Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1565: Exposed

Remember in a second 【】

"This ... what is this?"

Many elders were dumbfounded and looked at the jade jade in their hands. The lines of translation of the scriptures made their hearts twitch.

What is this feature?

Isn't it the wrong way to translate?

Why, why can it be used so smoothly?

Unobstructed translation of all the divine works.

But why are all the translations of this sentence scolding that bully?

Isn't he the Son of God?

Did n’t he get the will of God?

Was n’t he sent by the gods to teach me the Temple of Heaven?

Lying trough, right!

The elders reacted suddenly, their faces changed, and they exclaimed in shock: "No, I'm fooled, we're fooled!"

"Dog thief, stop it!"

"Return our fairy stone!"

An elder roared at Xu Que and offered a recipe!

Suddenly, everyone in the audience was attracted by the sudden shouts of several people, and all looked stunned.

Many eyes, stunned past.

Dean Wang Chi, who arranged them to translate the scriptures, was so singular and even speculative. At this moment, he heard a few elders exclaiming, and suddenly he groaned, and he didn't understand his guess.

Damn it, it ’s a hoax!

"Death!" Wang Chi's face sank, his murderousness swept up, and the majestic pressure immediately poured out, obviously to cooperate with several elders and win Xu Que.


Not far away, Xuanyuan Wanrong saw her eyebrows suddenly disappeared.

Originally according to Xu Que's plan, he deceived the fairy stone to transform the mountain guard array into a mass killing array.

Earlier, Xu Que watched Wang Chi and others rushing around, and also let them hand over the fairy stone. Xuanyuan Wanrong almost felt that Xu Que had succeeded.

But now, the situation has reversed instantly.

The elders who first responded had already sacrificed their tactics and rushed to Xu Que, who was still in formation.

Even if Xuanyuan Wanrong wanted to help, she was too late, but after hesitating a little, she chose to take the shot and sent a fairy tactic to two of the elders.

With her ability, hurry, can only help Xu Que stop the two.

However, Xu Que at this time did not respond at all, seemed to be unaware, and continued to lay his head in formation.

The two elders in the front of the Tiangong Court were blocked by Xuanyuan Wanrong's law, and suddenly stopped their body, and the operation law was resisted.

But the elders who caught up immediately killed him directly without hindrance.


A ray of rainbow sword gas, with the momentum of splitting the sky, headed towards Xu Que.

Another elder waved his sleeve robe, hitting a golden light, like an inverted bowl, trying to block Xu Que's retreat.

Suddenly, Xu Que seemed to be in a dead end, and he could not escape, but he could not beat it.

Xuanyuan Wanrong's complexion changed, and he was shocked to remind: "Don't you run yet?"

She chose to make a shot just to give Xu Que time, who had thought that this kid would continue to bury his head in battle, and had already missed the best time to escape.

What's more terrible is that now the elders have done their tricks. The guy doesn't even resist, and he still sits on the spot and plays with the fairy stone. What is it for?

It is not so obvious to give people a head!


The next moment, whether it was the Golden Light Dharma, or the sword-like spirit of the sky, all fell.

Everyone could see clearly, Xu Que did not escape, and was directly overwhelmed by the piece of law.

"No, that's not his real body!"

At almost the same time, Dean Wang Chi responded extremely quickly and shouted loudly.


He slapped forward with a palm, and suddenly Yuhui Yuyu, the diffuse fairy condensed in the air, quickly transformed into a roll of ancient paintings.

There are mountains and water in the painting. At first glance, it can be clearly seen as the scene of the Tiangongyuan, and there is also a black-colored figure, which can't see the facial features, is extremely blurred, and is still moving quickly in the painting, and finally falls in a place , He never moved again.

"He is in the Treasure Hall!"

Wang Chi coldly waved and shouted, "Xuanyuan Wanrong is suspected of colluding with foreign thieves and immediately takes them off, shuts him in Taishangya Cave, and waits for the arrest. The rest follow the seat and go to the Treasure Pavilion to catch the thief Domineering! "

At the order, Wang Chi didn't stop, and he swept directly into the sky and looted toward the treasure trove.

Xuanyuan Wanrong is certainly important, but he is very clear that with the strength of Xuanyuan Wanrong, it is impossible to escape from the hands of several elders in the law enforcement hall. It is easy to win her.

The most urgent task at this moment is to take down the guy who killed the bully.

I cheated to eat and drink and cheated to the head of the Tiangongyuan. The swindlers of this year are really bold and deceitful. They swindled away thousands of fairy spirits and small things, but if it was spread, wouldn't the Tiangongyuan be a laughing stock?

The key is that he, the dean, bears the brunt, what other faces will walk in Tianzhou in the future?

Therefore, it is necessary to take down the bully, cramp and peel the skin, and stab at everything.

However, before leaving, Wang Chi still kept his hand. He was 80% sure that Xuanyuan Wanrong should restore his memory, so he made a handprint and closed Xuanyuan Wanrong's voice, so that he could not tell the truth of the year, so as not to Aroused suspicion from other disciples in Tiangongyuan.

"These old guys, every year the medicinal pill for Xiu Wei was planted into Ling Gu, and they were able to raise their hands and shut my voice.

^ 0 ^ One second to remember 【】

Yin, I am afraid that it is easy to control my life and death. After Xuanyuan Wanrong realized that she could not speak, she immediately found the reason.

After Wang Chi's handprints, the spirit Gu hidden in her body for many years also recovered, blocked in dumb points, and even more deadly, these spirit Gu were born out of her own fairy, and could not use her own strength at all. Discharge them.

So Wang Chi can control her life and death is indeed a breeze.


"When did the boy change his real body into a body? Can it be done under the eyes of so many people that I can't even detect it?" Xuanyuan Wanrong simply stood there and was too lazy to resist weakly. She is indeed not an opponent of several elders in the law enforcement hall.

At the moment, I was thinking about Xu Que's plan.

That guy, what follow-up arrangements are there?


At the same time, Tiangongyuan Treasure House Pavilion.

Xu Quezheng sat on the ground with a smile on his face, and his astonished Er Gouzi's previous life and Duan Qide, his eyes widened.

"Lying trough, is your kid so scheming?"

"So which one is your real body? I didn't even see it till now ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Er Gouzi and Duan Qide asked at the same time.

"In the last second, my avatar was just broken up, and now Wang Chi they are rushing here, which one do you say is the real body?" Xu Que smiled and said.

"Nonsense, then you must be the real one!" Er Gouzi rolled his eyes, and then suddenly thought of something, suddenly shouted in a panic: "Lying trough, so you are exposed? They are on the way to come over? Then let's slip away! "

"No." Duan Qide glared and said in a deep voice: "Lao Tzu suspects you and is also a doppelganger!"


Xu Que suddenly smiled and shook his head: "You only saw the second floor, thinking of me as the first floor. In fact, I am the fifth floor!".



Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^ 0 ^

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