Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1574: died

   At this moment, Xu Que is suspended in the air like a cold statue.

   He is no longer insane and horrible, he is still, but no one dared to get close.

  咚! Boom! Boom!

   The turbulent aura in his body has reached a critical point, and the membrane shook from time to time.

   The physical body is as powerful as his Eucharist physique, and it can't stop this breath. Many parts of his body are bulged up, and they quickly shifted their positions.

   Until a moment later, the breath began to sink, almost gathering on his legs, and the legs swelled sharply, as if they were filled with too much gas and deformed.

   "Gu Gu!"

   A strange voice echoed in his body, gradually oscillating and spreading throughout the audience.

   Everyone present had their eyelids twitched, and their faces were surprised!

  This...this is...

   "No, run, Xu Que is going to explode!"

   I don't know who suddenly shouted.

   followed, millions of cultivators reacted and fled like crazy!

   They all felt the terrifying aura transmitted from Xu Que's body. Once it exploded, the affected area would be charred.


far away.

   Ergouzi and Duan Jiude also looked back.

   "No? That kid's breath... is going to explode?"

   One person and one dog suddenly felt bad, and his complexion stared at each other.

   "How do you say? Can you save it?"

   "Save your mother, run! Burn more ingot candles for that kid in the coming year."

   "Hold the grass, you are a real dog! Xu Que did not treat you badly back then..." Duan Jiude shouted bitterly.

   Ergouzi looked at Duan Jiude, who had been far away, and cursed: "You can run faster than the god, what about your face?"


   "Progress 60%...65%..."

   At this moment, Xu Que's left leg has swelled to the size of Ergouzi's body!

   If he hadn't practiced the Hades Town Prison Body, in this state, I am afraid that he would have already become a nourishment for the world.

   The more agitated the aura in his body, the more nervous everyone's mood!

   Within half a minute, they had retreated hundreds of miles, but they could still feel the breath of Xu Que!

   That turbulent aura is like a slashing immortal blade hanging behind everyone's head, and it may fall in the next second.

   "99% progress!"


   A loud noise spread across the Tianzhou area...

   One of Xu Que’s legs has exploded!

   Just a turbulent aura on one leg, it completely destroyed the area of ​​thousands of miles!

   The monk who hadn't escaped far was also in the aftermath of this human bomb, and instantly turned into a blood mist and died on the spot.

   "Ding, congratulations to the host'Xu Que' for the success of the invisible pretender. The reward is worth 6666 points."

   "Ding, congratulations to the host'Xu Que' for the success of the invisible pretender. The reward is 9999 points."

   "Ding, congratulations to the host'Xu Que' for the invisible pretender success. The reward pretends to be worth 24,800 points."


   System prompts kept ringing in Xu Que's mind.

   But Xu Que still didn't have any consciousness at this time.

   "Ding! The system's sleeping state host'Xu Que' successfully installed the force, and the reissue is worth 1.2 million points!"

   The one and two hundred thousand, Xu Que obtained by destroying the group of immortal kings with one move!

   If Xu Que was still conscious, he would definitely curse the system profiteer and deduct his pretense value!

   One move kills hundreds of Immortal Venerables, that’s it?

   How about playing?

   "Ding, the host's current state is critical and the protection mechanism has been activated."

   "Ding, the system began to collect the ‘all laws in one’... an unknown error occurred!"

   "Ding, the system turns on the compulsory sealing function to block the ‘all laws in one’."


   Soon, the automatic recovery function of the system began to take effect.

   Xu Que's broken leg gradually grew new meat, which was constantly intertwined, and it was restored to its original shape in less than a moment.

   At the same time, as the "One Thousand Fas" was slowly sealed by the system, the restless aura in Xu Que's body also began to weaken.


   Two figures swept across the air, very hurriedly, and landed on the battlefield that had become completely disorganized.

   "Oh, teacher Ergou, why are you back again?"

   One person and one dog returned again, without really leaving.

   "The deity figured it out and decided to live and die with Xu Que. Unfortunately, I came a step too late. After all, the deity did not do what he wanted."

   "There is so much shit, that kid seems to be getting better, at least he's not dead."

   Duan Jiude felt the faint breath in the center of the battlefield, it was Xu Que.

   "The breath seems to be returning to normal too!" Er Gouzi moved his nose and said in surprise.

   Xu Que's breath is no longer so unfamiliar, and he begins to change back to the person he used to be familiar with.

   But this breath is very weak, if it weren't for them to get close, I'm afraid it would be difficult to detect.

   "I feel it, he is back again!" Duan Jiude nodded.

   "But the state doesn't seem to be right, his injury and breath are recovering, why is he still lying there still?"

   "Are you pretending to be dead again?" One person and one dog looked at each other again.

   Then, the smiles on Duan Jiude and Ergouzi's faces gradually changed.

   Ergouzi: "Understood!"

   Duan Jiude: "Understand in seconds!"

   Pretend to be a pitfall to deceive the monks who are guilty of ghosts, old tricks.

   "Ah... Brother Que, you died so miserably!"

   Ergouzi screamed instantly, heartbreaking, full of sadness.

   "Ah, old man, my heart hurts so much!" Duan Jiude also looked up at the sky at a forty-five degree angle, with crystal tears falling from the corner of his eyes.

The monks near    had already gathered slowly, and they were all startled by the cry of Ergouzi and Duan Jiude.

   Immediately, everyone was shocked.

   "Xu Que is dead?"

   This idea just came out of everyone's hearts, and they immediately rejected it.

   die a fart!

   This scene clearly reveals a familiar taste, still the original recipe, the original taste.

   This one wants to pretend to pit us again!


   "Brother Que, Brother Que, wake up soon, you can't die!"

   At this time, Er Gouzi had already sat down on Xu Que's body. The titanium alloy dog's eyes began to burst into tears, and he shook Xu Que's body frantically.

   Duan Jiude took the opportunity to also lean over Xu Que's ear, and whispered: "Xu Que, I work so hard with Er Gouzi, and I will get equal shares later."


   Ergouzi stopped crying, and immediately leaned forward, and whispered: "The deity is so hard, at least 80%, and the remaining 20% ​​you and Xu Que are evenly divided."

   "Put your ancestor's eighteenth generation seven-color pineapple fart, just your acting skills? Also worthy?"

   "Fuck, fuck, is the deity unable to lift the knife or are you floating? Duan Jiude, come here, the deity will practice with you!"

   One person and one dog began to curse in a low voice.


   Not far away, many monks at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com still dare not approach, for fear of being trapped.

   Many people have frowned and noticed something is wrong.

   That dog dare to sit on Xu Que's body?

   is not like acting.

   Is it possible that Xu Que is really dead?

   Everyone began to be suspicious, but even with this kind of thought, no one dared to come closer to investigate!

   was really frightened by the "bad dog".

  The major forces have been dominating the Tianzhou for many years. Where do they go?

   But since the "Dead Dog" came to Tianzhou, no good things have happened, and all the forces have suffered countless great losses on them.

   The deepest path I have ever walked in my life is the routine of "deprived dog", it's too devoid of virtue!

  Especially the many female disciples of Yaochi Holy Land, their faces are strange at this time.

   The fact that Xu Que, incarnate as "Xu Que's father", tricked them into getting sleepy and healed in Yaochi, they are still vividly remembered.

   Dog man, shameless!

   But fortunately, he is handsome. We don’t know if he makes any money, but we, Yaochi, certainly don’t lose money.



   Genius only remembers the address of this site in one second:. Mobile version reading URL:

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