Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1584: Misunderstanding

Chapter 1584: Misunderstanding and Misunderstanding

At this moment, Xu Que tilted his head and squinted at Xiang Min, with a playful smile on his face, and did not respond to Xiang Min's question.

Such an indifferent look, as if strategizing, fell in the eyes of everyone, but it became a recklessness.

Everyone was watching Xu Que.

This self-proclaimed Explosive Heaven Bang Huawuwu guy, the realm strength is not weak, anyhow it is also the existence of Da Luo Jinxian, only one step away from the fairy king realm.

But now Fenchengmen and Qinghongzong's people are here, and dozens of great immortal experts have been dispatched directly.

Looking around the world, I have also heard that there are some terrifying and extraordinary geniuses who can do one to ten in the same rank.

But now there are not ten, but dozens of Da Luoxian.

What's more, this flower is perfect, and it is not necessarily the kind of genius in the rumors, otherwise, how could he have not even heard of the name.

An unknown person, who first arrived at Jinghe City, offended three of the three at once, and when faced with the arrival of dozens of Da Luoxian, he looked like a dead pig who was not afraid of boiling water.

I'm afraid this will not be a genius, but a stunned stunner.

There are many people like this in the world of cultivating immortals.

And their final endings are often very tragic, and death is worse than death.

"This young man must be so bad today, with the three previous styles..." Someone couldn't help but murmured with emotion.

"Speak carefully, be careful to speak out from your mouth." Others hurriedly reminded.

The man's face changed in an instant, and he hurriedly covered his mouth, secretly saying something dangerous.

Within this radius, how big are the three forces, who dares to offend?

I just didn't control this mouth, and accidentally said what was in my heart. If it were heard by the people of the three sects, I am afraid that I would lie down before that Hua Wuqian later.

"The flowers are not lacking, I am the Fencheng Gate to manage the peace."

At this time, Guan Chengping's brother Guan Chengping had already stepped forward, looking at Xu Que with a gloomy expression.

"You are very stable. You only talked to me when you called someone out, but as I said just now, I can't stand threats the most. Do you think we need to talk now?" Xu Que said with a smile.

"It's necessary." Guan Cheng nodded calmly.

He pointed his finger at the dozens of powerful immortals outside the door, and continued: "These are the only people here now. If you let go of my sister and you will be arrested, you might be able to save your life. If you wait for my father to come, or Sect Master Qinghong came here in person..."

The words have a pause.

Guan Chengping exuded a powerful momentum, his voice suddenly raised: "The anger of the fairy king, can you bear it?"


In an instant, everyone's complexion changed drastically and their scalp numb.

The Sect Master of Fencheng Gate and Sect Master Qinghong, those two should come here in person?

That's the fairy king!

Even a hundred Da Luoxian could not be compared with it.

Now it's just a stunned green from the Great Luojin Fairyland, who has hijacked Guan Zheng, but will it alarm the two fairy kings?


Guan Zheng's face was also pale at this moment.

When she saw so many teachers and uncles appeared, she realized that things were not going well.

But I didn't expect that my brother and Xiangmin, father and Sect Master Qinghong were both alarmed, and this problem was obviously serious.

In any case, she did not expect that her temporary intention would evolve into this situation.

If you really wait for your father or Sect Master Qinghong to come over in person, isn't Brother Hua...

She can't imagine!

Can't continue!

"Brother Hua, we have to stop, I'm sorry, this matter is due to my lack of consideration, you quickly let go, I will explain to them clearly." Guan Zheng gently patted Xu Que's arm, and whispered.

Xu Que was startled.

Yes, this wave is to cooperate with the acting. I didn't want to mix up this bad thing. Who made Na Xiangmin too arrogant?

Forget it, since the principal doesn't want to act now, then forget about it.


He nodded immediately, squeezed lightly with his right hand, and the dagger felt pretty good.

The left hand is also squeezed, and the feel is okay.

"Brother Hua..."

Guan Zheng also obviously felt Xu Que's small movements, his small face turned red in an instant, and he whispered angrily.

"Huh? I'm sorry, but I hold it for too long to form muscle memory."

Xu Que said with a smile on his face, quickly let go of his hand, and by the way, he took away the magic treasure rank dagger very skillfully.

As the saying goes, the thief doesn't go empty... Pooh is wrong, the saying is wrong.

This dagger is a reward, and people give it voluntarily. How can it be considered a thief?

"younger sister!"

"Zheng Zheng!"

