Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1572: Battle of Tianzhou

Xuanyuan Wanrong was a little angry at the moment.

She had already recovered her memory at this time, but the memory world had not been completely shattered, and her realm of strength had not been restored.

But right now, she also knew that even if she regained her strength, she might not be Xu Que's opponent.

The old principal Wang Chi, as well as the four idols, were stronger than her peak period, and they were still easily killed by Xu Que.

This guy...what the **** did he cultivate, it turned out to be so terrifying, like a madman.

Xuanyuan Wanrong looked into Xu Que's eyes, feeling chills in her back.

"Xu Que, you are controlled by magical thoughts, don't enjoy killing, otherwise you will be completely lost and become a madman without perception." Xuanyuan Wanrong said, the clear voice, like a natural sound.

She tried to wake Xu Que.

However, Xu Que's eyes were still full of hostility, and the crazy bloodthirsty smile on his face made his scalp numb.


There was a loud noise from the sky again, and the memory world collapsed more and more severely. Between the fragments and cracks, there were scenes of the other world, constantly overlapping.

That is Tianzhou.


At this moment, Xu Que had already activated his figure and disappeared instantly.

A monstrous killing intent completely locked Xuanyuan Wanrong.

Xuanyuan Wanrong's face changed in shock, and she quickly retreated.

However, it was still a step too late, and in the blink of an eye, Xu Que's crazy cold smiling face was close at hand.

A fist that seemed to destroy everything was blasting towards her.

"Death in your hands..."

Xuanyuan Wanrong's eyes were slightly dull, and she slowly closed her eyes, as if she had accepted her fate.

With this punch, she couldn't avoid it.

In my heart, I only felt that if he died in Xu Que's hands like this, he seemed to be able to accept it.

Why is there a trace of dissatisfaction?

How can there be any existence in this world that makes me reluctant to give up?


Suddenly, a crack appeared in the void in front of Xuanyuan Wanrong.

Between her and Xu Que, it broke like a mirror, and the crack in the memory world happened here.

Xu Que's punch was empty, and he smashed out along the cracks in the memory world.

There was obviously a loud noise from the outside world, which was deafening.

"Fuck, what kind of punch is this? I snatched the head of the deity!"

Immediately afterwards, a familiar shout came.

Xuanyuan Wanrong was slightly surprised, as if it was a dog named Ergouzi.

No, that guy is the descendant of the Kylin ancestor tens of thousands of years ago, also called the mighty king.

No wonder I have always felt familiar and a little strange before.

"Fuck, it seems to be that brat Xu Que, this punch has the smell of that brat, but when has he become so strong?" Another voice came.

Xuanyuan Wanrong frowned slightly, "Duan Jiude, the grandson of Duan Qide?"


There was another loud noise, and the memory world was completely shattered.

Xuanyuan Wanrong's expression was slightly weird, and she survived Xu Que's hands because of the cracks in her memory world.


The scene before him also changed instantly.

The mountains of Tiangongyuan disappeared completely, replaced by a battlefield filled with gunpowder.

Countless monks were fighting in mid-air, and countless tactics covered the sky and covered the sky.

Er Gouzi was rushing towards several Da Luo Jin Wonderland, constantly pulling out people's lower body, kicking people's buttocks, and then running away after the sneak attack.

Duan Jiude's face was dignified, immortal wind and bones, offering a series of talisman.

Then he yelled "Sky Shaking Fist", raised his foot and kicked his opponent's forehead, opening his mouth and spraying a poisonous mist.

On the other side of the battlefield, there were countless familiar faces of Tianzhou.

Yaochi, Shennong clan, Shadow Buddha Sect, Fangcun Xianzong, etc., the fourteen immortal domains of Tianzhou, all joined forces in the war.

Their opponents, identical to those of Ergouzi Duan Jiude, are all wearing the same clothes.

"Xuanyuan Wanrong? You came out, where is Xu Que?"

Not far away, a woman who was fighting the enemy asked, it was Fairy Zixia.

"What, Xuanyuan Shangxian is back?" Er Gouzi didn't know when he had already arrived nearby, and immediately rushed over, shouting, "Gong Xuanyuan Shangxian, please save this god!"

"Respectfully welcome Xuanyuan Shangxian." Duan Jiude also came over, full of anger: "Xianyuanzhou invaded Tianzhou, frantic and inhumane."

"Where's that kid Xu Que? Come and help." Er Gouzi looked around.

Xuanyuan Wanrong was relieved now, she raised her eyebrows, right, where is Crazy Xu?


Almost at the same time, the void not far away caused a loud noise.

A figure rushed out from it, long black and white hair dancing wildly in the wind, full of monstrous hostility, killing intent permeated the audience.

At this moment, the crowd originally in the chaotic battle couldn't help stopping their hands and staring at them.

The fourteen immortal domains of Tianzhou, Yaochi, Shennong clan and other forces, all those who knew Xu Que were dumbfounded.

"Fuck!" Er Gouzi was startled.

"Fuck, fuck!" Duan Jiude was also dumbfounded.

How did Xu Que become such a virtue?

