Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1575: A wicked dog can't believe it

   "Teacher Ergou, there seems to be something wrong!"

   At this time, Duan Jiude and Er Gouzi had stopped, their faces were weird.

   After such a long quarrel, why didn't this kid Xu Que be quiet?

  According to the past, even if it's acting, it's time to come out and scold them at this moment!

   "No way, this kid is really bad, right?"

   "It shouldn't be!" Duan Jiude touched his mustache, his face suddenly showed joy: "But if you think about it carefully, no matter if this kid is good or not, we seem to be able to continue to earn..."


   Ergouzi reacted, his eyes lit up.

   唰, it immediately jumped up from Xu Que and looked at the monks in Tianzhou not far away.

   Ergouzi stood on the ground with both feet in a human posture, with two front paws inserted between his waist, with an aura like a rainbow, and shouted:

"Everyone, in this crisis of the Heavenly Continent, all rely on me to explode the Heavens. If it weren't for the deity's release of Xu Que at the moment of crisis, Tianzhou would have been over. Now my brother is tired and starts to sleep. Pay the protection fee."

   "That's right, you know what you usually do with Brother Que. If you don't pay the protection fee, you will be dead. Brother Que will be killed when he wakes up." Duan Jiude added a voice to help, and his tone was full of threats.

   When everyone heard this, they immediately broke into a cold sweat.

   Good fellow, I was almost fooled.

   This "defect dog" was acting in a precipice just now. Seeing that we were not fooled, he started to charge protection fees instead.

   "The old man concluded that Xu Que is sober at this moment, lying there and pretending to be dead!" An old man stubbornly cut the railway.

   "Inevitably, if Xu Que couldn't do it, this dog would have run away with Duan Jiude."

   When Xu Que was about to explode just now, they witnessed Goude slip faster than anyone else.

   Although the lack of virtue is the norm in this combination, when it comes to the word dog, these two are better than one.

   They dare to come back, and still clamor like this, they must have their trust.

   "This **** deity will give you one last chance! One hundred million superb spirit crystals per person! Otherwise, don't blame me for closing the door and letting go!"

   "Er Gouzi, do you know what people say?" Duan Jiude pointed at Xu Que and said, "Let Xu Que go!"

   "Brother Que is now withered, no way!"

   "How dare you talk about missing brother like this? Ergouzi, you are dead!"

   "Grass, Duan Jiude, you're looking for death, eat the sputum of the nine-turned flames of this god!"

   One person and one dog started infighting again inexplicably, almost starting to fight!

   Seeing this scene, everyone is more sure to guess in their hearts!

   Really hammered, Xu Que is definitely pretending to be dead!

   It's just that we are too far away, they can't catch it all at once, that's why they thought of this way.

   But we are not a bad pen, this kind of clumsy trick deceived us once or twice. It's okay to deceive us a third time, but there is no door!

   Three things, understand the applause!

   "Everyone, my sect still has an urgent matter, let's say goodbye!" One person started, and without hesitation, led his disciple and turned away.

   The other cultivators also knew that the attempt to seize Xu Que's Secret Art was mostly useless, so they simply dismissed the idea so as not to be fooled.

   "Our sect also has an urgent matter, so let's go ahead."

   "Xuanyuan Shangxian! The sect leader teaches the order, I will leave first when I wait." When someone left, I did not forget to say hello to Xuanyuan Wanrong.

   Xuanyuan Wanrong has been standing not far away, watching all this with cold eyes, without the intention to intervene, nor the intention to stop them.

   Besides, Xu Que is the real death or fake death, she knows best.

   From the moment Xu Que's name was carved into the Taiyi Heavenly Stone by her, the two were already living and dying together.

   If Xu Que is dead, Xuanyuan Wanrong can't stand still here.

   "Presumptuous, who let you go, defaulting on the protection of the bombing day gang, this is a serious crime, when Brother Que wakes up, I will find you one by one to liquidate!" Er Gouzi still yelled.

   Those who belong to the sect are now more determined in their hearts!

   This wicked dog is really ready to pit them!

