Ultimate Scheming System

: Some thoughts on old and new books

Hello everyone, I am Commoner.

I vaguely remember that when "The Strongest Anti-routine System" was released five years ago, I was full of tension and anticipation.

Fortunately, that year, the story of "Xu Que, Er Gouzi, Duan Jiude" was able to be liked by every one of your dear Zeng Tian Gang.

That year, the name of the Zhantian Gang reverberated almost throughout the internet literary circle.

From the beginning to the end, I am grateful to every reader, and I have been trying hard to think of what kind of plot to use to bring everyone happiness and give back to everyone.

From the beginning, I was also very happy when writing the story of the "deceptive dog" combination.

But then, I started to bottleneck.

Humorous and interesting routines, use them, and use them up.

I tried my best not to repeat myself, and tried to think of more interesting things. As time went on, the pressure began to increase sharply.

Five years ago I was 23 years old, but in three years, when I was 26 years old, a lot of white hair grew on the back of my head.

I thought what was wrong with me, so I checked it out and over-exerted my brain. By the way, I was slightly depressed.

I survived, and then a single chapter was posted at the time, announcing that I was back vigorously.

As a result, two days later, I ushered in a huge blow in my life. I won't repeat the things that have passed.

Since then, my state has been in a slump again, basically updated every two or three days.

After I finally adjusted my posture and got out of the trough, only a few days after I resumed the update, there was a wave of blows from the internet literary circle.

The entire book was directly sealed and asked for rectification.

The word "vulgar" is omnipotent, and hundreds of chapters are all because of "vulgar" and require rectification.

I changed it to collapse, which is like changing many of the interesting stalks of the full text.

The characters became boring, the plot became weird, and if I changed it, I couldn't change it.

Later, I finally changed more than half of the book, and the book was released again, and I continued to update it, but my grades at that time had dropped severely, and I was struggling with the messy content I changed before, and I was in very bad condition.

Today, many people are still asking me when to update on my Douyin, Weibo, and official accounts.

I dare not reply. Sometimes I try to update silently, but only a few hundred people have subscribed.

Maybe everyone is gone, but I think it's normal. There are so many good-looking books. Why do you keep chasing after me?

In the past two years, I have also repeatedly hesitated whether to open a new book.

But I still can't let go of Xu Que's stories, so no matter for myself, I am still responsible for the hundreds of classmates who still stay and continue to read, I will still finish writing "The Strongest Anti-routine System".

Within 2021, this will definitely be completed.

Of course, please rest assured that it will not be unfinished. If you want to finish the book, I will have it over.

Then I talked about the book "The Last Simplicity in Cultivation World".

I actually prepared a lot to write this book. The beginning of the book was suggested by my editor-in-chief, and I changed it many times. Later, he suggested that I should not start with this book. The pace is too slow, haha, but I still Stick to it.

Facts have also proved that he is right. Many readers have reported that the opening plot is not attractive. This is indeed my problem.

But I am more or less mentally prepared, and I can predict it will be like this.

But it doesn't matter.

When I wrote "The Strongest Anti-routine System", I always wrote it as "Bringing You Happiness". As long as there are one or two plots that can make you laugh happily, my efforts will not be in vain.

But now with this new book "The Last Simplicity in the Realm of Cultivation", I want to express some of my inner story ideas.

I chose to use a sulky book title and wrote a sulky plot, all to package what I want to express, so that everyone can read it.

It may be that there are more adulterated private goods, and the rhythm of the plot has also been slowed down. Everyone said that the beginning was dull, but it actually corresponds to my current heart, and it is really dull.

I wrote this testimonial on the shelves, just to give everyone who still pays attention to me, to briefly express a journey from the old book to the new book now.

Since I opened a new book, I only ask for referral tickets and monthly tickets, which are free.

I haven't asked for a reward, because I feel that this book is written to make my own mind more familiar, and there is no reason for you to pay for this book.

After 12 o'clock noon today, new books will be on the shelves.

I can probably foresee how terrible the results will be. Here, I can say categorically that there will be no more than three thousand orders, or even two thousand.

But I heard that in the chapter of the starting point app, there is a red envelope in the lower right corner. You can get 15 coins by watching an advertisement. It seems that you can get hundreds of coins a day.

So here is a question for you...

May I?

Can I buy some starting coins to subscribe to a wave?

Don't be so embarrassed after letting my grades come out, haha.

Finally, let me tell you once again that the old book "The Strongest Anti-routine System" will be gradually restored and updated after the New Year, and it will definitely be finished before 2022.

If you can read the new book, please take care of it and subscribe to the starting point.

(Ps: After thinking about it, UU reading www.uukanshu.com should list a goal sprint. In the starting platform, if we can make this new book more than 5,000, or come to the top three of the new book monthly ticket list, old book I tried my best to recover daily.

If you break an eight thousand first order, you can do it with two chapters a day.

If it breaks through ten thousand (I'm living in a dream), there is no way, two chapters a day will be the limit.

Of course, if you are more interested in the new book, you can add updates to the new book.

Okay, Niu will stop here. Although I don't think it can reach five thousand, I still wrote it. After all, no matter whether it can be achieved or not, I will finish writing the anti-routine within this year.

Finally, salute everyone! )

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