Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1600: Xiaorou

"The strongest anti-routine system (!


Suddenly, there was a constant tremor outside the city.

The sky filled the sky with brilliance, filled the sky, and the entire sky was rendered colorful and distorted!

The many immortal king experts in Tianmen were already extremely annoyed with Xu Que. They would receive the order of the Great Dharma Protector.

This scene horrified and envied the people of Sanzong.

Tianmen is as horrible!

Every fairy king actually has at least one fairy weapon in his hand. Although the rank is slightly lower, the treatment is really eye-catching!

How to play this wave of Hua Wuque?

No matter how great you are alone, you can't get so many immortal kings, not to mention that there are still several immortal kings who are shooting.

In Jinghe City, countless monks were also watching this scene, exclaiming again and again.

"This flower is really powerful. Throughout the ages, I have never heard of anyone who can fight so many immortal kings in the Daluojin fairyland, not to mention the power to fight against the strong immortal."

"After today, regardless of whether this flower is alive or dead, the bombing of the sky will definitely become famous all over the world."

"Oh, do you need to think about life or death? It must be dead, what's the use of being famous?"

"Yes, at most a few years, this name will be forgotten by the world."

"After all, it's still too young, and it's a pity. With such a talent, if you cultivate for tens of thousands of years, I am afraid that it will be stronger than Fairy Yu Rou, even..."

"Shhhhhhhhhh, fellow Taoist said carefully, the people of Tianmen are outside the city, you dare to talk like this, be careful to speak out of your mouth."

Soon, everyone changed the subject one after another, and no longer mentioned the four characters of Fairy Yurou.

However, Sizi sister... that is Fairy Yurou, heard all this clearly.

But this will not bring her any emotional ups and downs.

In her opinion, these people do not understand strength and realm, sometimes two completely different things.

Some people may have a strong aptitude, far surpass the same level in strength, and even be able to compete even more.

But if such a person can't move to a higher realm, then he will always only be able to fight others in that realm.

And some people with powerful talents, although not invincible at the same level, if they can step into the fairyland, the fairy emperor realm, and even higher Tao realms in the future, they will be invincible in the world.

Therefore, some discussions and comparisons are meaningless to her.

With her state of mind, how could there be emotional fluctuations.


At this time, she was still very confused.

Why is this Jinghecheng, what is there to affect her Dao Xin that should have been calm as still water.

Wandering around the entire Jinghe City, but nothing.


Fairy Yurou frowned again, even if she was easily transformed into a woman with a very ordinary appearance, she still revealed a kind of dusty temperament invisibly.

Fortunately, everyone is now attracted by the battlefield, but few people will notice that such a strange woman is hiding in a hidden location on the city wall.

"My God!" At this moment, the crowd of onlookers in Jinghe City suddenly exclaimed.

"Hua Wuque insisted on taking the two Immortal Venerables together, but only slightly injured!"

"Slightly injured fart, that guy must have a powerful healing sacred method, and the injury recovers extremely quickly."

"Yeah, if I hadn't watched it in time, the wound would have healed directly."

Many people talked about it.

Fairy Yu Rou couldn't help but be attracted, and once again turned her gaze to the battlefield.

That young man called Hua Wuqian, really so peculiar, has such endless methods?


However, at this time the situation on the battlefield began to be bad.

After the two Immortal Venerables joined forces and Xu Que was directly forced to follow through, the expressions under the masks of the Immortal Venerables were already extremely solemn.

Even the great guardian, at this moment, didn't care about the five breaths command to cut Xu Que's head.

She could also see that this flower is indeed extraordinary.

If it can be included in Tianmen...

Just thinking of this, the guardian shook his head.

In fact, Tianmen does not lack genius, let alone such powerful thugs.

How strong is a person?

After all, it was just a big Luo Jinxian.

If this person didn't offend Tianmen, it would be fine, but the matter was made so big that everyone in Hecheng knew it. If he didn't kill him, but instead recruited him, how could Tianmen stand up in the future?

"Let's stop here!"

Finally, the Great Guardian shot.

As the most powerful immortal expert among several people, she just raised her hand and took a palm in the air.


The void in front of the palm sank instantly, cracking open.

Then an invisible powerful impact suddenly hit Xu Que's head.


Xu Que was taken aback in an instant.

What kind of trick is this so special?

"System..." Xu Que immediately called out the system for help.

Unfortunately, it is still a step too late.

The invisible impact came directly, and Xu Que subconsciously raised his arms to block.


The sound of terror exploded in an instant.

Xu Que was beaten hundreds of meters away and fell to the ground staggeringly. His face was pale, and a ray of blood suddenly coughed out of his mouth.

"how is it?"

The Great Guardian looked at Xu Que coldly, "Should I catch it with my hands, or... I will kill you personally?"

"Kill you paralyze!"

Xu Que was angry.

A dignified fairy, how are you tricking me?

And when Ben Qiansheng was fighting with dozens of people, he ran out to plot against me?

