Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1579: Righteous Qi Sealing Magic Scripture

The first thousand five hundred and seventy-nine chapters of the righteousness seal the magic scripture

After the war, although the cultivators of Xianyuanzhou all retreated, the gap in the void boundary wall in the sky was not closed...

Xu Que is very clear that the gap may not be closed again!

He got a very precious big secret from the memory world, and Tianzhou was called "Tianzhou" in ancient times.

If a monk wants to enter the realm of the gods, he has to take this "Heaven Boat".

Therefore, in this wave of Xianyuanzhou, I am afraid that the big guys behind them also know this secret.

"Wait, kid, it's okay to go to Xianyuanzhou, but you are naturally fearless if you have the magic formula to protect your body, but the strength of the gods and the little Jiude brothers is low, I am afraid that you will not be able to protect yourself, otherwise you can Show us too?" Er Gouzi still covets Xu Que's tactics.

"Fuck, Ergouzi, shut up, old man, I am a human being, who is the brother of a stupid dog with you?"

Duan Jiude yelled and looked at Xu Que: "Boy, Ergou speaks awkwardly, but Daniel is still the same reason, or else I will show the old man the technique!"

Speaking of this, Duan Jiude pretended to deeply touch the mustache on his mouth:

"Furthermore, you have fallen into a state of madness, which proves that this method is not perfect. Old man, I am just good at this method. I call it the supreme improvement of the exercise method! Take it out, and I will give you some advice."

"Damn, Duan Jiude, can you make a face? Just you? How to improve the Supreme?"

Er Gouzi cursed instantly, showing contemptuous eyes: "Boy, let the deity come! You also know that the deity is the reincarnation of the ancient dragon, and the previous life is the ancestor of the unicorn. He must have a deep insight into the exercises, neither Like some liars and gods, they dare to claim to be the supreme after only a few years of life."

"It's all right, you two want to see, right, take it."

At this time, Xu Que waved his hand to stop Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude's scolding battle, and threw out a brand-new cheat book.


Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude were stunned for an instant, full of shock.

Gave it?

This is it?

This is the Xu Que?

"Say, who are you? Why do you want to take away my brother?" Er Gouzi glared.

"Go aside!"

Xu Que directly slapped Er Gouzi's forehead.


Er Gouzi couldn't dodge, and after a slap, he blinked before looking at Duan Jiude: "That's right, this hand is stronger than before... Definitely the real lack of brother."

Duan Jiude didn't bother to pay attention to the idiot Er Gouzi, and he already picked up the book "The Unity of Ten Thousand Laws" on the ground and looked through it.

It was just that after a while, before even waiting for Ergouzi to go up and grab it, Duan Jiude directly threw the secret book to the ground.

"What do you mean?" Er Gouzi was taken aback, picked it up curiously, and opened it.

Ten seconds later, he stood directly on it and took a pee.

"Damn, kid, if you don't want to show it to the deity, don't pretend, what do you mean by showing this thing?" Er Gouzi said angrily.

"This is true!" Xu Que said with a smile.

He really didn't play Duan Jiude and Ergouzi, the rubbings of this technique is indeed true, and he copied it from the system specially!

It's just that the cultivation conditions are extremely harsh.

First of all, the physique of the five spirit roots must be obtained, and then the bloodline must be pure. How pure is it?

It's pure enough to at least be Xu Que's father or son or daughter, etc., even if it is two generations away.

In other words, as far as the present is concerned, he is basically the only one who can practice this technique!

Others rushed to practice, exploded and died in minutes.

"Really?" Duan Jiude looked at Xu Que not as if he was false, and combined with the little content he had just seen for the first time, it seemed that something really happened.

His gaze fell on the rubbing book of Fa Jue again, but now it has become wet!

"Er Gouzi, Nima's mental retardation!"

"Why do you curse this **** when you are not dead."

Duan Jiude pointed to the **** of the wet answer, "You do everything that dogs don't do."

"There is the essence of the deity on it, what do you dislike?"

"Although this method is useless to me, the second teacher, you..." Duan Jiude sighed, "You are a violent thing!"

"Fart! According to the above meaning, no one can practice except this kid!" Er Gouzi cursed, and he also saw the secret of this technique.

"Not necessarily. In the future, as long as my children have the five spiritual roots, they may be able to cultivate, but it still depends on their aptitude. Even I can't control the crazy state of this technique, and it's even more impossible for others!" Xu Que put his hands behind his back, looking like I was really awesome.

"Ah...unwilling!" Duan Jiude sighed up to the sky.

"Wait!" Er Gouzi suddenly showed a weird smile: "Brother Que, what if someone who doesn't know how to practice this method?"

"The lighter will burst and die, the more serious... I can't even think about it." Xu Quegang finished speaking, suddenly startled, and immediately understood the meaning of Er Gouzi's question.

This... why are these two dogs so bad?

Duan Jiude also reacted, looking at Er Gouzi in astonishment.

"What are you doing? What are you doing looking at this god?" Er Gouzi stared vigilantly.

"What do you mean?" Duan Jiude sneered.

"What to say, this **** is also out of helplessness. After all, this trip to Xianyuanzhou is really dangerous. If there is no means, how can I control Xianyuanzhou?"

After Er Gouzi finished speaking, a wretched smile appeared on his face: "Hey, if this method hides the important information, and then prints thousands of them, and throws it to Xianyuanzhou..."

"Shut up, shameless!" Xu Que shouted immediately.

"Teacher Ergou, I misunderstood you. I didn't expect you to be this kind of dog!" Duan Jiude shook his head and sighed from the side.

Then, the two raised their hands together and agreed to Er Gouzi's proposal.

They quickly discussed and confirmed the preliminary plan.

This method was split, and then faked into an ancient book inheritance, and then thrown to Xianyuanzhou, UU reading www.uukanshu.com spread it wildly.

In addition, we must give this method a domineering name.

The unity of all laws is just a function of the system.

If you really throw it out under this name, no one will believe it, let alone really try to cultivate.

So the name still deserves one.

"This time it is all up to me to save the people in Tianzhou. Such a righteous act, this tactic is called Righteous Qi Jing." Xu Que said directly without even thinking about it.

"You were like a lunatic demon at the time, still righteous? Where is righteous?" Er Gouzi criticized.

"It should be called Crazy Demon Sutra." Duan Jiude proposed.

Xu Que responded contemptuously: "You know what a fart, called Zhengqijing, or Zhengjing for short. This means that I am a serious person."

"That's called Righteous Insanity Classic." Er Gouzi said.

"Hey, Zheng Qi Mad Mo Jing... it sounds okay." Xu Que thought for a while and thought the name was good.

But a madman... it doesn't sound like a serious person can practice.

"Or just call it... Righteous Qi Sealing Magic Scripture?"

Xu Que suddenly felt that the homophonic stem was also useful.

Duan Jiude and Ergouzi call this name directly. They are very good, and if a serious person listens, they will practice!

Subsequently, Xu Que asked the system to split the tactics, stripped off most of the attacking methods, divided them into more than a dozen copies, and then imitated a large number of rubbings.

Some even get directly into the jade slips, which appear to be more high-end.

The name of Fa Jue is also written in five large characters with a sophisticated brushwork-"The Righteous Qi Sealing Magic Scripture"

Everything was ready, Xu Que and the others also began to prepare, and they were about to leave for Xianyuanzhou.

This trip will definitely make Xianyuanzhou a mess!

[Second more! 】

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