Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1632: Squirt you

() Ten days later.

Xianyuanzhou Buddha Domain.

As the news of the trial of the Buddha realm spread, monks from all major realms rushed to come.

Although there are not many places, there are often many grand ceremonies or auctions before such secrets are held. There will also be many treasures in the market. If you are lucky, you may still be able to pick up a leak.

But when the monks from Wuduyu came to the Buddhafield, after a meal, they would inevitably brag about it, and more or less passed on the deeds of blasting the sky gang to the wicked dog.

When the six elders and Zuo Yue arrived at the Buddhist realm, almost everyone knew about the deeds of the wicked dog.

Listening to the shocked appearance when everyone was talking, the Sixth Elder and Zuo Yue gritted their teeth with anger!

If he could get one step earlier in Liucheng, he would definitely be able to block Xu Que and the others, but every time it was a little bit worse, it was really weird.

"How did they do it?" Six Elders were already on the verge of an explosion, gritted their teeth.

Now that he had just arrived in the Buddha's domain, the wicked dog seemed to have disappeared, and there was no movement at all.

But right now the trial of the Buddha realm has not yet begun, and I don't know where the wicked dog will go first.

He roughly had two directions, one was the place where the auction would be held in the near future, and the other was the direction to the secret realm of the Buddha realm, but this made the Six Elders fall into contemplation.

Where should I go?

If you continue to let Zuo Yue go the same way, I'm afraid that he will choose the wrong one again, and the Devil Dog has successfully avoided the catastrophe again.

But if we act separately, Zuo Yue's strength...

After thinking for a while, the six elders had a choice.

He re-burned a copy of "The Scripture of Righteous Qi Sealing Magic" and handed it to Zuo Yue.

"We will act separately on this trip. This secret method is extremely extraordinary. If you can take it back and study it, you can at least have the strength of a high-level immortal. In this way, you don't need to be afraid of facing a wicked dog."

"Six elders, this..."

Zuo Yue was startled first.

Such a powerful secret method, the Six Elders have been passed on to him in this way. This is obviously because he values ​​himself very much and wants to cultivate him into a confidant!

Soon, the color of joy on his face was beyond words, and he immediately shouted: "Thank you six elders!"

"There is no need to talk about this between you and me. With such a secret technique, you and me should act separately. You must solve them before the wicked dog enters the Buddha realm, otherwise they will also run into the Buddha realm. I'm afraid they will find them again. It's difficult." The Sixth Elder waved his hand and said lightly.

"Zuo Yue understands!"

Zuo Yue immediately responded.

Soon he separated from the Six Elders and swept directly in one direction.

A few days later, he took the teleportation array in several ancient cities one after another, and by the way, he also inquired about the lack of a dog.

The result was unexpected, and it really gave him some clues.

Someone pointed out a direction and claimed to have seen two people and one dog.

Zuo Yue didn't hesitate, and immediately slid out of the ancient city, rushing directly to the sky above a forest in the distance, staring straight in one direction.

In the past few days, he has also been studying the "Right Qi Conferred Demon Sutra" given by the Six Elders. The secret method is extremely domineering, but it is very easy to practice. It is really a rare treasure.

However, once this method is used, the consumption is extremely large, so he dare not try it easily.

But he knew this secret method in his heart, and he had full certainty, if he encountered a wicked dog, he would be able to easily win the opponent if he performed this method by himself.

So this time, he intends to chase him personally, and bring the wicked dog back to the sixth elder at that time, he will definitely make the sixth elder happy, and he may reward more treasures at that time.

Thinking of this, Zuo Yue couldn't help but get excited.

He took out a piece of jade slip, which recorded the topography of the Buddha domain and the distribution of the city.

At this moment, Zuo Yue has roughly judged where they are going based on the direction that the wicked dog approached and moved forward.

"Zhenyuan City!"

Zuo Yue whispered softly, with a cold smile on her face.

A majestic murderous aura swept away in an instant, causing a huge movement in the mountains and forests.

Countless spirit beasts in the mountains were scared to hide back into the cave, for fear that the powerful existence in the sky would attack them!

However, after a while, the momentum suddenly disappeared.

The figure in the sky has already turned into a streamer and swept into the distance.

The next day, in Zhenyuan City.

The two of them were walking on the street. When the pedestrians around saw them, their expressions changed and they evaded directly.

"Fuck, why are those people hiding from us?" Er Gouzi couldn't help but curiously asked.

"What do you mean?" Xu Que replied in an angry tone.

Although the reputation of the wicked dog is well-known in the Wudu domain, it is not yet very influential in the Buddha domain, but rumors of them have been circulating in several nearby cities recently.

Originally, Xu Que and Duan Jiude planned to make Er Gouzi hide again, but Er Gouzi stopped doing it this time. He had to go out and stroll around, clamoring that as long as he changed his face, he would definitely not be recognized.

As a result, the so-called disguise of this guy is to find a pair of colorful beach pants to put on, and tie a red cloak behind his back, which is more arrogant and arrogant.

This is obviously not as easy as it is.

But Xu Que thought for a while, after all, he didn't stop it.

Anyway, I have already arrived in the Buddha realm, and there is nothing high-profile. Maybe the news spreads, and it will let Su Yunlan and the others know that they have come to Xianyuanzhou.

"Teacher Ergou, obviously they were shocked by the arrogance of your body, or do you still have a little restraint, such as taking off your pants?" Duan Jiude couldn't stand it anymore, those beach pants were too hot.

