental mighty king, as soon as possible, meets late, you have to bully him, If you can’t see it in the next place, why don’t you give him the next face and let him have a good job?”

"The trough!" The two dogs were shocked and shouted: "Daoyou, have a vision!"

"court death!"

Several disciples of the Tiangong Academy immediately flashed a glimpse of the cold, splitting two people and directly killing Xu.

It’s ridiculous to have a big Luojin Wonderland and dare to face them.

Xu lacks the same smile, two powerful Xian Wang Jingqiang at the same time, he naturally can not be positive hard, the body shape to withdraw, and immediately retreat hundreds of meters.

At the same time, Xu lacked his arm and lifted his palm.


Huang Quan’s big handprint was once again displayed.

The whole piece of Scorpio was obscured by huge shadows. The dark handprint was manifested in the air and covered by two disciples of the Tiangongyuan.

But at this moment, there are several killing blessings. The power of Huang Quan’s big handprints has increased several times, and it is magnificent and surging.


"How can it be?"

Several disciples of the Tiangongyuan suddenly changed their faces.

The power of this fairy singer is beyond their imagination. How can a fairy scorpion be displayed in a big Luojin wonderland?

"The bulls, the big brothers, kill them!" The two dogs were very excited, shouting loudly, cheering for Xu's lack of energy.

At the same time, it is also very agile, squatting on the occasion of a few disciples of the Tiangong Academy, capturing the opportunity in an instant, running out of the leg, and a smog has broken into the depths of the forest.

"Grass..." Xu suddenly broke a bang.

Although I have long known the shameless nature of the two dogs, I did not expect that this product was so shameless in the past life. I said that I ran and ran... No, this product didn’t even say a word, and it slipped straight away, and it was totally unjustifiable.


At this time, the cloud air exploded a loud noise.

A golden sword mans runs through the sky, and Xu Huang’s Huang Quan big handprint has just been formed and covered, but it was destroyed by the sword in the air.

"This is the town of Qiankun from the sword!"

"Xuanyuan Shijie!"

Several disciples of the Tiangong Academy were all stunned and exclaimed.

Xu lacks a surprise, the spirit is open, and it is found that Xuan Rongrong's breath is approaching quickly.

By the way, this woman does not scatter!


Immediately, he did not hesitate to take out a fairy goddess, and his body shape shook, instantly blurred from the ground.

"Not good, stop him!" A disciple of the Tiangongyuan shouted, and at the same time he took out the law and tried to interrupt the lack of Xu, but it was already a step late.

Xu was missing in the last second and was not intercepted.

Dealing with a few disciples of the Emperor Wangjing of the Tiangongyuan, Xu lacked the chance to win, not to mention the Xuan Rongrong. If he does not leave, he will be killed in minutes.


At the same time, in the depths of the forest, the two dogs in the shape of Kirin are rushing forward, but the direction is pointing to the back hill of the Tiangongyuan.

"Mom, fortunately, this **** respects the wit, escapes a robbery, hehe, but they never dream, the gods are now going to steal their treasures!"

The two dogs sneered while running, and then showed a regret: "Oh, unfortunately, the young man, the purple gold stick he carried, is not a product at first glance, this **** should first flicker Run again!"

"Two dogs, are you talking about this stick?" Suddenly, a sneer sounded.

Followed by the void in front of the two dogs, a purple gold stick emerged from it.

"The trough!" The two dogs are flying, and they never stop, and the whole face instantly touches the stick.

Then I only listened to the muffled sound of "砰", and the two dogs were not topped. Instead, they were stopped by the stick.

"I rely!"

Almost at the same time, the snoring of the lack of Xu was heard in the virtual space behind the stick.

He stepped out of it, his body was manifested, and he held the purple gold in his hand, but he licked his mouth.

Mmp, the body of the two dogs, this past life, actually hard to this extent, shocked the hands of the sacred hands!

"Hey? Daoyou, have you escaped? It’s really gratifying! The admiration of this **** is like a river, and it’s endless..."

The two dogs looked at Xu's missing face and immediately rejoiced. They also lifted two forelimbs and put them together to congratulate Xu.

Xu lacked his eyes and opened his mouth. What Zhang wanted to say.

Suddenly, the two fore legs of the two dogs suddenly held the purple gold stick and hugged into their arms. At the same time, the hind limbs of the two standings broke out with amazing power, and they ran and ran again!

"The trough!" Xu suddenly yelled: "I know you will grab, you are finished!"

The voice fell ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The two golden sticks in the arms of the two dogs suddenly melted and turned into a mass of metal liquid, wrapped around the two dogs, and finally condensed on the neck and turned into a purple gold collar. Tightening!

"Oh..." The two dogs were shocked by this sudden change until they were caught in the neck and snorted and fell to the ground.

"Don't come innocent, two dogs... Oh, no, now you are also called the mighty king!"

At this time, Xu slowly walked over, his face with a clean smile like a big boy, looking down at the two dogs.

The two dogs have a lot of social experience. When they look at Xu’s smile, they tremble with trepidation.

Mom sells the batch, and this **** is met with a monk!



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