Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1578: Long-lost mysterious gift package

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-eight chapters of the long-lost mysterious gift package

When he was in the memory world before, the system had promised that if he broke the memory world, he would reward a mysterious gift package.

According to the systematic scam products, if you don’t take the initiative to mention it, I’m afraid it will play stupid.

Xu Que called out the system interface and opened the backpack space for the first time.

Sure enough, let alone a mysterious gift bag, there is no root hair!

"System, where's Lao Tzu's gift pack?"

"Ding! The system just restarted, forgot."

"What about the face? It's not right to be a human being. To be systematic, the most important thing is honesty, and faith in words is our most basic moral quality, you..."

"Ding, please return all the loan amount as soon as possible. After testing, the host has been overdue for more than 100 years, and the total amount of money and profits..."

"Stop, stop talking, give me the gift package."

Xu Que looked indifferent, and if he interrupted the system, he asked for a gift package.

The system is also unambiguous, after a moment of silence.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mysterious gift package." The wonderful prompt sounded.

A smile appeared on Xu Que's face, a long-lost mysterious gift bag!

With a thought, he directly chose to open the gift pack!


Several streamers flashed, and finally fell into the backpack item grid.

[Forgive Hat]: One-time item. After putting this hat on the designated subject, no matter what they do, they will be forgiven by the other party.

[Fudo Mingwang Talisman]: A one-time consumable talisman, which can resist the attacks of the Immortal Emperor Realm and any powerful person below, and the time is 7 seconds.

[God disguised as a puppet]...

[Request coupon]: With this coupon, you can request all existing products or functions from the system.

Seeing the extra items in the inventory, Xu Que frowned.

Forgive the hat? Although this thing is a bit interesting, it is really a little bit hip, and now I can't use it.

It's the Fudo Mingwang Talisman...

Resist the attack of the strong man in the fairy emperor realm Is this the upgraded version of the King Kong Undefeated Talisman?

The time has also increased from five seconds to seven seconds.

But what is the last coupon issued?


Request a coupon?

Can you ask for everything from the system?

What does "everything" in this mean?

Xu Que was excited instantly!

"The system, I want to use the coupon to redeem the safe version of the "All Ways to One"."

This is a big killer. Once in a critical moment, even if you encounter the immortal emperor and directly enter the killing state, you may be able to kill the opponent in seconds.

Of course, the premise is that the safe version of the law is unified, otherwise, if you enter the state of madness, there may be accidents.

"Ding, after calculation, the host cannot control this method at present, please choose carefully."

"I want it!"

"After calculation, the host is currently unable to..."

"I don't care, I want gtr... Bah no, I want the unity of all laws."

"After calculation, the host is currently..."

"Hey hey! I want it! I want it! I want it!"


In the memory world before, Xu Que had already upgraded the system to version 11.0.

He has seen everything in the mall, compared to "all laws in one"...wrong! This is simply not comparable!

What else would allow Xu Que of Daluojin Wonderland to have the qualifications to fight the Immortal Emperor?


So now he just wants to get this tactic from the system, and it must be safe and without sequelae and side effects.

"Please consider the host carefully. This method is a failure caused by a system error, and more calculations are needed to improve it." The system reminded again.

"Failure product? Such a good technique, although it makes me crazy, but it is strong enough, how can it be said to be a failure product? Otherwise, you can find a successful technique with similar power to me as a substitute, I can Accept!" Xu Que was determined not to compromise.

It's not that you are not afraid of falling into madness again, but that you have to fight it out at this time, and it is possible to squeeze the system into a wave of fleece.

A rare opportunity, not to be missed!

"..." The system seemed to feel Xu Que's attitude and fell silent.

"System, let's be reasonable, I used my skills to get this coupon, right?"


"I, Xu Que, have been upright and upright in my life, neither stealing nor snatching. With years of accumulation of character, I have issued such a coupon. Now I want to use this coupon in exchange for the unity of all laws, but you are obstructing in every way. You are worthy of me. Is the effort put in?"


"The hardships I have suffered, the sweat and tears I shed, even the heavens and the earth are moved, but now that the dawn of hope cannot be tolerated, you will cruelly take it away. I...I am wronged!"


In the end, under Xu Queqiao's powerful tongue, the system was defeated.


The system finally compromised.

It agreed to give the formula of "the unity of all laws", but it was not a complete version.

To put it simply, it has become a castrated version, weakened several times, until Xu Que can manage it.

This also means that the power of this tactic is drastically reduced. Want to kill the emperor in the Great Luojin Wonderland?

Don't even think about it.

However, the system also provided several good conditions to temporarily compensate for this wave of weakening.

First, the system will eliminate all loans that Xu Que had previously owed.

Back then, Xu Que only owed hundreds of thousands of prettiest debts, and now even the capital and profits have become a huge sum of tens of millions!

Moreover, according to the system's words, if you continue to default, someone will be sent to collect the debt soon.

Xu Que can still remember the millions of heavenly soldiers that thunder robbery turned into in those days.

But at that time Xu Que escaped by trick, and this time the system will definitely send more ruthless people.

So this time the system can eliminate this debt, Xu Que also expressed his willingness.

Moreover, under this premise, the system will compensate Xu Que with another 3 million installed force value.

Most importantly, the system promises to gradually improve the unity of all laws.

As his strength increases, he will unblock the strength of the unity of all laws step by step.

This is also what Xu Que values ​​most!

As long as it can be used in the future, it means that he will always have the strength to kill the enemy at a higher level, and it is not a higher level or two, but directly across the realm to slay the immortal king, maybe he can kill the immortal.

In the future, when you are promoted to the fairy king realm, the magic formula will be unblocked, and it is possible that you will directly have the qualifications of the immortal emperor of World War I?

If you go to the Immortal Realm and use the unity of all methods, you will definitely be able to kill the immortal emperor directly!

The key is that this is based on the premise that oneself will not fall into a state of madness and lose control.

But this is not enough!

Xu Que thought for a while, and put forward another condition. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"System, when can I improve the attributes of my equipment? Look at my king stick, it's time to upgrade, there are other magic weapons, how many more give me some points."

"Ding! Equipment attributes are all fixed values..."

"I want the full version of ‘The Unity of All Laws’, and I want it now!"


"Ding! The equipment currently owned by the host will be upgraded, which will take an hour."

Xu Que smiled satisfied when he heard the prompt.

The unity of ten thousand laws is a weakened version, but at least it can maintain a sense of reason. This gave Xu Que a little more confidence in going to Xianyuanzhou.

At this moment, his divine consciousness had recovered more than half, and his strength gradually returned.

Xu Que immediately quit the system interface and slowly stood up.

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude on the side opened their eyes wide.


"Fuck you, brother, can you stand up?" Er Gouzi said in shock: "Quickly, take two steps, come, take two steps to try, this deity has a local tyrant golden crutches..."


Xu Que slapped Er Gouzi on the forehead, glanced in front of him, smiled and said: "Zhang Tian Gang, it's time to visit Xianyuanzhou!"

[First sent. I woke up today and saw the background data. It was a bit embarrassing. Haha, it seemed that many people responded when the update was resumed. In the end, only more than 1,000 people subscribed. In fact, it's normal, and it's really been too long. There are not many people left who want to watch it. However, in order to thank the more than one thousand book friends who are still supporting and waiting, as well as several friends who have given a lot of rewards and donated many monthly tickets, today we are still four. Everyone who has a monthly pass, remember to vote. 】

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