Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1602: Don't you remember me?

"The strongest anti-routine system (!

"What do these two pictures mean?"

"Moreover, they are two identical pictures, closely leaning on each other...I see, this is a metaphor for him and..."


Everyone looked at it, vaguely understood something.

This is no coincidence at all!

How can there be a coincidence that can spray blood and spray two identical patterns?

The key point is that these two patterns are close together, and the directivity is too obvious.

If you have to say that this is all a coincidence, you can only say that this person and that Xiaorou are a match made in heaven!

And all of this, how could the many black-robed people of Tianmen not see it!

No matter how stupid it is, he can already see that that guy is clearly playing with them!

In the guise of being injured and spurting blood, just to paint these two patterns?

Nima, why are you so dare?

The guardians of the Immortal Realm were even more furious!

They didn't even notice that a big Luo Jinxian in this area was actually playing tricks on them!

Especially as the great guardian who personally shot Xu Que to end Xu Que, it was completely unbearable at this time.

"Shameless person, this seat will break your corpse into pieces!"

She shouted angrily.

A vast expanse of immortality condensed on her body, with a monstrous aura that instantly pressed everyone's scalp numb and suffocated.


Accompanied by the great guardian's angry shout, the majestic fairy power, like a waterfall, penetrated through the void, and instantly appeared in front of Xu Que, turning into a violent force, and smashed on his chest fiercely.

Xu Que was knocked into the air again, once again like a broken kite, blood spurting crazily in his mouth.

But this time, the blood no longer turned into blood mist, but a blood column sprang out, forming a parabola in the air.

Afterwards, the blood fell on the ground with a "crack", which happened to be a straight line that was even straighter than a straight steel man.

A straight line, perfectly running through the two love hearts on the ground!


At the same time, under everyone's attention, Xu Que actually landed smoothly this time.

He frowned slightly, with a trace of dissatisfaction, and hammered his chest twice with his fist.

"Puff!" "Puff!"

In an instant, another two mouthfuls of blood spurted out and landed at the beginning of the straight line. In a disguised form, he added two strokes to the beginning of the straight line, turning the straight line into an arrow line!

"Little Rou!"

Xu Que shouted again. While admiring his paintings, he clapped his hands with satisfaction: "Come and see, I am in the shape of loving you even when I was beaten and wounded and shed blood! But..."

"But why are you so hard-hearted that you don't even give me a chance to meet?"

All the onlookers in Jinghe City were completely dumbfounded.

My Nima!

Oh shit!

This operation...no, I'm so sorrowful that my waist is flashing!

The bloodshed from being beaten and injured is in the shape of loving you?

What kind of love story is this?


Didn't you girl just dying, dying?

Why are you so energetic and shouting here, and still thinking about the situation?


Suddenly, everyone realized that something was wrong.

Isn't this guy hurt?

Then he had been at a disadvantage just now, and he was beaten up with various blood spurts. Is Quante pretending to be?


No, this is absolutely impossible!

He must be relying on this strange behavior to conceal the tragedy of his being beaten!

Otherwise, in the face of such a crowd of immortal kings, why would he dare to do this?

If he has this kind of strength, can he just solve this group of people directly?

Why make this unnecessary!

Or... this guy is purely humiliating those strong in heaven?

"Presumptuous! You...you presumptuous!"

The great guardian of the dignified Immortal Venerable Realm is now a little incoherent by Xu Que's anger!

Xu Que slowly raised his head!

The piece of metal has evolved into a battle armor again!

It's just that this time the battle armor covers all his head!

He holds the king's stick in his hand, and looks at the world!

Slowly lifted the king's baton in his hand and waved it toward the front!

Suddenly, a hurricane blew, and the blood on the ground followed, and in the midair once again appeared a picture of one arrow through the heart!

"Perfect!" Xu Que smiled slightly.

"You...you!" The guardian was directly choked by his words: "Kill him! Kill him for me!"

At this level of war, Xu Que is actually at the end of his way!

For the few immortals left, he really can't pull off their masks, otherwise he wouldn't use this trick!

What I thought was such a romantic operation would definitely wake up Xiao Rou!

But the result is obviously not satisfactory!

"Xiao Rou! Can you let me see you, even one side!"

Xu Que shouted aloud: "Even if it's just one side, I will leave as soon as I see it. I won't bother you anymore. It's hard for a gentleman to chase after a word!"

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but look!

He is obviously so powerful, one person fights four!

But why does this young man feel pitiful inexplicably at this time?

Is it impossible to satisfy the request of seeing one side?

Is licking a dog so humble?

Suddenly, the surrounding wind ceased to be noisy and seemed to be silently mourning for Xu Que.

Looking at the man not far away, Fairy Yu Rou lost consciousness again.

She had always been indifferent, but at this moment an impulsive idea emerged!

The thought of flying to the man's side!


Fairy Yu Rou's out-of-focus eyes flashed high again, staring at the man tightly.

Who is he!

Why look at him, his Dao Heart will have such a strong ups and downs.

Is he important to me?

At this time, Xu Que had already met those Immortal Venerables again, with the four-color different flames in his hands!

A breath of despair spread across his hands...

The immortal kings of Tianmen couldn't help but frown slightly!


This kid actually has such a killer move!

However, the woman in white who had been watching the battle on the tower not far away, looked at the flame, and her heart fluctuated more and more violently.

Confusion, boredom, fear...

Numerous negative emotions began to erode Yu Rou's heart.

She possesses a five-element chaotic body, and has not encountered any bottlenecks and demons since she embarked on the path of practice.

Moreover, with the help of her master, she has condensed an innocent Taoist heart that does not touch the mundane and mundane things.

But now, why are these negative emotions still born?

She desperately suppressed those negative emotions, but found that the more suppressed, the more uncomfortable she was!

Fairy Yurou was the first genius of Xianyuanzhou!

At this moment, she was huddled in the corner of the tower like a helpless little girl, shivering.

She wanted to know what could affect her Wushou Dao Xin.

Is it a human? Or things? Or is it some kind of strange energy?

At this time, at the end of the battlefield, Xu Que was still shouting loudly!

"Xiao Rou! This is Xu Que! Have you really forgotten it?"

"That year, we met for the first time in Panshan Village!"

"That year, I took your bellyband by mistake...not to mention it!"

"And Pang Bao, do you remember that stupid big man? And Tian Wuzong, do you remember those hypocritical cultivators?"

"I said that anyone who dares to bully you, I will make him pay!"

"Yes! It's all my fault. If I wasn't so arrogant at the time, there would be nothing wrong with Panshan Village, and neither would you..."

"Even if you kill me, I am willing, but can you lift the mask and let me see you!"

At this moment, Xu Que was already in tears, crying hysterically, making his words even weaker.

He couldn't help but really got into the play.

But the inner feelings are real and cannot be hidden.

He has always felt a deep sense of guilt for Xiaorou!

At this moment, he wanted to use memories to wake up Xiao Rou, even if she was attracted to show up on her own initiative. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

But I didn't expect that the tragic situation of Panshan Village that year appeared in my mind again, and the scene of Xiaorou dying in his arms.

"Xu Que!"

At the same time, Fairy Yurou in the corner of the tower was whispering this name softly.

[The second one is delivered. Let’s do this today. Everyone will vote for more recommended votes and monthly tickets. Next Sunday, on the 22nd, I’ll just have a big outbreak, let you take a good look at it, otherwise there are not many tickets, and the subscription will continue. Can't go up, still falling down...]

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