Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1571: Madness

The system has gone wrong!

For the first time, the almost omnipotent and extremely powerful system in Xu Que's eyes has been out of order for the first time.

The system doesn't seem to be strong anymore?

No, it's not, but something created by the unity of all laws, beyond the control of the system.

When merging, everything went smoothly. In the end, the "unknown tactics" came out, an existence that the system could not define, but at least it went smoothly.

Even when it was transmitted to Xu Que, it went smoothly.

Until the transfer of the magic formula was completed and Xu Que was truly mastered, the system was in a mess.

But for all this, Xu Que did not give any response.

At this moment, Xu Que was hovering extremely quietly in the air, and a strange aura between heaven and earth swept from all directions, rushing to Xu Que's eyebrows frantically.

"what's the situation?"

"No, it feels very wrong."

"Kill him soon."

"Take this opportunity, kill!"

After a brief conversation between the four statues, they shot at the same time.

The four fists, accompanied by that invisible killer move, blasted towards Xu Que.

Xu Que did not evade, just floating in the air.

The killing power of the four stone sculptures blasted, but before they got close to Xu Que, they were a few meters away, swallowed by those strange auras.

Everything is calm, as if nothing happened.


"how is this possible?"

"Our Taoism has been swallowed?"

The four statues were shocked, and the stone bodies were shaking.

On the ground, the Kylin ancestor exclaimed: "Fuck!"

Duan Qide: "Fuck, fuck."

Xuanyuan Wanrong: "Look... what happened?"

She was frightened and didn't know exactly what happened, but she could feel that Xu Que's breath seemed to be disappearing. Instead, a strange breath was born from heaven and earth, slowly replacing Xu Que's breath.

The key is that the strange breath began to chill her back, and the premonition of anxiety grew stronger in her heart.

"What's wrong with this kid?" Qilin ancestor asked in horror.

"He just said that he is demonstrating the exercises. Isn't it the real deduction?" Duan Qide looked solemn and said solemnly: "It's a bit scary, I can't see through it."

"Don't say it's you, the deity also has a numb scalp and his Dao heart is unstable." The ancestor Qilin also nodded.

"Run, run quickly, if you don't want to die, run quickly!" At this moment, Wang Chi in the distance shouted, turned his head and ran.

In a rush, everyone saw his pale face, completely lost his blood, and his eyes were full of fear.

Wang Chi shouted at the four stone sculptures, and then ran away without looking back.

The four stone sculptures hesitated for a while, but they were also retreat, especially after seeing Wang Chi's panic and panic appearance, the retreat became stronger.

"It seems to affect our minds?"

"Impossible. I have waited for so many years to shake our minds, unless it is those gods."

"Yes, this may be some kind of advanced blindness, trying to shake us."

"Wang Chi, don't run."

Four stone sculptures shouted at Wang Chi.

However, Wang Chi didn't mean to stop at all. He was frightened, and he felt like he was being watched. He felt like he was about to die.


Suddenly, a flash of gold and red lightning, extremely subtle, passed by him.

When Wang Chi was sprinting and fleeing, his head was separated.

His head flew in the air, and his body continued to rush forward for several hundred meters, until the eyes on his head suddenly widened, and he was completely angry and fell from the air.


Until Wang Chi's body fell to the ground, making a dull sound.

All the people present suddenly recovered.

Wang Chi... is dead?

Everyone's eyes widened, their mouths widened, and their faces dull.

how is this possible?

Who did it?

The dean of the dignified Tiangongyuan, just died like this?

"Where is Xu Que?" Xuanyuan Wanrong suddenly asked.

From the moment Wang Chi died, she subconsciously turned her head to look at Xu Que. As a result, Xu Que, who was still in mid-air, disappeared at some point.

And his breath, it seems to be completely gone.


No, it seems to be replaced by that strange breath.


The four stone sculptures made the same choice at the same time.

When Wang Chi was killed, they couldn't find out who did it and how they did it. They just vaguely saw a red and a gold flash of lightning.

This is too weird, not to mention that Wang Chi is dead, they don't need to continue taking risks.


Suddenly a loud noise sounded from the void in front of the four statues.

The four stone sculptures were blasted off at the same time, and the body was sprinkled with wisps of stone chips, and one of the stone sculptures had cracks on the chest.

