Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1633: Let the saliva fly for a while

"The strongest anti-routine system (!


Xu Que's voice became louder and louder.

In the midair, Zuo Yue's aura became more fierce, and the mockery on his face was undoubtedly evident!


"Boy, this seat will satisfy your last wish, and when you count to one, I will kill you again!" Zuo Yue sneered.

Under the eyes of everyone, he wanted to show the strong spirit, and finally won the wicked dog with one more move, and he was famous everywhere.

"Okay, speak for words, 1.99, 1.98..."

Xu Que started counting with two decimal places.

"You are looking for death!"

The smile on Zuo Yue's face disappeared in an instant, and his murderous aura turned into a phantom to rush towards Xu Que.

"Are you in such a hurry to die? Actually, I didn't mean to tease you, I just wanted to let the saliva fly for a while... Oh, it seems time has come!"

Xu Que said, smiling slightly.

"When you die, you are still talking nonsense...what?"

Just as Zuo Yue rushed to Xu Que and was about to make a move, Xian Yuanli in his body suddenly began to turmoil.

His face changed, he was about to control and guide immediately, but found that this intervention, the immortal power in his body was completely violent, rampant, completely out of control!

"Do not!"

Zuo Yue instantly showed a horrified expression on her face, and roared loudly.

The next moment, with a loud "bang", Zuo Yue's entire body exploded directly and turned into a large cloud of blood, which was scattered from the air, completely bidding farewell to his miserable life.

The audience fell into a deathly silence, silent, and the needle drop could be heard.

Everyone was dumbfounded and confused.

This... how is this so possible?

A dignified middle-ranked immortal, even the strength of a high-ranked immortal erupted, but the result was such a fall, there was no bone?

The key is that Xu Que didn't seem to make a move, just a spit?

Let the saliva fly for a while?

Nima, immediately killed Immortal Venerable Power after flying?

"Wuhu, take off!"

At the same time, Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude seemed to have anticipated all this, they already raised their arms and shouted in excitement.

"Shudder, fear, the mere Tianmen, why should we be the enemy of the Exploding Heavens Gang?"

"Brothers and sisters of the Buddha realm, let me introduce Xu Que, the blasting sky gang, who combines beauty and talent, pretends to be forced and slaps the face, spit out the immortal statue, kicks the immortal emperor, and fascinates thousands of girls and women. Jie Bisheng, let's call his name together, Xu... Que!"

The shouts of Ergouzi and Duan Jiude were directly like noise, blasting everyone's ears.

This also caused everyone to react quickly from the state of absent-mindedness, but their hearts were still shocked and unbelievable.

Spit, kill Xianzun in a second?

Isn't all this really dreaming?

It's so terrifying!

Soon, the surrounding discussion gradually became enthusiastic.

Xu Que watched the pretense value of the system interface rise, couldn't help but smile, waved his hands again and again: "You don't need to be surprised, just the basic operation, just have a mouth!"

Basic...Basic operation?

Do you call this basic operation? What if you do it seriously? Wouldn't it be possible to fight the emperor?

Do you have a mouth? Dare we all have no mouth?

The corners of everyone's lips twitched fiercely when they heard the words, this product is really too owed.

"Is it possible that the rumored blasting gang is so powerful?"

"How exactly did Xu Que do it? Why can he have such a strong strength..."

"It seems that we all underestimate the Tianmen Gang. Tianmen really got into big trouble this time."

"Yeah! But they are in our Buddhist realm now, I'm afraid we won't have a peaceful life during this time."

Some were horrified, some were scared, and some were worried.

The Buddha realm has always been quiet and peaceful. This wicked dog just appeared and caused such a big incident. It is estimated that the next Buddha realm will really be in chaos.

A few days later, what happened in Zhenyuan City also spread wildly in an instant.

The name "Zhang Tian Gang", especially the combination of "Defiant Dogs", became famous in the entire Buddhist realm.

The Six Elders, who had just arrived in an ancient city today, just entered the city and immediately heard that someone mentioned that the "defect dog" combination appeared in Zhenyuan City.

The six elders immediately rejoiced.


Isn't that just the direction Zuo Yue is chasing?

It seems that Zuo Yue has successfully taken them down, otherwise the news of the "bad dog" wouldn't reach here so quickly.

Thinking of this, the Sixth Elder showed a gratified smile on his face.

It seems that the "Right Qi Sealing Magic Scripture" is really extraordinary, Zuo Yue must have mastered a lot, otherwise it would not be possible to win the wicked dog so quickly.

Only in the next second, the words of those discussants did not go on in the direction he wanted.

"too frightening!"

"Yeah, that Xu Que almost didn't make any moves, just spit out, and the strong immortal was killed on the spot!"

"Your Excellency must have heard it wrong. As far as I know, it was the mighty king who flew up in the sky and took a pee, and directly killed the Tianmen Immortal Venerable. It is said to have uremia."

"No, no, I was on the scene at the time, and I saw Senior Duan Jiude turn around and smashed the immortal Venerable to death."

Everyone's comments were clearly conveyed to the ears of the six elders.

In an instant, he was a little confused.

This...what are the rumors?


There are still people vying to spread the word, and some people believe?

My heavenly powerhouse, is it a spit, a pee, or even a fart...


The more the Sixth Elder listened, the more angry he felt, and he felt that he was about to have a myocardial infarction, but he was an immortal great power, and he couldn't be dying of anger due to cerebral thrombosis for ten years. He was really aggrieved.

"shut up!"

The six elders immediately swept forward, and the powerful aura of the high-ranking immortal veteran instantly crushed everyone.

All those present at the scene were all Da Luoxian Taiyixian, and all of them knelt on the ground in an instant, with a slightly weaker cultivation base, spurting blood from their mouths, and their faces pale.

"what are you guys saying!"

The Sixth Elder asked in a cold voice.

The Taiyixian's legs trembled, and they couldn't speak a complete sentence.

"My lord, we..."

"We just said that there was a Tianmen Immortal Venerable who died at the hands of Quede Dog." A big Luoxian said tremblingly.

He still doesn't know where he is. The mighty power in front of him should also be a person of Heavenly Gate.

I must have heard this news that made me so angry.

"How did he die?"

"He..." The big Luo Jinxian was speechless for a moment, so how to answer this.


The six elders shouted angrily, and the big Luo Jinxian shook his head on the spot, exploded into a mass of flesh and blood, and died on the spot.

When the rest of the people saw this, their livers trembled with fright.

"My lord, spare my life!"

"My lord, we just heard the rumors that the Immortal Venerable was killed by Xu Que with a single move. We are really not sure about the details..."

Several people replied with trembling. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cóm

"Not sure?" The Sixth Elder snorted coldly and blasted out a palm!

Several people kneeling on the ground were killed instantly!

This killing also eased the anger of the Sixth Elder a little bit!

He ignored the onlookers rushing away from him, coldly raised his head and looked in the direction of Zhenyuan City: "Zhenyuan City, there is only one road over there that leads to the trial of the Buddha..."

When the voice fell, his body directly turned into a stream of light, galloping away in the direction that he had just looked at.

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