Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1601: Are you going to die?

"The strongest anti-routine system (!


The audience was silent for an instant, and there was no sound.

Everyone showed horror, and at the same time, they were shocked.

What did he just... shout?


Is this called Fairy Yu Rou?

This... Is this crazy?

What is his identity? How dare to call Fairy Yurou like that?

Wait, that's not right!

Suddenly, everyone's eyelids jumped suddenly.

At the beginning, this guy seemed to say that he was looking for his wife, and his wife was among the group of people in Tianmen. Could it be that the lady mentioned by this guy was Fairy Yu Rou?

Damn it!

This melon is a bit big...

The countless monks in Jinghe City, including those of the three sects present, opened their mouths wide, full of surprise.

The many immortal kings and strong immortals of Tianmen were also taken aback.

Then furious!

This person is so bold!

How dare you call out this title in front of so many people, you are clearly humiliating Fairy Yurou, humiliating Tianmen...


He must die!

The big guardian immediately yelled: "The little thief is looking for death, this seat tears your mouth!"

The voice falls!

With a bang, the big guardian's sleeves waved, and he controlled the sharp sword in the hands of the third guardian, and swept straight towards Xu Que's mouth!

far away,

Fairy Yurou, who witnessed this scene on the tower, was also a little lost at this moment.

She seemed to be still reverberating with that "little soft" in her ears, with a feeling of deja vu, but she couldn't remember where she had heard it.

It seemed that there was no memory at all, it was just an illusion.

But she knew very well that she couldn't have an illusion.

"This person... does he really know me?"

Her beautiful eyes were shining, thoughtful.

At the same time, the sharp sword controlled by the Great Guardian swept across the sky and instantly swept in front of Xu Que.

Xu Que "it was too late" to avoid, only the slight side of his body was instantly penetrated by the sword light through his chest.


A violent vigor erupted from the sword light.

Xu Que's whole body was suddenly blown into the air, like a broken kite flying backwards, spurting blood continuously from his mouth.


In Jinghe City, the monks onlookers burst into an uproar.

Although everyone had anticipated this result, Hua Wuwei had been breaking their cognition for a long time, constantly challenging the strong.

But now, seeing that he was easily hit so hard by the strong immortal, everyone felt horrified in their hearts.

Hua Wuque is so powerful, she didn't expect to be so small in front of Xianzun Realm.

The strong immortal, really terrifying!

"This blow is probably enough to kill him!"

"I just saw it, and the sword pierced through Hua Wuqian's chest."

"It seems to be knotted..."

"En? No, why is Hua Wuqian lying on the ground spraying blood?"

As everyone talked, they suddenly felt something was wrong.

This blood has been sprayed for too long, right?

From just now to now, it's sprayed all over the ground.

Are you going to die?

"Wait, look at the ground, his blood seems to be sprayed pretty...how do you say, pretty good!" At this moment, someone exclaimed.

Everyone's eyes swept away, Xu Que was still spraying a large amount of blood mist in his mouth, um, still immortal.

But after his blood mist was sprayed on the ground, it was sprayed very symmetrically, with distinct lines, slowly forming a huge red love pattern.


Everyone at the scene looked confused.

But everyone didn't bother to think about it, just thought it was a coincidence.

The key is that this guy's vitality is too strong.

Being pierced with a sword of anger by the strong immortal, he can still hold on to the present.

But... it seems that he is at the end of the battle depending on his state.

"Little Rou!"

Suddenly, Xu Que called out again softly.

The voice at this time was already very weak and weak, but it made people feel as if they had exhausted all their strength.

He seemed to be consuming his last life, exhausting his last strength, just to shout that name.


this moment.

Suddenly there was silence in Jinghe City.

In addition to shock in everyone's eyes, there was a bit more pity!

Some people shook their heads and sighed, some couldn't bear to close their eyes, some confessed, some hid their chirps...

They all believed at this moment that this young man might really have a deep affection for the "little soft" girl in his mouth!

But why is it Fairy Yurou?

Is Xiaobo Xiaocang Xiaoya Xiaotao okay?

Why should it be Xiaorou?

Is the one represented by this name that you are qualified to covet?

At this time, Xu Que no longer sprayed blood, but his breath was already weak to the extreme, dying.

"Ignorant ants!"

The guardian shook his head indifferently, feeling that the vitality in Xu Que's body was fading away, and he seemed to be dying, and he couldn't help but snorted coldly.


After speaking, with a wave of her sleeves, the sharp sword instantly returned to the hands of the three guardians, turning around and preparing to walk away.

But at this moment, Xu Que suddenly got up from the ground.


The body of the great protector froze for a moment and froze.

With her powerful spiritual knowledge, how could she not know the guy's movements.

Actually... can you actually get up?

It shouldn't, it's impossible!

Obviously, it was so short of breath.

This seat is very accurate. When this seat just turned around and took the first step, he just died.

Why can I still get up?

"Little Rou..."

At the same time, Xu Que supported the ground with both hands, stood up hard, pointed at the wound on his body, and tried to squeeze a smile on his face: "Look, Xiaorou, my clothes are torn."

"???" Everyone was instantly confused.

You are dying, the wound is bleeding, but you are concerned that your clothes are torn?

"Xiao Rou, what you said, you will make me new clothes, have you forgotten?"

At this time, Xu Que said again.

Everyone was stunned again.

No one complained this time.

Although they didn't know if there was any past between this Hua Wuque and that Xiao Rou, they didn't know what story happened.

But at this moment, looking at this Hua Wuque looking like this, many people just feel that their chests are blocked in panic.


"New clothes..."

Not far away, Fairy Yurou above the tower was also absent-minded, whispering in a low voice.

She felt like deja vu again, but she still couldn't remember anything, and she didn't even have any memory clues to follow.

"Ignorance ants, still can't silence!"

At the same time, the guardian yelled again and rushed directly to Xu Que.


This time, a sturdy palm suddenly fell on Xu Que's body.

Half of his arm instantly turned into a cloud of blood!

The body flew out again, the breath seemed to weaken again, and the mouth began to spurt blood as always...

With a muffled bang, he fell to the ground.

He is dying, really only a faint trace of breath.

But he is still spitting blood!

The **** mist rushed into the air, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com slowly fell on the ground.

Coincidentally, the location of the spill this time happened to be next to the huge red love heart pattern just now.

The new blood mist fell down and once again gathered into another new red love pattern.

Two red love hearts, leaning on each other tightly.

Ah, that is love!

[First! 】

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