Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1566: Fazhitong

Remember in a second 【】

Tiangongyuan Dojo. A law enforcement elder, led dozens of elite disciples in the law enforcement hall, has surrounded Xuanyuan Wanrong. At this moment, most people still cannot believe that this rumored master sister would actually betray Tiangongyuan and join outsiders to lie to Tiangongyuan. They really couldn't figure out why Xuanyuan Wanrong did this. It also includes two law enforcement elders. Among the law enforcement elders left by Dean Wang Chi, only the elder Lin dressed in black was the participant who forced Xuanyuan to die, and the other two law enforcement elders knew nothing about that year. Had Xuanyuan Wanrong not been seen just now and prevented them from besieging Xu Que, they would not have felt that Xuanyuan Wanrong had betrayed the teacher so easily. "So talented, what a thief? Alas!" An unsuspecting elder in the executive court looked at Xuanyuan Wanrong and sighed. Xuanyuan Wanrong stood blankly, and even did not bother to explain. She knew very well, even if they told what happened then, how many of these people could believe her? Even if it's a letter, what about it? In the end, isn't it just to accompany her to death? What's more, Xu Que also said before, this is just a world of memory, everything happened long ago, no matter what you do here, you can't change the past. So it does n’t matter what you explain. "Haha, ridiculous, why are you a thief? You don't even know who is a thief. You are blind here. It's terribly stupid!" At this moment, a laugh came. "Who?" Several law enforcement elders all changed their faces. Many disciples were also surprised. Looking at the sound, I do n’t know when, at the gate of Tiangongyuan, the place that had previously exploded, there was one more person, with a beautiful face, and a kind of puffiness in the corner of his mouth. People can't help but want to beat him. "Destroy the tyrant!" The crowd immediately shouted his name. "It turns out that you are still here. What paragraph did you use, and why did you lead them to the treasure?" Elder Lin shouted coldly and waved at the same time, several elite disciples of the law enforcement hall around him also immediately Chao Xu surrounded the past. Xu Que not only did not run, but also took the initiative to move forward, smiled and said: "My heart, do you still need to say?" After he finished, he looked at Xuanyuan Wanrong, and asked with a concerned tone: "Rong Son, did n’t they hurt you? Do n’t be afraid, I ’m here! ”Rong ... Ronger? Everyone in the audience immediately widened their eyes, unbelievable. This guy actually called Xuanyuan Wanrong as Rong'er? Lying trough! All the disciples in Tiangongyuan were horrified. What is the relationship between this guy and our sister? Our master sister is famous for not eating human fireworks, notoriously cold and ruthless, but you call her Rong'er? What are you ... really amazing! "What else are you going to do?" Xuanyuan Wanrong ignored frowning Xu Que's title to her and asked with a frown. She really didn't know exactly what medicine Xu Que Hulu sold. Now the development of the situation has already deviated from Xu Que's previous plan to her. The key point is that after the plan was exposed, Xu Que obviously escaped, but now she ran back, making her difficult to understand. After all, with Xu Que's cultivation as his strength, when he came back, it was equivalent to self-investment. "Of course, it's here, don't you know? If the array is not open, the chrysanthemums will rub against each other!" Xu Que, as expected, walked to the dojo with fairness. "Kaizhen? Your formation has been set?" Xuanyuan Wanrong was startled. "Of course, I'm famous fast!" Xu Que smiled and said. Everyone was confused, this guy came back to fight, what kind of battle? Unexpectedly, in the conversation between Xu Que and Xuanyuan Wanrong, Xu Que really went to the dojo. "What did he do, he won't take him off yet?" Elder Lin yelled again. Only a few elite disciples came back to their minds. Without saying anything, they offered sacrifices to kill Xu Xu at the same time. "Hey, it's useless!" Xu Que smiled, his figure flickered, as if predicting the direction and direction of several people, he avoided it one step in advance, and appeared behind several people in a flash. "How is it possible?" Several elite disciples exclaimed. In terms of realm, they are not lower than Xu Que, they are all big Luo Jin fairyland, even in actual combat, they feel that they can override Xu Que. However, Xu Que stepped away from all their offensives in advance, as if he knew everything, which made several people feel unbelievable. "Haha, do you understand?" Foreseeing the future, can you take me? "Xu Que's smile smiled, but there was no pause at his feet, and he suddenly went to the heart of the dojo. "Form, open!" Boom! He lightly touched the ground with his toes, and suddenly a ripple spread, making a loud noise. Afterwards, there was a line of patterns on the ground, flashing a golden awn, and with the dojo as the heart, the frenzy spread to all directions. "No, this ... our mountain guard array was changed!" An elder suddenly changed his face and exclaimed. "Stop him!" Elder Lin shouted, and at the same time the figure flickered, glancing towards Xu Que. Xuanyuan Wanrong had also been preparing for it, and immediately appeared, trying to stop the law enforcement elders. However, Xu Que was one step faster than her. Still as if she had expected it, she didn't mean to avoid it. On the contrary, she raised a seal and her lips moved slightly. "Bu Yun Zhu Yu!" A sound like ethereal Dao sound from the outside of the sky came from Xu Gap. Following that, the sky changed dramatically. The sky that was supposed to be bright was covered with dark clouds in an instant, and it was pressed down darkly. The heavy rains, one after another, contain strong laws that fall from the sky. Suddenly, the place covered by the raindrops, whether it was a law enforcement elder or a disciple in the surrounding Tiangongyuan, was locked in place and could not move. "This ... no ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Impossible, how has the law of heaven and earth been changed?" Elder Lin said in horror. "Hahaha, this area is my rule now." Xu Que laughed loudly. Then, with a "pop", a spit of blood spewed out. "Nima, this magical wisdom ... Even if there is a system that provides the most functionalized fairy, it is still a bit unsustainable." Xu Que looked bitter, no longer delaying time, quickly hit a few strands of fairy, and put all the formation under his feet Eyes open in series. This Fazhitong is also one of the ten supernatural powers, and its full name is "All Faith Wisdom". For the sake of Fazhi Wisdom, Shanneng's speech does not hinder the Fa's gates, so he can practice Fa Fa's rain. It is a pity that with his current level of strength and the system to provide him with the most powerful functions, he can only exert the power that this magical power does not reach one tenth, and can only hold people. However, this is also very simple, after all, the law enforcement elder, but the existence of immortal king immortal level. Xuanyuan Wanrong was shocked by the scene, her mouth slightly opened

^ 0 ^ One second to remember 【】

, Eyes full of horror. She could not have imagined that a large Luojin fairyland in Xu Que district could be put into the footsteps and easily placed the law enforcement elders of Xianwangjing and Xianzunjing, including all the disciples of Tiangongyuan present. Of course, if it didn't happen that he vomited blood in less than a second, it would be perfect. "This guy ..." Xuanyuan Wanrong couldn't help but scrutinize Xu Que again. This guy is almost qualified to be my man! ! ………….

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^ 0 ^

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