   Moreover, in today's battle, even though Xu Que did not distinguish between enemy and us, he finally helped Tianzhou drive out the invaders from Xianyuanzhou.

   In a sense, it also bears his favor.

   Even if Xu Que is really unconscious, with Xuanyuan Wanrong and Gou De, can they really succeed?

   In addition, Xu Que's crazy side just now...

   His performance is too terrifying!

   Everyone can't take the risk, just hurry around.

   As for Goude’s mouth threatening to come?

   Then wait until he finds the door!

   No matter how tough Xu Que is, he dare not turn his face with the whole Tianzhou.

   Seeing that those people were leaving one after another, Duan Jiude couldn't help cursing: "Er Gouzi, what are your acting skills!"

   "This **** is said to be your mother, it's not that your acting skills are too bad, otherwise this wave will definitely be full!"

  As soon as he approached Xu Que, one person and one dog had already noticed that he was really weak.

   But this still does not affect their plan.

   As long as I can fool my baby, Xu Que's life and death?

   Isn’t it a matter of burning more ingot candles?

   But they didn't expect that the group of trash was so courageous that they would run away.

   "You take care of him."

   At this time, Xuanyuan Wanrong looked at Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude, and said coldly.

   Immediately, his figure jumped, and instantly turned into a white light and swept towards the sky, and went straight away, disappearing without a shadow.


   "I'm going, all gone!" Er Gouzi stared at the beads.

   I haven't caught anything in this wave!

   "Forget it, it's not unprofitable, at least this kid is still there." Duan Jiude pointed at Xu Que, who was lying on the ground unconscious, with a smile on his face.

   The other people didn't catch the benefits, and if they fished from Xu Que, they wouldn't be empty-handed, right.

   "Take him away first. I don't usually know where this kid hides all the treasures. I don't even wear a storage ring. It can always be changed out of thin air. This deity will give him a good search this time."

   Ergouzi said with eager eyes.


   Several hours later, Duan Jiude and Er Gouzi carried Xu Que back to their previous hiding place.

   Looking at Xu Que who was unconscious, Er Gouzi couldn't help licking his tongue.

   Along the way, they have completed a body search of Xu Que.

   Good guy, I haven’t found any treasures, but the big one is really big!

   At this moment, Er Gouzi stared at Xu Que's body again.

   is so cheap, falling in the eyes of Duan Jiude, it is instantly clear that this silly dog ​​must have thoughts.

   Before he could ask, he saw Er Gouzi biting on Xu Que's arm!


   The heart of these two dogs is so cruel!

   Whether it is to myself or Xu Que, Nima is too cruel!

   Duan Jiude picked up the half of Xu Que's broken tooth and laughed: "Er Gouzi, your tooth has a bad mouth, it lacks calcium!"

   "Made! How can this kid's body be a bit stronger than the deity?"

   The reason why Ergouzi has been able to cross-border for many years, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is to rely on a dog hard enough!

   Now, Xu Que is actually harder than him!

   More importantly, in the eyes of Ergouzi, he is not a human being, but Xu Que is a real dog!

The only two advantages of    were surpassed by Xu Xiaozi.

   Duan Jiude stared at Xu Que on the ground and asked: "It's you, what were you going to do just now?"

   "You didn't miss Xu Xiaozi's performance. This forced him to awaken a super bloodline now!"

   After all, there was an explosion like that just now, did he actually shit?

   Isn’t this a manifestation of the powerful blood?

   Duan Jiude understood the meaning of Er Gouzi, this guy was afraid that he wanted to bite off a piece of meat while Xu Que was in a coma to improve his bloodline.

   It's just that Er Gouzi's teeth are a little bit worse, and the result is that he steals the chicken and loses the rice.

   But Ergouzi’s thoughts...

   The next moment, Duan Jiude took out a fairy weapon: "Ms. Xu's body hides too many secrets. As the chief bloodline researcher of Tianzhou, Duan feels that it is necessary to check it carefully."

   Ergouzi also took out a mouthful of golden dentures from the unique space of his stomach, and put them directly into his mouth!



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