Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1624: The **** is familiar

"Have you heard? The disappearance of a large number of monks in Hailin City over the years seems to be related to the City Lord's Mansion!"

"Friends, did you read that picture album, too?"

"Yes, this picture album was painted by some rich man of the Zhantian Gang, and it reveals countless past events related to the old city owner!"

"What rich and strong uncle, they are rich and strong!"

"Do you think the story in that album is true?"

"It seems to be true, the timeline is up, think about it, the old city lord suddenly disappeared thousands of years ago, and it was rumored that he was sitting!"

"Yes, yes, yes, but according to the picture book, the old city lord suffered a loss of body because of practicing magic skills, and is now catching people everywhere to refine oil and prepare to gain weight!"

"Isn't it? You believe it too?"

"It sounds unreliable!"

"But as far as I know, some records are indeed true!" Someone suddenly said mysteriously.

"What? Does this fellow Taoist know any secrets?"

The man smiled indifferently: "That is natural! In fact, the old city lord met a woman who practices Mei Gong thousands of years ago!"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard this!

A woman who practices Mei Gong?

Could it be that the old city lord is so skinny now because he is with that woman?

Seeing the surprise on everyone's faces, the man continued: "Yes, it's what you think!"

"Xiongtai, what do we think, please elaborate!"

"I can't elaborate on this matter, it's easy to happen! I can only tell you, dry wood and raging fire, charming women and hunks, fighting vigorously, unconsciously, and squeezing people into trouble."

"Isn't it? Old City Lord is actually so good?"

"You don't know anything? The old city lord was the first genius of Hailin City! In this respect, naturally, he is far superior to ordinary people, otherwise why do you think that woman would choose the old city lord?"

"You are wrong. The news I heard is that the old city owner's preferences are different from ordinary people, and he is more interested in some men!"

"Fart, don't talk nonsense if you don't know, the old city lord is an eunuch, and later he didn't know what kind of weird exercises he had cultivated before he fell into such a field. He is a poor man!"

"Fuck it, really?"

"Nonsense, otherwise he was so prestigious back then, why suddenly he had to pass it on to his son, but he chose to retreat?"

"Wait, it doesn't seem to be right, if he is an eunuch? Isn't his son..."

"You guys, have you made a mistake about the key points? Now we should not consider these issues, right? First, figure out why so many people have disappeared in Hailincheng over the years."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this!

Ah this...


Although the specific purpose of the City Lord's Mansion is not yet clear, everyone's situation seems a bit wrong now!

If the monks who have disappeared for so many years are all captured by the City Lord's Mansion, then the current Hailin City... is very dangerous!

Why are you still here to gossip about the old city lord's past?

However, some people did not take this matter seriously, just as a farce.

Some people think that this should be a rumor spread by people who have old enemies in the old city, otherwise, how could it be possible to evolve so many versions overnight?

Therefore, these "smart people" are not moved, thinking that the City Lord's Mansion will eventually come forward to explain, and then any rumors will become a joke.

Rumors arose in the city and soon spread to the city lord's mansion.

When the butler heard these rumors, he was instantly mad.

Could it be that someone else heard their words yesterday?

As the saying goes, there is no wind and no waves. They have been rampant in Hailin City for many years. If they say that they want to spread rumors, it shouldn't happen at this time by coincidence.

If this matter is known to the Old City Lord...

The butler shuddered abruptly!

But he knew that this kind of thing could not be kept away!

After hesitating, he still reported the matter to Hai Chao, the lord of the old city!

Hai Chao heard it, but there was no response.

He was like a late old man sitting on the seat, the breeze gently blowing his remaining strands of hair, but to outsiders, it seemed that this breeze could blow him down at any time.

However, the butler knelt in front of Hai Chao, trembling all over, and the cold sweat was swishing down!

He could sense the anger of the Old City Lord, and he was afraid that if he dared to say a word of nonsense, there would only be a dead end.

After a long time, Hai Chao finally slowly said: "You trash! This can't be done well!"

As he spoke, Hai Chao raised his hand, as if he was about to directly kill the trash in front of him.

But it seems that something has been thought of, and he hasn't waved his hand for a long time.

It was not until a moment later that he slowly said: "The matter is over, I won’t be held accountable anymore! Now that there are millions of people in the city, it’s not difficult to catch 100,000 people. Let’s start to lock down the city immediately. Remember, if there are mistakes again. , Don’t blame me for not thinking about the old feelings of the past!"

"Yes, thank you City Lord!" The butler immediately let out a long sigh of relief, knocked his head several times, and hurriedly retreated.

Hai Chao looked at the leaving figure of the housekeeper coldly, and with a thought, a small Hailin city light and shadow slowly manifested in his hands.

With a few flicks of his fingers, outside the light and shadow of the small city, an extra aperture instantly appeared, covering the entire small city.


Immediately afterwards, a huge light curtain suddenly appeared over the entire Hailin City, which fell from the sky and buckled down directly.

Hailin City was completely shrouded in it.

"Recently, someone maliciously spread rumors in Hailin City to discredit the city lord. From now on, Hailin City will close the city until the person who spread the rumor is found!"

The City Lord's Mansion announced the news to the monks in the entire city at the same time.

The city is closed!

All the monks looked up at the formation method above the sky, and their expressions changed drastically.

Combine all kinds of rumors in the city today and what the City Lord's Mansion is doing now!

Many people can't help but feel a little uneasy.

Is such a big battle really just looking for the person who spread the rumors?

Or... those rumors may be true, and the City Lord's Mansion is really going to arrest 100,000 people?

For a while, the people in Hailin City were panicked!

Moreover, every version of the previous rumors was as if it were true, and now the monks in Hailin City couldn't help but take precautions.

Gradually, the so-called rumors seemed to become true.

After all, they did find that some friends did disappear out of thin air!

"I have a friend who was drinking with me yesterday. Today I went to look for him at his house, but found that he has disappeared."

"It's okay with you. I have a family of 13 friends with the surname Qi, all of whom are missing. Is it really related to the City Lord's Mansion?"

"What are you? My wife said last night to get her hair done, but she hasn't returned yet. I suspect she must have been brutally murdered by the City Lord's Mansion!"

"Have you noticed it? It seems that the refugees in Hailin City have also disappeared recently!"

"Could it be that people who have no cultivation base will also be taken into the city lord's mansion?"

"Think about it carefully. Over the years, the number of people missing inexplicably in Hailincheng is the most in Qingzhou..."

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help but feel cold!

Could it be that the City Lord's Mansion is really doing something shameful?

At the same time, there was a deep mountain forest in the suburbs outside Hailin City.

The two were surrounded by a dog, holding a map of Hailin City and discussing something.

Suddenly, Er Gouzi suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of Hailincheng.

"Fuck, brother, they have sealed the city!" Er Gouzi said in astonishment.

"No, didn't you just steal a few of their shops? Just a few appetizers, they actually closed the city directly?" Duan Jiude also slapped his tongue, feeling that Hailin City is too stable, right.

After all, closing the city is not a trivial matter!

"Oh, want to close the city? I didn't allow them to do this!"

Xu Que sneered, then waved his hand.


The streamer flickered, and a pile of dynamite bags, as huge as a small mountain, fell directly to the ground.

Immediately, Xu Que glanced at Ergou in a daze, and said with a smile: "Ergouzi, do you understand what I mean?"

"Fuck, this **** knows this trick!"

Er Gouzi reacted with excitement on his face.

The dynamite bag blows up the city!

This deity has done this before, and the deity is familiar with it!

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