That's all, do you dare to pretend to be in front of me?

If the tiger doesn't show off his power, does he really treat me as a sick cat?

"The righteousness..."

Xu Que's eyes flashed with gold and red lightning, and he was about to use the righteous Qi Sealing Magic Scripture, and he would take care of this group of immortals first.

However, he didn't really enter the state of madness, but suddenly stopped.

"Xiao Rou?"

He was stunned in suspicion on his face.

Because just now, he clearly felt a very faint breath.

The breath is very familiar, too familiar.

Obviously Xiaorou's!

So Xiao Rou is really here!

Xu Que woke up instantly, a little lost, but he didn't dare to use righteous energy to seal the magic scripture.

Once displayed, if you can't control the power, you will be seriously injured in this group of people, or even killed, the consequences will be...unbearable!

At this time, actually crane city wall.

Fairy Yu Rou's eyes were full of different colors.

Just now, when she witnessed that the young man was severely injured by the great guardian, her heart that should have been as calm as water suddenly rippled...

An unspeakable feeling was so strong that she lost consciousness on the spot.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly, and quickly sealed her breath again, calming the ups and downs of Dao Xin.

She cast her eyes on the front battlefield again, staring at Xu Que's figure, and the corners of her mouth trembled slightly: "Who is this person? What does it have to do with me?"

At the same time, in the battlefield.

The Da Protector was scolded by Xu Que, and he was stunned for a long time before he was relieved.

How many years has it been?

How many tens of thousands of years?

I have never heard anything that would dare to be so disrespectful to me.

This guy who knows nothing about life and death dared to insult me?

"you wanna die!"

The Great Protector was really angry, and suddenly raised his hand and pressed it forward.


The entire sky is full of wind and clouds, and the vast aura of the four directions converges sharply, instantly condensing into a huge palm print, covering the sky and the sun.

The majestic coercion suddenly felt like huge mountains, pressing **** the shoulders of everyone present.

Xu Que also reacted at this time, and he was immediately happy when he saw this trick.

I will do this trick too!


Xu Que hesitated for a while, and really let go of his hands and feet, and if he didn't use righteous energy to seal the magic scripture, he would definitely not be the opponent of these immortal experts.

So continuing to fight is of little significance.

Need to change the way!

Xu Que narrowed his eyes slightly, and a flash of light suddenly flashed.


A smile suddenly appeared at the corner of his mouth, and then it was quickly pulled away.

At this time, the Second Protector and the other two Immortal Venerable Powers had already joined forces to kill.

The great guardians have taken the action personally, so how can they dare to spare any effort?

The shot at this moment is already going all out, directly using the ultimate move.

"The Heavenly Gate deceived people too much, robbed my wife, and now I bully the weak with more and less, relying on the strong to bully the weak, my people who bomb the Heavens Faction upright and never bow to the evil forces, even if I die in battle today, I will fight with you. in the end."

Xu Que sipped in a deep voice, speaking boldly and magnificently.

The immortals were stunned for a moment, before the ultimate move was formed, they saw Xu Que walking like a suicidal reckless man, and directly rushed over!


With a huge sound, Xu Que's whole body was rushed out fiercely with the air wave.

Even if it is an unformed ultimate move, after all, it is the power of the Xianzun powerhouse, which is already not to be underestimated.

Xu Que planted his whole body on the ground, smashing a huge hole.

The purple-gold battle armor on his body actually began to crack, turning into a plume of metallic liquid, and returning to the purple-gold king's stick.


At the same time, he suddenly coughed out a big mouthful of blood, his complexion became paler, his breath dropped sharply and his aura was wilting.

"He can't do it anymore!"

Everyone saw this, and suddenly realized it in their hearts.

This guy must have used some secret technique before to become so powerful.

Now the secret technique was broken, and it was instantly restored to its original shape.

So weak, this is a reasonable Da Luo Jin Wonderland!

"End it all!"

Seeing this, the great guardian frowned, and with a wave of his sleeves, he removed the huge palm print on the sky.

Since this person is already weak, there is no need to make a killer move himself.

After she gave the order, she turned around and didn't even want to look at Xu Que again.

The second guardian and several other strong immortals also stopped.

Weakness is like this, don't you dirty your hands by doing it yourself?

Anyway, to deal with these finishing touches, those immortal kings will take action.

As a result, a group of people in the black robe of the fairy king realm sneered and sneered towards Xu Que.

All kinds of killer moves are already condensed!

The immortals disdain to take action, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is just what they want, and they can avenge their previous humiliation.

At this time, Xu Que was all embarrassed and got up from the ground with "difficulty".

The corners of his mouth are overflowing with blood, and his eyes are full of complexity and loneliness.

Facing the powerful immortal king who was besieged and killed from all directions, he ignored it and did not change his face.

The next moment, he suddenly shouted: "Xiaorou...Do you really want to do this to me? Have you really forgotten me?"

[The third longer version is delivered. 】

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