Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1623: Rush


In the middle of the night, what do you call for help?

Hearing that, the two of them couldn't help but froze at the same time!

"Friends, the people in the city lord's mansion are chasing me, they..."

The monk said anxiously.

It's just that the words were not finished, and there was a "swish" from the rear, and a dozen people in black suddenly appeared, murderous, and their eyes locked on the few people present.

City Lord's Mansion?

Good guys! What a coincidence!

Xu Que, Duan Jiude, and Er Gouzi instantly showed evil smiles on their faces.

There is a way to heaven, you don’t want to go. In the middle of the night, a dozen or so big Luojinxian little assassins actually come to give away their heads by themselves?

"All killed!"

The headed man in black only inspected Xu Que's cultivation base, dismissed it, and directly ordered.

Immediately, more than a dozen people in black set off together, offering a killer move, and rushing in instantly.

"Don't move, it's all mine!"

Xu Quesheng was afraid that Er Gouzi would grab the head with Duan Jiude, and immediately swiped the purple gold to force the king's stick, the whole person was like a cannonball, and it was ejected in an instant.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Zijin forced the king's cudgel to turn into a dense shadow of cudgel, covering the audience.

The group of people in black had no time to react at all, and even had the opportunity to scream. They burst under the shadow of the stick and turned into a cloud of blood, and rushed to Huangquan one after another.


The fleeing monk was dumbfounded on the spot, completely stupid.

So many big Luo Jinxian, just... just gone?

It's easier to kill than cutting vegetables!


At this time, Xu Que had already put away the stick, glanced at the monk, and smiled and said, "Why did the City Lord's Mansion chase and kill you? Could it be that you did something damaging to the world, right? If this is the case, we should also take care of it. ."

"No, no, no, a few people have misunderstood, I didn't do anything that hurts the truth."

The monk hurriedly waved his hand to explain, extremely nervous.

"Don't you? What did you wander around in the street in the middle of the night? Are you being chased by someone?" Er Gouzi glared at the dog's eyes and jumped out.

"Young man, be lenient in confession, strict in resistance!" Duan Jiude also said coldly.

"A few fellow daoists, things are not what you think. I just broke through the city lord's mansion, and I was found out by accident before I was hunted down."

The monk hurriedly said.

"I was a little nervous at the time and I didn't hear the details clearly, but I heard they said that they would arrest a hundred thousand people, and it was still related to the old city owner!"

"Oh? Old City Lord?"

Several people in Xu Que were startled.

Just killed a city lord, how come out an old city lord?

"Don't you know? The city lord was killed by the bombing gang today, and the old city lord immediately appeared... Wait, maybe the few are..." the monk just said, and suddenly reacted.

Damn it.

Isn't the combination of two people and one dog the people of the bombing gang that everyone is spreading?

This group of guys dare to come back, and they are prying the door of other people's shop most of the night?

"It seems that today's breath is the old city master!" Er Gouzi didn't bother to pay attention to the monk, now his face was solemn, and that was a strong enemy!

"The old man just died his son, how could he send his subordinates out to arrest people? And it is a hundred thousand people?" Duan Jiude said suspiciously.

When the monk heard this, he immediately said: "Several people, in fact, in Hailin City in the early years, people disappeared from time to time! But everyone didn't care too much. After all, most of the casual cultivators in the city may be going out to experience or go out. What happened to the accident, it's normal to lose the news. But tonight's matter is not trivial. I am afraid that the monks who have disappeared for many years have a close relationship with the City Lord's Mansion!"

Speaking of this, the monk paused, and said in a deep voice: "Or it should be related to the old city master, that is an extraordinary existence who has entered the fairyland thousands of years ago!"

The monk who has been missing for many years?

Xu Que's group raised eyebrows.

Good guy, the people in the City Lord's Mansion are so evil, it seems that this trip must be done in a big wave, in order to be regarded as killing the people!

Two people and one dog turned their heads at the same time, their eyes met exactly.

Then, they all turned their gazes to the guard gate formation.

"Several fellow daoists, this place may not be safe, let's leave this place first, spread the matter out, and ask other people to help!" At this moment, the monk said.

"Eh, no hurry, no hurry!"

Xu Ke waved his hand and said righteously: "The City Lord's Mansion is full of evil, we can't leave here, we must race against time and collect their evidence first!"

"Yes, we have all inquired, this shop is the property of the city lord's mansion, there must be a lot of evidence hidden in it." Duan Jiude also nodded.