"Right!" Xu Que couldn't help but agree.

"Really? Really? This **** is so low-key, still can't stop the domineering spirit?" Er Gouzi heard this, his face full of pride.

Following it, the dog's body shook.


Suddenly, a violent power surged above the sky, and it suddenly swept across.

"Fuck!" Duan Jiude exclaimed immediately.

Er Gouzi still has this hand?

"what's the situation?"

"Such a powerful aura, at least a strong person above the fairy king!"

Many monks in the city were also taken aback by this momentum, and their faces were full of shock.

"No, it's not Ergouzi!"

Xu Que frowned, this breath...he had encountered it before!

"Damn, it's a man from Tianmen again!"

Xu Que cursed immediately.

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude froze for a moment, and immediately reacted.

"Fuck! Nima ran to the Buddha's domain, why are you still chasing?"


Er Gouzi cursed, her feet were already gleaming with light.

"Fighting the sky gang lacks virtue dog, this time I will see how you can escape!"

Over the sky, there was a loud shout.

Zuo Yue's figure appeared, with a playful expression on her face: "Zhenyuan City has been completely sealed off by me. Want to run? Just try it!"

Both of them frowned...

"Brother Lack! This guy grabs your lines! Can you tolerate this? Go up and **** him!" Er Gouzi urged.

"Brother Lack! It's really not an old man who is picking things up. Stealing someone's job is equivalent to killing one's parents. Can you endure such a deep hatred?" Duan Jiude's face was full of resentment.

Xu Que's mouth twitched, and he cursed: "Fart! Ben Bisheng has always been amiable and gentle, how can he say such vulgar things!"

The three of them are professionals, taking advantage of the time when they are talking, Er Gouzi's actions have never stopped, frantically sketching rune marks.

Although there is only one mid-level immortal strong here, who knows where the other two are hiding? If you play in an ambush and pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, wouldn't it be a blood loss!

"Er Gouzi, how's it going?" Xu Que asked through Voice Transmission.

"Damn, no, this product has really sealed the city, and the teleportation array of the deity has failed!" Er Gouzi cursed.

"Fuck, what should I do now?" Duan Jiude frowned.

"The city is really closed, then it means that the other two Immortal Venerables are probably not here!"

Xu Que smiled and said, raised his head and glanced at the domineering Zuo Yue in the sky, took out the king's stick, and covered his whole body with a piece of metal combat armor.

"Kill him!" Xu Que finished faintly, and his figure jumped directly into the sky.

When everyone present saw this, their expressions changed.

"Fuck, this guy wants to fight the Immortal Realm?"

"Just a little bit Luo Jinxian, where's the courage?"

"Your structure is smaller, that one is Xu Que among the wicked dogs! With his strength, he can really fight the Immortal Venerable, and even crush it!"

"But why did they want to escape just now?"

"Naturally, I don't want me to be harmed in vain. The wicked dog is a positive person! A moral role model!" someone responded.

When everyone heard the words, they turned their heads and looked at them, and their faces instantly crossed.

Nima, it was Duan Jiude's shameless old man who responded.


At this time, Zuo Yue above the sky sneered.

After tracking for such a long time, they have already known the wicked dogs well!

As long as the space is closed, there is absolutely no possibility for them to escape!

However, Xu Que, who wore a golden armor, was indeed as rumored, possessing the strength that rivaled the Immortal Venerable!

But this time... I am no longer an ordinary Immortal Venerable, Zuo Yue, but possessing the strength of a high-level Immortal Venerable. How can you Xu Que fight me?


A raging breath instantly spread from Zuo Yue's body and rose to the sky!

In an instant, wisps of silvery white appeared in his black hair, and the majestic demonic energy swept over his body wantonly...


Xu Que stopped immediately and looked at Zuo Yue in astonishment.

"Ah this..."

Duan Jiude and Er Gouzi were also taken aback. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"You wait to die!"

At the same time, Zuo Yue already felt that her breath was soaring wildly, her tone became colder, and her self-confidence continued to burst!

Many monks in the city became uneasy.

"It's so terrifying, what kind of trick is this?"

"It's terrible, there seems to be devilish energy around!"

"Isn't it the magic door secret method?"

Many people exclaimed, and at the same time, under the suppression of this manic atmosphere, their legs trembled!

What a great strength this is!

I am afraid that it is at least comparable to a high-ranking immortal powerhouse!


The cloud space erupted with a muffled noise, and Zuo Yue pressed forward with his big hand, and the void instantly sank and collapsed, extremely distorted.

"Hahahaha, the deity can't help it anymore, this is so...absolute!" Er Gouzi suddenly laughed and slammed on the ground and hammered the floor frantically.

"Er Gouzi, don't laugh...puff ha ha ha!" Duan Jiude yelled at Er Gouzi with a straight face, but he couldn't help it anymore and burst out laughing on the spot.

"It's really interesting!" Xu Que's mouth also raised a smile.

"Xu Que, do you have the strength of a strong Immortal Venerable? Hey, come, come and fight!"

In midair, Zuo Yue directly jokingly hooked his finger towards Xu Que, completely provocative.

"You? You are not qualified! I can squirt you to death with one mouthful of water!"

Xu Que shook his head and smiled. After speaking, he really twitched his mouth and spit out, passing in front of Zuo Yue.

Immediately afterwards, under everyone's bewildered gaze, Xu Que suddenly stretched out his finger and began to count down.




(End of this chapter)

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