Seeing Xu Que suddenly let go of Guanzheng, Guan Chengping and Xiang Min shouted and rushed up quickly, for fear that Xu Que would change their attention.

"Brother, wait a minute, you quickly tell them, you don't need to come over, in fact, this matter..." Guan Zheng was ignorant of the others, and hurriedly took Guan Chengping's hand and explained in a low voice.

She fully described her self-directed and self-acted appearance with Xu Que, and emphasized that it was her own idea and that "Hua Wuque" is innocent.

After Guan Chengping and Xiang Min listened to the cause and effect, their expressions instantly became weird.

"Smelly girl, I know all the nonsense. There have been some big things happening recently, and everything is very unstable, you..." Guan Chengping reprimanded, but he seemed to want to say something later, realizing that the occasion was wrong, so he stopped. .

"I know it's wrong, you quickly tell your father and them, it's just a misunderstanding." Guan Zheng replied with his mouth curled.


Guan Chengping was very aware of his sister's inattention, and everyone was in full view, and he didn't bother to investigate anything with Xu Que.

After all, this guy who claims to be Hua Wuqian is also Da Luo Jin Wonderland anyway.

Even if he and Xiang Min, as the Three Sect Young Masters, possess countless resources to supply them, their cultivation bases are now worthy of reaching the true immortal of Da Luo!

So it can be seen that the origin and background of this flower is not simple.

"and many more."

Xiang Min on the side suddenly stopped, and at the same time waved to the many Da Luoxians outside the inn.


In the next moment, a group of great Luoxian experts in Qinghongzong rushed into the inn in an instant, and directly surrounded him round and round.

Just as Guan Chengping was about to speak, the great Luo Jinxians of Qinghongzong suddenly walked up to Xu Que and surrounded him.

"Sang Min, stop, what are you going to do?"

Upon seeing this, Guan Zheng hurriedly shouted.

Guan Chengping on the side frowned slightly, and soon stretched out again, remaining silent.

He is quite interested in the origins of this Hua Wuque. Although the term "Zhang Tian Gang" has never been heard, if Xiang Min and Hua Wuque can make a fuss, they may be able to involve the backing forces behind this guy.

Besides, it happened to be used by Xiangmin to teach this kid who doesn't know what is good or bad.

Otherwise, in the future, this sister from my own family will run out of the house, and there may be other people who will help her to cover her, which is a very bad influence.

"Zhengzheng, don't confuse this matter!"

Xiang Min looked down at Guan Zheng and said in a deep voice, "If this kid is so easily allowed to leave today, what face do I have in Xiang Min walking in Jinghe City? In the future, if this matter is spread out, wouldn't I Xiang Min be the laughingstock of the world? Up?"

"He is my friend, besides, this matter is my idea, it has nothing to do with him!" Guan Zheng explained anxiously.

However, this word fell in Xiang Min's ears, and his heart was even more jealous!

Who in Hecheng didn't know that Xiangmin and you Guanzheng had a marriage contract, but you avoided me everywhere, and even ran away from home many times to oppose this marriage contract.

Now he has made friends with a stunned young man who has just met, and is still pinched in full view.

I haven't even pinched your hand hair, but you let someone pinch him, and protect him everywhere after the matter is over?


The more Xiang Min thinks, the more angry he gets, and the nameless jealousy is burning in his heart.

"A few of you, don’t be impatient, this matter is indeed a misunderstanding. I thought you two were the enemies of Girl Guan Zheng, and when the incident happened suddenly, Girl Guan Zheng asked me for help. The righteousness of my generation is dreadful. , Is there any reason not to help?"

At this time, Xu Que stepped up to explain, his righteousness was awe-inspiring, and he almost believed it.

"Hey, I didn't expect the flood to rush into the Dragon King Temple. It turned out that several of them were from their own family, and they had a big misunderstanding."

Xu Que pretended to sigh, and said to everyone: "Let's do this, in order to apologize, I will pay the bill for all the consumption today."

After he finished speaking, he threw a piece of spirit stone casually and landed it on the counter table of the inn shopkeeper, and was about to leave.


However, a strong Da Luoxian of the Azure Rainbow Sect in front of him stretched out his hand to block his way and looked at him blankly.

"Oh, you guys don't want me to go?" Xu Que raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.


Xiang Min laughed and walked forward, jokingly and mockingly on his face: "Hua Wuquan, you can walk if you want to. For the face of Zhengzheng, chop off your two dirty hands for me, and tell me Kob your head and apologize, otherwise...I promise you will be carried out of this inn sideways."

[The third one is here, ask for a monthly pass! 】

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