"Who is it?" The stone sculpture yelled out in surprise.

Unbelievable, he didn't even see who the opponent was, his body was actually cracked.

"Jie Jie Jie..."

Suddenly, a sharp and weird laugh came.

In the virtual space, a figure appeared.

He had long black and white hair dangled, his eyes were golden, but his pupils were scarlet as blood, full of madness, and his face was grinning, which made people fearful.

He walked slowly, two faint lightning flashes in his eyes, one red and one gold, and a long chain of lightning was drawn in the air for a long time.

"Xu Que!" Kylin ancestor shouted out.

"No, he... doesn't seem to be Xu Que anymore." Xuanyuan Wanrong's face became a little pale.

The person in front of him, although still Xu Que's face, seemed to have changed his breath, extremely strange and terrifying.

"Yes, there is something wrong with the method he deduced, which seems to have caused him to lose consciousness, but the strength has also become...strong enough to suffocate." Duan Qide took a deep breath, feeling horrified.

"So weird?" The ancestor Qilin was surprised, then looked at Xu Que and shouted: "Xu Que, wake up soon."

However, Xu Que still had a grinning smile, scarlet pupils, staring at the four statues, a monstrous murderous air suddenly swept out.

"Do not!"

The four statues immediately exclaimed and turned into phantoms at the same time, trying to escape into the void and evacuate.

Xu Que seemed to have anticipated this scene a long time ago. When the four statues had just made this plan, he had already rushed forward, a red and one gold lightning flashing a long lightning arc in the air, but his figure was completely blurred.

Everyone only felt dazzled, and then heard a dull sound.

The four stone sculptures were shot out of the void.

"Ah! Stop it!"

"Xu Que, if you are the chosen one, then this memory world should be your love, you shouldn't kill us."

"We are the guardian stone of Taiyi, mastering the shadow guards, we are the guardians of the chosen people, in the future, if you want to go to God's Domain, you must have us clear the way."

"It was a misunderstanding before. Wang Chi took control of the girl, and we only cooperated with him. If you first declare your identity as the chosen person, we will take orders from you."

"Yes, although this is the memory world, it doesn’t matter if you destroy everything, it doesn’t matter if you kill everyone, after all, it is false, but the four of us are Taiyi Guardian Stones, which are closely related to the Taiyi Heavenly Stone. If you kill us , We in the real world will also be affected."

"You kill us, you are weakening your future guard."

The four stone sculptures shouted frantically and kept explaining.

But nothing worked.

Xu Que was like a madman, and those scarlet pupils seemed to destroy everything, and the murderous spirit was overwhelming.

boom! boom! boom!

He raised his hands and shots, leaving only a vague shadow of his fist. Every dull sound implies hundreds of tremors, which means that in the muffled sound of a punch, there are actually hundreds of punches.

Immediately afterwards, a piece of weird black flame emerged out of thin air, burning on the four stone sculptures.

"Ah..." The stone carving suddenly roared and screamed.

But what greeted them was the light of swords and the shadows of swords.

No one can see how many moves Xu Que made, only that the four statues were beaten badly.

Xu Que's attack was one set after another, suffocatingly dense, and fast enough to numb the scalp.


In the end, in less than ten breaths of time, the four stone sculptures exploded in the air with a loud noise.

The four incredibly powerful stone sculptures were destroyed by Xu Que, and it only took ten breaths of time.

"This is completely a madman, a madman who destroys the world, I am afraid it will be a catastrophe if let go." The ancestor Qilin finally felt scared and couldn't help shaking.


At the same time, Sifang Tiandi began to tremble.

All emptiness began to become distorted.

"It really is a memory world, everything is fake." Duan Qide couldn't help sighing as he watched the changes around him.

"So..." The ancestor Qilin also nodded, but before he had time to sigh, his face suddenly changed, and he turned to run: "Damn, this is a memory world, and the deity is also fake, you **** What are you doing to chase down this god?"

"Damn, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, this kid has lost consciousness and killed people indiscriminately. Although this seat is also fake, I don't want to be killed like this!" Duan Qide also yelled in surprise, turned his head and ran.

But in less than a second, a tiny golden-red lightning flashed past Qilin ancestor and Duan Qide.

The next moment, Xuanyuan Wanrong stayed in place, her eyes gradually restored to clarity, but her complexion changed drastically.

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