Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1585: Robbery

The first thousand five hundred and eighty-five chapters of the text of the robbery

Dirty hands?

When everyone on the scene heard this, they held their breath, the atmosphere did not dare to take a breath, for fear of being angry by Xiang Min.

After all, when Xu Que "hijacked" Guan Zheng, everyone saw the small movements in his hands.

It's just that due to the power of the Three Sects, no one dared to talk about the matter, and could only assume that they had not seen anything.

Now Xiang Min asked Xu Que to break both hands and knelt down to apologize.

Everyone asked themselves, they all felt that this wave was not a loss.

But the main thing was Guan Zheng started to plead, and Xiang Min only asked for such a request.

But people who understand Xiang Min's style are very clear that Xiang Min is only due to Guan Zheng being present, so this request is only to save face, and he will definitely find this Hua Wucai to liquidate afterwards.

"Xiang Min, I warn you, if you dare to hurt him, I will be punished along with him." Guan Zheng faced Xiang Min's gaze and shouted loudly.

Such a scene instantly made everyone look weird.

No way?

The daughter of Fencheng Gate, wouldn't he really have any affair with this Hua Wuqian, right?

Xu Que frowned slightly and squeaked.

What's the situation with this woman?

After a few squeezes, is it so affectionate and righteous to me?

Alas, in the final analysis, it is wrong to be too handsome.

It would be great if I was not so handsome.

After all, if you are not handsome, let alone pinch, even if you look at her more, she will scold a stinky rascal and turn around and leave.

In that way, there would be no such troubles.

Thinking of this, Xu Que couldn't help but touch his handsome face, sighing with emotion.

"Zhengzheng, don't mess around!"

At this time, Guan Chengping, who remained silent, spoke again.

He didn't intend to intervene in this matter, but he didn't want his sister to continue to get involved.

After a reprimand, he immediately stepped forward and pulled the Guanzheng away.

"Brother, what are you doing?" Guan Zheng struggled hard, but in vain.

"You can't care about this!" Guan Chengping said indifferently.

"Why, obviously I asked him to help me, why do you still treat him like this?" Guan Zheng couldn't believe it.

Guan Chengping didn't answer any more, pulling her behind him, and instructing several powerful immortal masters at Fencheng Gate: "Look at Miss."


Several people immediately surrounded Guanzheng.

"Brother, Xiang Min, you can't do this!" Guan Zheng yelled anxiously.

Xu Que still kept smiling and watched this scene.

Obviously, Cheng Ping, the Young Master of Fenchengmen, is not a good thing!

This wave wants to use the idiot Sang Min to teach himself?


Xu Que suddenly put away his smile and sighed deeply: "Why bother?"

Everyone present was taken aback.

What nonsense is this guy saying all of a sudden?

Why bother? Why what?

Xu Que raised his hand, rubbed his wrist, gently squeezed his five fingers, and the bones between his fingers snapped.

"Originally, I wanted to be low-key and humble when I first arrived here, and didn't want to do anything."

"After all, I'm helping you in blasting the sky, so I'm still a good person with good character and academics." He said softly to himself.

"But...you guys have to force me, okay, do you want to play? Okay!"

Speaking of which.

Xu Que suddenly raised his head, looking directly at Xiang Min and Guan Chengping, the corners of his mouth grinned slightly, revealing a bright smile.

When everyone present saw this smile, they felt a little panic in their hearts.

Not waiting for everyone's reaction.


Suddenly, a majestic momentum soared from Xu Que's body and swept out.

The surrounding Da Luoxian powerhouses of the Azure Rainbow Sect failed to stand firm for a while, and Qi Qi was shaken back for a half step.


"This momentum!"

All the people present opened their eyes wide and took a breath in disbelief.

The same is Da Luoxian, only relying on momentum can shock other people back!


At the same time, a purple-gold stick suddenly appeared in Xu Que's hand.

In front of everyone, outside the body of the king's stick, it quickly decomposed dozens of metal pieces, and flew directly to Xu Que, covering the whole body, like a set of purple and gold armor, shining and dazzling!

The onlookers were extremely surprised!

What is this magic weapon? Or is it a fairy?

How could it be split like this?

But what does this guy mean now?

Isn't it because you want to start a fight?

He, a big Luo Jinxian, really dare to deal with two of the three cases directly!

Qinghongzong and Fenchengmen, but dozens of immortals came!

Although there are some Daluo Sanxian and Daluo Zhenxian among them, within the same realm, as long as there are enough in number, they can join forces to fight for a higher level!

What's more, there are a few strong Da Luo Jinxian among them, plus the two young masters Xiang Min and Guan Chengping, they must have a lot of treasures in their hands, and it may not be impossible to fight against Da Luo Jin fairyland!


At the same time, Xu Que's decomposing stick, which had been decomposed into a piece of metal, thrust it heavily into the ground.

"Flying Heaven Gang Hua Wuxia, come here for a visit!"

The next moment, he became angry with Dantian and shouted loudly.

The sound resounded like Hong Zhong Dalu, resounding the entire inn, and even resounding across several streets and alleys.

"I declare that it is time for the bombing gang to rob, and Hecheng has been surrounded by me!"

"The man keeps to the left, the woman keeps to the right, the ladyboy stands in the middle, and everyone raises their hands."

"Hurry up, line up, don't jump in line!"

The voice fell.

The audience was silent and silent.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What does this guy say?

Time for the bombing gang to rob?

Was Hecheng surrounded by you?

What a **** you surrounded by yourself!ヽ(°〇°)?

It seems that this guy has been scared mad, so he is so refreshing... Oh no, it’s crazy talk!

Xiang Min and the others were stunned for a while, if they saw a funny behavior with mental retardation, they would like to laugh a little.

The group of Da Luoxian experts who should have been expressionless, couldn't help but want to laugh at this moment.

They are all professionally trained, UU reading www.uukanshu.com generally don’t laugh unless they can’t help it...

"Interesting, interesting..."

Xiang Min smiled and shook his head again and again, and stepped forward: "I haven't seen such an interesting person in a long time, Hua Wucai, see you in your head..."


Suddenly, a dark shadow flashed across, and there was a burst of crisp applause in the inn.

follow closely…


The applause suddenly became dense, and there was a little orderly rhythm faintly mixed.

Then there was a muffled "bang".

A figure flew out directly and fell heavily on a table, and even the people with the table smashed to the ground.

Everything came too suddenly.

It was almost a moment.

Everyone didn't have time to react. When they recovered, they saw Qinghongzong's major disciple Xiangmin, who was already on the ground and wailing again and again, coughing up a lot of blood from his mouth, and his entire face was swollen like a pig's head.

And Xu Que, who did not know when he stood in Xiang Min's original position, patted his hands lightly.

"Sang Min, right? For the sake of your bad mind, I will hit you for interest first." He smiled faintly.

The sound is not loud, but it clearly falls in everyone's ears.

Everyone was dumbfounded.



How did this guy do it?

Faced with a dozen powerful masters, he could still shoot at such a fast speed!

The point is...he dared to do something to Qinghongzong's big disciple Xiangmin?

Moreover, he was so cruel that he was beaten directly into a pig's head.

It doesn't hurt much, but it's extremely humiliating!

[Fourth sent, continue to ask for monthly pass. 】

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