"Receive...Collect evidence? Here?" The corner of the monk's mouth twitched for a moment.

There are a lot of fairy magic weapons in this shop, but where is the evidence?

However, he didn't dare to say anything at this moment, he could only nod his head and said: "Okay, then please... some of you hurry up."

"Don't worry, we are all professionals!" Xu Que raised the corner of his mouth, looked at Er Gouzi, and waved.


Er Gouzi immediately gave a strange cry, leaped forward and kicked out with one foot, with a pattern between the feet, and kicked **** the guard gate.


With a muffled noise, the entire gate array was instantly shattered.

"Chong, look for evidence!"

The two screamed in unison, and rushed into the shop at the same time.

Then, in the monk's surprised gaze, the two men frantically swept all kinds of magic weapons on the counter. The countless hidden cells under the counter were shattered, and a large number of fairy crystals inside were all taken away.

Even on an unremarkable floor, after Er Gouzi lifted up a wooden board, he actually revealed a forbidden barrier, which was easily broken open, and then grabbed a large number of storage rings from the ground and quickly collected them. Up.

After a quarter of an hour, this shop in the City Lord's Mansion did not even have a door panel left.

The monk witnessed how a shop disappeared out of thin air, his mouth twitched slightly.

Is this Nima really collecting evidence of crime? It looks like a bandit and robber with proficient business skills!

That technique, that level of proficiency, everything is weird!

But it's okay, now that I have finished getting things, can I go?

"Three, can you go? Let's go and notify the others first or..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw that the formation pattern under the dog's feet had flickered!

Damn it!

The monk immediately widened his eyes and said in astonishment: "What are the three of you doing?"

"Friends, the people in this City Lord's Mansion are too cunning! There is no flaw in this place, and no evidence of crime is left. We plan to look for it elsewhere. Go home and sleep."

After Er Gouzi finished speaking, he waved goodbye to the monk.

Then there was a "swish", the white light shone, and the silhouettes of two people and one dog gradually turned into streamers and disappeared.


These wicked guys.

Looking for evidence?

Look for a fart, that's a gang of robbers! Shameless robber!

"I should have believed these people a long time ago. No, I blame the stinky lady. If it wasn't for tracking her where she settled, she wouldn't have encountered the mess of the City Lord’s Mansion halfway through. It's a murderous disaster, **** bad luck!"

While cursing, the monk hurried in one direction.

In any case, he has to hurry out of town.

As for the mess in the City Lord’s Mansion, when you leave the city, naturally there is a way to spread it, but you can also use this news to sell it at a good price, and you are afraid that you will not find a wife to play?


Thinking of this, the monk showed an ugly smile on his face.

However, just as he walked around a few streets, he suddenly trembled.

A terrifying aura, actually locked him!

"not good!"

The monk's complexion changed drastically in an instant, and he fleeed at a frantic speed.

This breath is so familiar, it is clearly the housekeeper of the City Lord's Mansion!

The terrible existence of the fairyland!

"Only Daluo Sanxian, UU reading www.uukanshu.com has the means to kill my 16 Daluojin Wonderland subordinates, it is not easy. But, do you think you can still run away?"

At this time, a cold voice rang in his mind.

Followed by dozens of black shadows flashed past, and instantly fell in front of him.

The middle-aged housekeeper stared at him with a sullen look.

The monk trembled with fear on the spot, and waved his hand again and again to explain: "No, your person is not me..."


Before he finished speaking, a sharp blade flashed past.

The monk's vitality was broken on the spot, and a blood mark appeared on his neck. The whole head slowly slipped down from his body and landed on the ground with a snap. The sword strength exploded and exploded it into a cloud of blood.

"Isn't it a waste!"

The butler hummed coldly, waved his hand, and slid a pocket knife along the palm of his hand into the sleeves.

"Take care of the surroundings and look for anyone else by the way. Once you find out, kill them! This matter must not be publicized!"

"I will understand!"

However, early the next morning.

Many Hailincheng monks awoke or finished their training, and they were surprised to find that there was a book called "Haichao Tales" in their homes, inns, and even in the streets and alleys.

Author: Fu Jian Yi Bo, Fried Tian Bang!

[I made a mistake. There are some changes in the manuscript I posted earlier, but I just found out that some plots in the later saved manuscripts have BUG due to the previous changes. 】

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