Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1644: You continue to be busy

Soon, the big golden bird instantly turned into a stream of light, dissipating between the sky and the earth.

Everyone was shocked, it should be someone who had comprehended the supreme secret of Buddhism, otherwise it would be impossible to make such a movement.

"What kind of strange beast is that just now, it will make this seat daunting!" A strong immortal king said with emotion.

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the Buddhist image of the Golden Winged Dapeng King Bodhisattva!"

"Bodhisattva? How could it be possible! That is the existence side by side with Dao Venerable in the legend. Does the world really have Dao Venerable?"

"How can there be a secret method that can reveal the incarnation of Dao Zun realm!"

"Perhaps as you said, Buddhism Bodhisattva is equivalent to Dao Zun, but this is only the form of the Bodhisattva. Having this secret method is just a trace of the power of a bodhisattva, not a real Tao Zun.

At the same time, some people couldn't help but sighed: "Hey! Buddhism emphasizes predestined relationship most, so I can only envy you!"

"This fellow Daoist is wrong! Although Buddhism seeks predestined conditions, there is also a saying that all beings are equal! If someone can comprehend this supreme secret method, why can't I wait?"

Hearing this, everyone was taken aback, staring into the depths of the lotus pond!

Perhaps as long as they travel to the depths of the lotus pond, they may also be able to obtain this supreme secret technique.

But Xu Que didn't care at all. He raised his head and glanced up when the so-called Golden Winged Roc appeared, and then continued to busy cracking the Miaolian plan.

Another hour passed, Xu Que had already obtained more than 5,000 Buddhist tricks.

The other monks all rushed to the depths of the lotus pond, and some later people still stayed at the edge of the lotus pond.

Maybe it's because I haven't seen the golden-winged roc, or I don't realize that I have such a predestined way.

But every time a new tester appeared, Xu Que would look back at it.

Unfortunately, he still hadn't noticed the aura of Su Yunlan and others.

It is that Ergouzi and Duan Jiude seem to be still stuck in the first level and disappeared.

Those two waste woods are so bad-minded that they can't even pass the first level!

While thinking about things and cracking Miao Lian, Xu Que never noticed that there was already a monk above Miao Lian in front of him.

He stepped on it and awoke the monk who was comprehending the magic!

"Who is it!" The monk glared at Xu Que and shouted.

Xu Que also glanced at him, and at the same time the system's voice also rang: "Ding! Congratulations to the host'Xu Que' for obtaining the Buddhist secret technique [Qinglian Dharma Body]."

"You kid, why are you disturbing my enlightenment!"

Xu Que glanced at the analysis of this magic method, frowned slightly, and replied, "I am clearly helping you! How can you taint my reputation!"

The monk was taken aback when he heard the words!

Is he helping himself? He tainted his reputation?

Does this person need to no longer face?

"I'm going to end my comprehension soon. If it weren't for you, I would have acquired a secret technique at this moment!" the monk roared.

"You can see such a **** law? It's really hopeless!" Xu Que murmured: "If that's the case, you go ahead! Ben Jisheng still has things to do!"

When the voice fell, Xu Que was about to leave, but was stopped by the monk: "If you don't explain this matter, you can't justify it!"

They quarreled and attracted the attention of others...

"Isn't that Xu Que, the Explosive Sky Gang?"

"Really, who is the other one? He is so brave!"

"Although Xu Que performed mediocre at this level, he was not named as the Bombing Heaven Gang, and there are still people who dare to provoke him!"

"Everyone, who exactly is Xu Que of the Explosive Heavens Faction?"

Hearing this, many people couldn't help but stunned, and said in unison: "You don't even know Xu Que? He..."

Everyone recounted Xu Que's deeds in detail. The monk who stopped Xu Que was already trembling with his legs!

He had heard of the things Xu Que did. He was never a reasonable person. How could he let himself be hit?

Xu Que also showed a hint of displeasure at this moment, and said lightly: "Not only do you not appreciate your love, but you also want to trouble me?"

"No, no, no!" The cultivator hurriedly explained, "I just want to thank fellow daoists, I have no other intentions!"

After speaking, he took out a storage ring and handed it over.

After taking the storage ring, Xu Que praised: "Russ can be taught too! I won't bother with the book of forced saints!"

"You are busy!"

Seeing Xu Que stepping on another wonderful lotus, everyone around the audience sighed: "This guy must be going to disrupt the situation again!"

"I understand now that he can't comprehend the secret law himself, so he wants to drag everyone down and make everyone unable to comprehend it."

"It should be. Fighting is not allowed here, and the face is such a shameless person, I really can't help it!"

Xu Que heard all the comments from the crowd, and shouted angrily: "You know a hammer! Ben Biansheng just doesn't look down on those secret methods. Only the real magical secret method can be worthy of Ben Biansheng's identity."

Xu Que's rebuttal made everyone laugh secretly, but they didn't dare to argue with him, otherwise he would be disturbed by him when he was enlightened. Wouldn't it be worth the loss?

"Hey! What are you doing!"

"It turned out to be Friends of Daoist Xu, you are so handsome, you're all right!"

"Fuck! What do you want to do!"

"Ah, it turned out to be Friends of Daoist Xu, long and long admiration, I just didn't mean you, you continue to be busy!"

As Xu Que walked into the depths of the lotus pond, many of the monks who were enlightening were disturbed by him, but they had no way to deal with this person.

When Xu Que cracked the eighty-thousand-ninth wonderful lotus projection!

"Ding! Congratulations to the host'Xu Que' for accumulating 10,000 Buddhist secrets!"

"Do you want to fuse all the secrets of Buddhism? After fusion, the "Right Qi Sealing Demon Sutra" will be unsealed to the second level.

When hearing this prompt, Xu Que was stunned!

Damn it, can you do that?

This is equivalent to collecting these Buddhist secrets. In fact, you are patching the "Fighting Demon Sutra of Righteous Qi" and filling in bugs. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"Fusion! Must be fusion!"

When he recovered, Xu Que responded immediately!

This wave has made a lot of money!

"Ding! Fusion begins! Progress 1%... Progress 2%... Progress 3%..."

Seeing the continuous improvement of the progress bar, Xu Que also clearly felt that his perception of Buddhism became clearer!

Withdrawing his thoughts, his eyes swept to the depths of the lotus pond involuntarily!

If you collect 10,000 more Buddhist secret methods, will you be able to continue to unblock the righteous Qi Sealing Magic Sutra?

When Xu Que stayed at that wonderful lotus, everyone noticed the change in his body's breath.

However, the projection of the boy on Miaolian has not changed at all!

"What did he do? Why do I feel a Zen in him!"

"It should be just an illusion..."

The monk hadn't finished speaking yet, a powerful pressure broke out in the depths of the lotus pond again!

A big green bird appeared in the sky!

A terrifying giant elephant appeared in the center of the lotus pond!

Everyone realized it instantly!

It turned out that the Zen intent just now did not originate from Xu Que, but the aura from the two giant beasts!

"Um...that wouldn't be the image of King Peacock Ming, right?"

"There is also that giant elephant, which seems to be the sacred beast kept in the legendary Buddhism Jizo!"

Two bodhisattva-level dharma images appeared again, causing the crowd to exclaim, "How many horrible secrets are there?"

[Well, Q reading the monthly ticket list smoothly fell from second to fourth, ah ha ha ha, help me, I am dizzy! 】

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