Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1573: explosion


   The whole audience was silent, silent!

   Everyone froze in place, their faces looked lost and dumbfounded.

   So many powerhouses...Hundreds of immortals, thousands of immortal kings, just died like this?

  What the **** is this?


   Everyone was shocked and unbelievable.

   In the blink of an eye, all the powerhouses of Xianyuanzhou had died in Xu Que's hands.

   All that is left are some Da Luojin Wonderland and the monks under this realm.

   But even their fairy king Xianzun is like paper in front of Xu Que, how can they have the courage to rush forward to die?

   Originally, this was a great opportunity for the people of Tianzhou, and they could take the opportunity to destroy all the invaders.


   There is also Xu Que among their two forces!

   Xu Que, who is crazy enough to distinguish the enemy and me!

   There is no way to join forces at all. The Shennong clan, which was just destroyed by the regiment, is a good example.

   "Xu Que!"

   Zixia Fairy Master Qing Xuan shouted loudly, trying to wake Xu Que.

   However, Xu Que was like a lunatic, murderous, and his eyes instantly fixed on Shi Qingxuan.


   The next moment, Xu Que's figure disappeared directly.

   Shi Qingxuan's face changed, and she clearly felt Xu Que's murderous aura enveloped her body, and she had nowhere to hide.

   "You...you bastard, wait until you are sober, and then settle with you."

   Shi Qingxuan angrily said, her figure flashed, a piece of jade pendant was sacrificed in her hand, and her figure jumped directly into it.

   Then, the whole piece of jade pendant radiated brilliance and escaped into the void.


   Almost at the same time, Xu Que's figure appeared from where Shi Qingxuan had disappeared.

   His bloodthirsty eyes were filled with bitter coldness, and his eyes began to stare at the next target.


   At the same time, Er Gouzi had already retreated hundreds of miles away, and his eyes were shocked.

   Duan Jiude also touched aside.

   Their faces are solemn and they are all thinking about the same thing.

   "Teacher Ergou stayed, and that kid Xu Que was not right. If he was allowed to go crazy like this, he might ruin Tianzhou, and everyone would have to die by then!"

   "Teacher Duan's words are quite reasonable, so what should we do?"

   "Old man, I think we should go back and influence Xu Que with love and sincerity, and wake him up. We are also helping him."

   "Teacher Duan is right. Thinking back carefully, Xu Que has treated his deity not badly over the years. We shouldn't have left!"

   "Teacher Ergou really is righteous!"

   Duan Jiu De praised it greatly, but the speed of fleeing remained unchanged.

   Ergouzi even frantically played array patterns, and a series of simple short-range teleportation arrays were continuously arranged, the speed far surpassed Duan Jiude.

   "Grass!" At this time, one person and one dog met their eyes and cursed at the same time.

   "Duan Jiude, you run so shamelessly, don't you mean to use love and sincerity to influence Xu Que?"

   "Why do you run faster than the old man, I have the face to say such things?"

"Ha ha!"

"Er Gouzi, don't laugh, old man, I don't want to run, but I want to come and ask Xuanyuan Shangxian to take action." Duan Jiude saw Xuanyuan Wanrong's figure appearing in front of him, blocking the way, and immediately stared at him. Confidently.


   Ergouzi howled on the spot, was blasted out of the teleportation formation, and fell in front of Xuanyuan Wanrong.

   But Ergouzi was very calm, and immediately got up from the ground, and shouted in full breath: "See Xuanyuan Shangxian, this **** has already set up a large formation around to prevent Xu Que from escaping."

   Xuanyuan Wanrong frowned slightly.

   Thinking back to the Kylin ancestor and Duan Qide in the memory world, they really matched the person in front of them.

   In Xu Que's words to describe...

  Duan Jiude is very dogged!

   And Ergouzi is a real dog!

   Expect them to save Xu Que? I'm afraid Xu Que's tomb head grass will be 100 meters high in the coming year.

   "Teacher Ergou, Xu Que is now comparable to an immortal emperor! It must not be easy to trap him by the formation, I will help you!" Duan Jiude's eyes turned, and he wanted to slip.

  Unexpectedly, before leaving, he was pressed back by Ergouzi with a paw.

"No, the power of the mere immortal emperor is not worth mentioning to this deity! You quickly follow Xuanyuan Shangxian to suppress that kid, and the power of this deity alone is sufficient for the formation of the formation." Er Gouzi Sha There is a reason.

   "If you can't help but leave."

   Xuanyuan Wanrong also didn't bother to pay attention to the shamelessness of this person and dog, and said lightly.

   Originally, she expected Duan Jiude and Ergouzi to have some way, but now that these two goods racked their brains to escape, it shouldn't be embarrassing for them.

   After all, Xu Que in such a state cannot even face her head-on.

   is too powerful and too scary!

   "The deity emphasizes that the deity is not to run away, but to seek a countermeasure."

   Ergouzi threw a word, and the smoke turned into a black shadow, which instantly swept hundreds of miles away.

   "Well, old man, why don't I think so? You all misunderstand me, old man."

   Duan Jiude sighed deeply, his figure gradually faded from the spot.

   This is just a fake clone!

   "Grass!" Seeing this scene from a distance, Er Gouzi shouted again.


   At this time, changes have also taken place on the battlefield.

   The only remaining Golden Fairyland and Daluo Jinxian in Yuanzhou, they are already scared, they are madly withdrawing from the battlefield, and they are constantly drilling into a gap in the sky above the sky.

   That gap connected to the other world, it was Xian Yuanzhou, but it looked a little vague and not real.

   After numerous invaders from Xianyuanzhou entered it, they disappeared instantly.

   "Who opened the void wall of the two worlds?"

   Xuanyuan Wanrong looked at the sky, frowning and whispering.


   At this moment, there was a sudden change from Xu Que.

   A monstrous breath swept out of Xu Que's body, becoming more restless.

   Xuanyuan Wanrong's face suddenly changed.

   The breath on Xu Que's body is terrifying. If it can't be suppressed, the consequences may be unimaginable. Once it breaks out, this force can at least destroy the heavens and the earth!

   Even with her realm strength, there is no guarantee that she will be able to escape the affected area in a short time.


   Suddenly, Xu Que roared!

"what's the situation?"

   At this time, Ergouzi and Duan Jiude have already merged and fled thousands of miles away, but still can feel the trembling breath coming from that direction.

   Those monks from various forces in the Heaven Continent, frowned at this moment, a little uneasy, but did not retreat.

   The strength shown by Xu Que is too terrifying, UU reading www.uukánshu. com, but it also means that he may have supernatural skills...

   They are all waiting!

   Wait for a chance!

   If Xu Que has some shortcomings this time, maybe he can still get the kind of method that Xu Que has just used...

   Then the strength of the sect will be several times stronger in an instant!

   They never thought they could perform this method normally!

   What about crazy?

   Only Zongmen can get this method, and that is an ultimate hole card!

  Anyone will be afraid of the sect who possesses this method and dare not offend it easily!

   At this time, Xu Que's breath became more and more disturbed!

   Xuanyuan Wanrong has been pushed hundreds of miles away, her eyes still staying on Xu Que...


   There was a sound of electricity in Xu Que's mind, and the familiar system prompts gradually became clear!


   "Hello host, the system is restarting, please be patient!"

   "Progress 1%...5%...10%..."



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