Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1564: what's the situation

On the same day, all the disciples in the Temple of Heaven were summoned.

After all, Xu Que said that once the formation of the **** array is completed, white light will appear immediately in the heavens and the earth. That is a vision of the child of light enveloped by light. You need to send someone to find it immediately.

Dean of King Wang and others naturally listened to him and gathered all the disciples to get ready.

However, Xu Kuai ’s formation process was supervised by him all the way. The beautiful name is to allow Xu Kuei to feel safe and undisturbed. In fact, he was afraid that Xu Kuai would put tens of millions of Chinese fairy spirits. The stone was gone.

Tens of millions of middle-class fairy spirits are definitely not a small amount. Even if they can really resist a catastrophe in the end, they will spend a long time to pay for the ten million middle-class fairy spirits. Shi feels distressed.

Xu Xu was not afraid of being supervised. He was planning to take away the tens of millions of Chinese Pinnacles. After all, it was the memory world, all false existences. Once he left this world, everything would disappear.

So if you can't take it away, use your strength to fight and kill yourself with a knife.

I used the immortal stone in the memory world to urge the system to convert the matrix method, destroying the balance of the memory world, and then breaking the memory world. This scheme is not clever, but it is very clever.

缺 Xu Kui was laying the fairy stone and feeling in his heart. He really was the unparalleled nine-day ghost plan and a peerless genius!

In front of you, holding your spirit stone, and borrowing the foundation of your mountain array to complete a large battle array to destroy you, ask you to be angry?

I thought of this, Xu Que's smile was deeper, and the formation speed could not help speeding up.

All the immortal stones are inlaid on the ground step by step, and the invisible formations gradually become visible.

Many elders who have researched the method of battle very much can see that this array of law has the embryonic form of the spirit formation, but the elders who had previously raised this question immediately stood up to explain, and later won the other elders' astonishment and admiration.

At the same time, the two dogs on the top of the mountain and Duan Qide have already begun operations.

他们 After they learned that this is a memory world, they had already planned to escape. Even before the memory world disappeared, they also wanted to do something big and do whatever they wanted.

So Ergouzi proposed to evacuate the treasure house of Tiangongyuan directly, and by the way, have a refreshing pee.

As soon as this idea came out, he and Duan Qide made a hit. So one person, one unicorn, went together and hid on top of a mountain peak in Houshan. After witnessing Xu Que flickering all the people, they started the action.

Wu Xuanyuan Wan Rong still stood outside the dojo, expressionless, like an outsider, onlookers, watching everything quietly.

No one bothered her, and she didn't show any strangeness again, even if she was so aggressive in her heart at this moment, she wished to cut Wang Sword and the elders who besieged her parents back into pieces.

But she knew that she couldn't do it at the moment, and Xu Que repeatedly emphasized that here is just to remember the world. Even if she avenged her here, she could only vent her anger, and she could not really avenge her.

So for the time being she is a bystander, the only thing she can do is to cover herself and not to be noticed by Wang Chi and others.

However, she did not know whether or not she had revealed her clues. Wang Chi and others had secretly followed her.

They can't ensure whether Xuanyuan Wanrong found the mighty king and got the orb of memory.

So before that, I had already made a plan. I would take Xuanyuan Wanrong's memory and extract it again. If Xu Que suddenly made up such a god's will and said that there was a catastrophe at the temple, I'm afraid he is already busy at this time. Prepare everything and go to Xuanyuan Wanrong.

"It's an eventful autumn!" Watching Xu Quexing arrogantly arranged the so-called divine array, Wang Chi could not help whispering to himself.

His eyes turned towards a black robe elder, his lips were not moving, but the voice passed.

"Lao Hei, you stare at Xuanyuan Wanrong more, I always feel a bad feeling. The disciples came to report, and the mighty king lost his track. I guess this woman may have got the memory pearl and let the mighty king go."

The elder Heipao heard the expression without any change in his expression, but his heart moved, and the voice said, "Yes."

Later, he was silent for a while, and then said, "Dean, this annihilator came back with Xuanyuan Wanrong. Will this calamity ..."

He expressed his suspicion, but it was not very likely for them.

After all, they can cause the test road stone to appear divine text, and they also smashed the test road stone with these miracles. They were witnessed by themselves and could not be fake.

So Xu Que is the Son of God, and they can basically believe it.

However, Wang Chi has always been a very suspicious person. He may not have thought about it before, but now the elder of the black robe mentions that it also involves Xuanyuan Wanrong. Wang Chi could not help but start to go into this area. miss you.

Suddenly, the suspicion skyrocketed.

The more I think about it, the more wrong.

The more I thought about it, the more uneasy I felt. The feeling that made him feel stuffy in his chest became stronger.

"Can it be done ... what's the real conspiracy? But how did they do it?" Wang Ruler suspected a lot of things, but it really couldn't explain Xu Que's divination of the test path stone, and it broke the test path stone.

"Lao Hei, you ask Elder Li to translate all the divine texts according to the previous translation text. Regardless of whether it is right or wrong, first translate." In the end, Wang Chi Chuan Yin asked the elder Heipao to do another one. thing.

Since the matter of the test stone cannot be explained, then let's take a look at whether any of the divine texts have been translated incorrectly. At least for now, this matter can be confirmed by one or two.

"Okay!" The elder in black robe nodded and turned to walk towards the other elders.

Soon, several elders in charge of the translation received the order, all mistakenly, but still full of interest, and took out those gods collected before.

Compare to the translation formula that they thought was wrong before ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and started the translation.

But unexpectedly, this translation formula that they thought was wrong was used to translate these divine texts, which turned out to be surprisingly smooth, and the divine texts obtained looked smooth.

Each elder has mastered the translation formula and is responsible for a part of the divinity and cross translation.

As soon as they both translated the part of the scriptures they were responsible for, they suddenly trembled and their faces changed drastically.

One of the elders was even flushed, and the mood fluctuated a few, as if there was an impulse to spit blood.


"What about these gods ...?"

Several elders raised their heads in horror at the same time, staring at each other with horrified faces.

They both took out the translations of the gods in their hands and saw each other's other gods translated from each other.

Good guy, it was abusive throughout.

"Humble ants, take away your dirty hands!"

"You do not deserve!"

草 "Grass, you spit in your hand, how dare you touch the stone?"

"Nima, do you still dig nose?"

"Oh, don't touch me, get out!"

"You have defiled me, I will kill you, endlessly."

"Your god-cursed ant, and the ants who are not recognized by Dao Yun, dare to be so disrespectful to this stone!"

"You're finished, you're finished, you, the ant who is cursed by the Vulcan God, in the future, the eyes of a **** will fall, and you will be dead."

Uh ...

Uh ...

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