Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1645: Rules here

"The strongest anti-routine system (!

"It seems that the deeper you go in, the stronger the law you can comprehend!"

Xu Que's eyes lit up slightly.

By the way, I glanced around.

At this time, it has been five hours since entering the second level, but they still haven't waited until Su Yunlan and others, and even Duan Jiude and Er Gouzi have not appeared for a long time.

With the abilities of those two goods, it is impossible to be shaken down in the first level, right?

Moreover, there are only two thousand people here, and 90% of the people are cleared in the first level?

It must be impossible!

So at this moment, I am afraid there is more than one lotus pond.

Thinking of this, Xu Que looked at the unexplained Shang Wanmiaolian in the depths again, and sighed, "It must be as soon as possible!"


At this time, a scream suddenly sounded not far away, attracting everyone's eyes!

At this moment, the man above a wonderful lotus gradually festered, and his breath gradually weakened!

After a while, the whole body exploded directly, and the blood mist filled the wonderful lotus.

When everyone saw this, they couldn't help but feel cold, staring at the wonderful lotus...

"what on earth is it?"

"Could it be that if you stay on the same wonderful lotus for too long, you will die suddenly?"

Xu Que was also curious and moved his gaze to that Duo Miao Lian.

He had cracked the projection of the boy on the wonderful lotus before, but he didn't notice any abnormality.

When the monk's breath was completely dissipated, the ancient bells that had rang in the first pass were spreading here again!

"Clang!" The sound seemed to be seeing off the monk!

"Clang!" Repeatedly sounded twice!

What everyone around realized!

Someone suddenly died suddenly where they could not see!

"What the **** is going on? What are the rules here!"

"You ask me, I ask who to go!"

For a while, people panic!

At this time, the bell once again rang in this small world!

The body of a middle-aged monk on the edge of the lotus pond exploded and his flesh and blood flew!

Everyone’s uncomfortable hearts suddenly made waves again...

Xu Que frowned slightly and began to think.

The monk was comprehending the Miaolian secret method, but he was disturbed by his artistic conception.

After Xu Que cracked the boy projection, the monk returned to the wonderful lotus.

When Xu Que left, he even mocked him to let him take a break as early as possible. After so long, he still hadn't comprehended a secret method.

Therefore, Xu Que couldn't help but speculate that his sudden obliteration might have something to do with the rules here. As for what it was, he didn't care.

"They must have triggered some kind of prohibition before they will be expelled from this world!"

"Is that expulsion? This is completely obliteration, right?"

Everyone began to discuss, trying to figure out why those people died.

Suddenly! Someone seemed to realize something, he looked at the lotus mark on his wrist!

One hour after that, the bells kept ringing!

The many white lotuses in the center of the lotus pond have turned into blood lotus at this moment, very weird!

"More than 300 people!"

Since the first bell rang, more than three hundred monks have died!

At this moment, everyone has understood the rules of this level!

About three hours, if you can't comprehend a secret method, you will be obliterated by this world!

But no one knows, if they can't comprehend the second secret method, will they all die in the past few hours?

Some monks who have comprehended the three secret methods naturally relax.

With their talents, as long as they don't challenge the secret method deep in the lotus pond to ensure clearance as the goal, it is not difficult.

As for Xu Quezai, who has already controlled more than ten thousand secret techniques at this level, he is naturally fearless!

Had it not been for the secret system to help cover up this little world, he would have gone to the third level long ago.

Five hours later.

Xu Que cracked all the boy projections in the lotus pond.

The Buddhism secret technique he mastered also exceeded the number of 20,000, reaching more than 26,000. At the same time, his righteous Qi Sealing Magic Sutra was successfully unblocked to the second stage.

Xu Que believed that after turning on the state of madness, he could easily fight the high-level immortal venerable head-on!

If the cultivation base is raised to the realm of the immortal king, after opening the righteous Qi Sealing Magic Scripture, it will surely form a crush on the peak of the immortal venerable!

It's just that the unblocking rules of the Righteous Qi Sealing Magic Scripture were not what he thought. When the number of mastering secrets reached 20,000, the system would not have any reminders.

It also means that other conditions may need to be met if the Righteous Qi Sealing Demon Sutra wants to unblock it to the third stage.

Without Xu Que's troubles, the perception efficiency of the cultivators was significantly higher.

But even so, in the past two hours, someone suddenly exploded into a cloud of blood and dissipated in the world.

At this time, someone finally discovered the exception of Xu Que!

"Have you noticed? Xu Que, the Zhantian Gang, seems to have never comprehended a boy projection along the way!"

"When you say this, it seems to be true, why is he okay?"

"Does he have any secret treasure that can conceal the secret?"

When it came to this, everyone thought instantly!

It has long been heard that the gang leader of the Zhantian Gang loves money like life, if he really has the kind of treasure that hides the secrets, no matter how much it costs!

"Friend Xu Dao! I have a doubt next, I want to ask for some advice."

Having never met Su Yunlan and others, Xu Que was already preparing to leave the second level, but was suddenly stopped by someone.

Meeting the gazes of those people, Xu Que always felt that he had become a stripped little girl, and couldn't help but put his hands on his chest: "What! Ben is forcing the saint to be a performer and not to sell himself!"

When everyone heard this, the corners of their mouths began to twitch, and the monk who approached the conversation hurriedly explained: "You have misunderstood Xu Daoyou, I am not interested in your body!"

"Huh? Ben Biansheng is not handsome?"

Everyone was stunned, and really didn't know how such a brazen person lived for so many years.

"Friend Xu Dao, we are just wondering why you are not affected by this world?"

These words made Xu Que frowned, and said wickedly: "What is it! Is Ben Bisheng's living a hindrance to you?"


Everyone is now beginning to wonder how Xu Que's brain circuit grows.

But thinking about this person's terrifying strength, and didn't dare to choke him, he could only explain it in a good voice.

At this time, Xu Que said with a look of surprise: "So that's it! It's okay to tell you!"

After hearing this, everyone's eyes were grateful, and they said in unison: "Xu Daoyou is righteous!"

It's just that everyone is looking at Xu Que, waiting for guidance from the boss.

After a few dozen breaths of silence, a sensible person finally reacted and wanted other monks to ask for a fairy crystal.

The crowd gathered hundreds of millions of immortal crystals and handed them to Xu Que, saying, "Small things, please accept Xu Daoyou."

Xu Que put away the storage ring and said, "How embarrassing is this?"

Seeing his proficient movements, everyone was speechless...

"I'm waiting for you to admire Daoyou Xu's demeanor. A bit of fairy crystal should ask you to buy some tea to rinse your mouth. That's..." the man said, UU read www.uukānshu.com and laughed silly.

"This is natural!" Xu Que replied, "Actually, it's not a difficult thing. Maybe because I know all the secrets, I don't need to feel it at all."

"Since I have mastered all the secret techniques of Buddhism here, the rules naturally cannot affect me."


Everyone's faces are full of question marks!

Mastered all the secrets of Buddhism?


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