Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1599: 1 broken mouth

The first thousand five hundred and ninety-nine chapters of a broken mouth


The void suddenly became distorted.

Xu Que held a purple gold force king stick in his hand, wrapped in metal sheets, facing the angry blow of the strong immortal, but his face was indifferent!

Xianzun? so what?

He greeted him instantly, starting with a full load of 300,000 to force the king to fist away!


Two punches collided!

The entire area was filled with wind and sand in an instant, and the majestic waves suddenly swept away!

The countless disciples of the three sects, even unable to bear the aftermath, fainted on the spot!

If it weren't for the two men in black robes who were close to the Tianmen, I'm afraid they would have been lifted off long ago!

Looking at the wind and sand outside the city, the casual repairs in the city were all shocked!

That's Xianzun!

A young man from a big Luojin Fairyland, where did he have the courage to fight Xianzun?

And... this movement! It's terrible too!


In the surprise of everyone, the sound like thunder spread throughout the entire Jinghe City!

At this moment, the towers of Jinghe City have begun to slowly crack...

Two punches!

The black-robed man was a little shocked at the moment, he had never thought that a big Luo Jinxian could actually fight him twice!

And with two punches, the guy seemed to have nothing!

A group of casual cultivators and three sects also shouted in their hearts: "Impossible!"

This cliff is broken!

The black-robed man's gaze instantly stared at the golden armor on Xu Que's body!

"Junior, your suit of armor rank is not low!"

The others had also noticed Xu Que's special armor long ago.

At first, I thought that Xu Que would rely on that set of armor that was comparable to the immortal weapon rank to resist a punch.

However, he never thought that he would have the courage to fight against a strong immortal!

This is a clash of hard powers!

At this time, Xu Que stretched out his hand and patted it lightly, and wrote lightly: "It's okay, the King of the King's Armor exclusively for the Zhantian Gang, if you like it, then join the Zhantian Gang with one man, absolutely not partial!"

The corners of everyone's mouth twitched.

Does this guy still have time to talk silly things here?

The expressions of the two Guan Liumang also changed slightly, and they had a new understanding of Xu Que's strength.

This is actually a big Luo Jinxian with the ability to fight the Immortal Venerable!

Nima, the two brothers of the Qinghongzong surname died innocently. Those two tables... Forget it, don't mention this table.


At this time, Xu Que spoke again: "Since I have a preliminary understanding of my strength, you might as well give me a face, open the mask and let me have a look, the blasting gang will be rewarded!"

"Ignorance junior, I just use less than half of my strength. I really think that you are a small Luo Jinxian, and you are qualified to speak in front of me?" The black robe man immediately snorted and bullied himself again.

Lightning intertwined under Xu Que's feet, and instantly swept high into the sky, shouting loudly: "If you don't do it, the Explosive Heavens Gang has a hundred ways to make you unable to stay here. Have you really thought about it? I can't help if I blow up the sky?"

"Heh, the blasting gang...unheard of!"

The moment the voice fell, the four immortal kings peaked out of the black robe man!

They are only one step away from the realm of the Immortal Venerable, if the time comes, they can directly break through and become the Immortal Venerable Power!

"go back!"

However, the black-robed man who was with Xu Que first turned his head and shouted.

He is looking for a helper when he is dignified and fought against a big Luo Jinxian? If this spreads out, where will your face be?

"Don't waste time!" At this moment, another immortal-level black robe man said!

"I can solve it myself!"

The black robe man's voice fell, and the black robe agitated instantly, like a hurricane, involving the void.

The four black-robed immortal kings did not dare to step forward, and immediately retreated.

Afterwards! The wind and sand in the sky seemed to be frozen, and stopped in the air!


Xu Que felt it too!

The aura of this immortal black robe man was at least three times stronger than before!


Xu Que couldn't help but smile!

Isn’t it just to enhance the breath? Who doesn't?

"Murder Book!"


A majestic wave of air suddenly burst out from under Xu Que's feet, and directly collided with the sword energy on the black-robed man!

The black-robed man instantly widened his eyes and looked at Xu Que, his eyes filled with disbelief!

How can it be!

This kid didn't use all his strength before? Can it be stronger?

Does he have the same special secret technique as himself?

The rest of the black-robed people watching at Tianmen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief!

Is this big Luo Jinxian... serious?

Although his breath is not as fierce as the second protector, but this level is too outrageous!

But the second guardian is an immortal, but that kid is just a big Luo Jinxian!

A few people in Guan Liumang shivered, and there was a commotion in their pants...

This Hua Wuque is too enchanting and terrifying!

How can human potential reach such a point?

However, Xu Que's breath is still rising at this moment!

"All words are secret!"

"Long Teng Nine Changes!"


The air wave under Xu Que's feet instantly became more and more violent, and his momentum rose to the sky!


The explosion sounded!

Everyone's eyes are concentrated on Xu Que!


Can it be stronger?

Damn it! What kind of secret is this special? Why can it be improved so much in an instant?

No wonder he is a big Luo Jinxian who can kill the Immortal King in seconds, rivaling the Immortal Venerable!

"It's interesting! Tianmen needs a talent like you, but it's a pity..."