People are a little scared, and dogs are also a little scared!

"what happened?"

Fairy Zixia frowned, and immediately glanced at Xuanyuan Wanrong, which was quite questioning.

"He didn't know what exercises he had practiced in the memory world. He suddenly became enchanted, his strength skyrocketed, and he killed a lot of people, even me!" Xuanyuan Wanrong said blankly and indifferently.

It's normal for him to kill you!

Fairy Zixia looked away coldly and looked at Xu Que, unexpectedly feeling palpitations and anxiety.

"Xianyuanzhou, invade Tianzhou?" At this time, Xuanyuan Wanrong also looked at Ergouzi and Duan Jiude and asked.

"Yeah, the people in Tiangongyuan didn't know what stupid things they did. It seemed that they opened a certain channel, and then Xian Yuanzhou attacked in a big way. They didn't greet them, and killed them when they saw them." Er Gouzi responded.

"Didn't you hide before?" Xuanyuan Wanrong said, and she scanned the battlefield, and found that a few figures were missing.

Jiang Hongyan, Liu Jingning, Xu Feifei, and Mo Junchen were not there.

"Can't hide, this group of guys fought and destroyed the cave." Duan Jiude sighed with a bitter old face, shaking his head.

"Then what should I do now? That kid Xu Que is unreliable and he is crazy. Please ask Xuanyuan Shangxian to lead this **** and leave this troubled world." Er Gouzi started again, extremely shameless.

Xuanyuan Wanrong was too lazy to pay attention to it, and looked at Xu Que again.

At this time, the scene was a little stalemate, and Xu Que's appearance seemed to have caused a slight change.

Like a madman, he still had that cold smile on his face, staying motionless in the air, scanning everyone.

The people in Xianyuanzhou were a little jealous and didn't rush to make a move.

The people in Tianzhou were stunned, staring at each other, and they didn't understand the situation.

"All the cultivators of Tianzhou, give way, leave the battlefield and stay away from Xu Que." Xuanyuan Wanrong snorted and issued an order.

Everyone in the Fourteen Immortal Territory did not leave, and turned their eyes to the big brothers of their respective forces.

"Withdraw!" The Yaochi side responded the fastest, Bai Cailing gave an order and led all the Yaochi disciples to rush towards Xuanyuan Wanrong.

The people of the Shadow Buddha Sect also hesitated, and followed closely.

Afterwards, other immortal realms also set off, some of them evacuated away directly, and some of them came to join Xuanyuan Wanrong.

But when they moved, Xu Que moved too.

People from the Shennong clan walked relatively slowly and just flew away.

In the next second, Xu Que pierced through the void and appeared in front of them extremely abruptly.

That crazy smiling face was deeply imprinted in the eyes of everyone in the Shennong clan.

"Xu...Xu Que, what are you doing?" someone couldn't help but tremble and asked.


Xu Que blasted out with a punch.

Hundreds of monks of the Shennong clan, no matter what their realm, were wiped out on the spot.

The audience was deadly silent for an instant, and everyone was dumbfounded on the spot, with horror on their faces.

"This... how is it possible?" Duan Jiude became even more confused.

"Oh, awkward!" Er Gouzi opened his mouth wide, and his tongue almost fell to the ground.

The millions of invading monks in Xianyuanzhou all looked down and frowned.

"Who is this person?"

"Strange, how can there be such a powerful person in Tianzhou?"

"That's not right, he's only a big Luojin Wonderland, how can it be so?"

"Quickly, all above the fairy king realm, join forces to kill him first, this person can't stay."

Xianyuanzhou gave a quick response.

Thousands of Immortal Kings came from all directions and surrounded Xu Que.

Nearly a hundred immortal masters, majestic and majestic, descended from the sky, staring at Xu Que with expressionless expressions.


Suddenly, a creepy and strange laughter came from Xu Que's mouth.

His body trembled with laughter, the crazy bloodthirsty and monstrous hostility on his face became stronger and stronger.

With so many lives in front of him, it was as if he had smelled the smell of blood in advance, which made him more excited and crazy.

In the eyes, an arc of lightning, one gold and one red, soared instantly.


Immediately, Xu Que disappeared.

"not good."

The hundred immortal realm powerhouses, thousands of immortal king realm powerhouses, seemed to realize something, and they were moved.

However, before they could make any response, two golden-red lightning arcs, still faintly carrying a trace of black shadow, quickly shuttled through their crowd.

boom! boom! boom!

After a breath.

There was a muffled sound in the air, and the flesh of countless strong immortal kings and strong immortal kings continued to explode, bursting into a cloud of blood mist.

Throughout the sky, UU reading www.uukanshu.com seemed to burst into bright red fireworks.

Then, a **** rain came down.

Hundreds of Immortal Realm and thousands of Immortal Kings in Xianyuanzhou are all dead!

The whole army is destroyed, one is not left!



[Ps: New writing is a bit tired, and I can change my mind when writing chapters and old books. I will still take time to update the old books when I have time. Old friends who are book-ridden can go to the starting point and read my new book "The Last Innocence in Cultivation World". 】

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