At this moment, the second guardian couldn't help but feel a sense of cherishing talent, but this kid dared to fight against Tianmen and killed Yongxing, so his fate can only be death!

In terms of momentum, the second protector is slightly inferior.

But at the moment the focus is on actual combat, not an imposing competition!

"Junior, it's time to end!"

The second guardian slowly raised a punch...

See it! Xu Que did not choose to fight him again!

Damn, the king fist is to consume the pretend value, after all, Xianzun is the immortal respect, too hard to kill with one punch, then there is no need to waste the pretend value.

Seeing Xu Que dodging away, the second protector couldn't help but sneered: "You're scared!"


Will my dignified blasting gang leader be afraid?

Xu Que sneered: "Your Excellency is from Dunhuang? There are so many murals, so it's important for me to do business first."

As soon as the voice fell, Xu Que's whole person already swept into the crowd of Tianmen.

If all the means are used, coupled with the explosion of the Righteous Qi Sealing Demon Scripture, it may really be possible to directly kill one or two immortal experts here.

It's a pity that these people are too dogs, and they all wear masks.

Moreover, Xiao Rou has amnesia. If she also makes a move, even though she can maintain her rationality in the state of righteous Qi sealing the magic scripture, it is difficult to control her power.

If she was harmed without knowing it, wouldn't it be a blood loss!

So we still have to find her first.

In the final analysis, the strength is too weak, otherwise the woman present, regardless of the Immortal King Xianzun, will all carry them home and take them off...cough, take off the mask and see one by one, you can always find out which one is Xiaorou.

Someone is about to ask, why is it touching? Can't see?

Yes, if I have eyes, I just don’t look at it. I have to learn how to touch elephants for blind people, eh, just play!

However, Xu Que's act of rushing into the crowd also stunned everyone present.

What does this guy want to do?

Self-investing in the net?

Isn't it fragrant to fight alone, do you have to drill into a pile of strong immortal kings?

What's the difference between this and looking for death!


At this time, a group of black-robed people in the fairy king realm also immediately made a defensive posture, and their fighting spirit was full!

Several immortals stood calmly on the spot, without any fear, and did not put Xu Que in their eyes.

Xu Que didn't plan to fight these people bloodily.

With so many immortal kings, I don’t know which one is Xiaorou, so the fool beats Xiaorou accidentally. If he accidentally hits Xiaorou, wouldn’t it be necessary to call Ben Qiansheng to give a slogan?


Xu Que was surrounded by lightning, his body and firepower were fully fired, like an arc of lightning, directly leaping in the crowd.

Such a speed also made everyone feel stunned again.

A strange color flashed across the eyes of several immortals.

This son is really talented!

But before everyone had time to appreciate his picturesque posture, one of the black-robed immortal kings with a fiery figure suddenly felt cold on his face, as if being swept by a breeze.

Subsequently, the entire mask fell off.


After hearing a retching, Xu Que flashed away pale, and still did not forget to mutter: "Blind with such a good figure, with such a marijuana face, it scares people to death."

"You..." The fairy king woman flushed instantly and was furious.

Are you blind? Where is the pockmark on my old lady's face? So they are all moles, do you understand beauty moles?

At this time, Xu Que had already stretched his hand to the mask of the second black robe man.

This is still a fairy king, and his body looks very similar to Xiaorou.

As a result, the mask was taken off.

"Let me go, who are you, why do you have only one eye? Oh sorry, I didn't see clearly, the other eye is too small."


"Fuck, this old grandma, she's in good shape, or look at your face, I haven't noticed that you are quite old yet!"


"Oh hello, auntie, you... I don't know how to say it, it's hard to say a word."


"Oh fuck, this young man...women also have beards?"

Suddenly, Xu Que caused public outrage.

A huge crowd of anger.

Many immortal kings were furious, and their qi orifices gave rise to smoke.

This kid has a broken mouth, which is too damaged and too cheap.

The people of the three sects were horrified to see, and almost wanted to scream.

This guy is really invincible, how can he die like this?

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

More than a dozen immortal kings shot directly, and the blockbuster tactics were densely smashed towards Xu Que.

But Xu Que avoided it all.

An arc of lightning flashed across the crowd, and Xu Que appeared in front of a strong immortal, with his big hands directly toward the mask of his Qi face.

"court death!"

The strong immortal was furious in an instant.

It's nothing more than you molested the immortal king, this magnificent immortal, would you dare to come and expose the old lady's cover?

call out!

A sword light flashed in an instant.

There was a metal vibrato of "clang".

Xu Que's whole body was shaken back for a few steps, and his body suddenly stopped.

There was an obvious scratch on the metal piece on the arm, but the metal on it slowly began to wriggle and returned to its original state.


The strong immortal screamed with a deep voice and ordered the other immortal kings to take action together.

She doesn't care about face or face, but she doesn't want to waste time here.

"Enough, the farce ends here, cut off this person's head within five breaths, don't wait for this seat to take action personally."

At the same time, the Great Protector also spoke in a cold voice.


Everyone immediately responded in unison, including the second guardian who had previously fought with Xu Que.

[Second more. Is this chapter longer? Do you want four changes today? Are there recommended tickets and monthly tickets? I want it all. 】

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