Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1651: Xu Daoyou, sorry

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"Xu Que, stay and join forces!"

Zhouming Temple shouted loudly.

The majestic aura swept across the body, and with a big hand waved forward, the invisible vast force rushed out of thin air, and instantly pushed the Asura crowd of the Immortal Realm level in front of him, and flew towards Xu Que suddenly.

In his opinion, these Shura people are just out of instinctive fear, afraid of that false Dharma image!

However, the Asuras are self-conscious, as long as they are pushed to Xu Que and observe the illusion of the Fa from up close, they will no longer be afraid of Xu Que, and will even take action against Xu Que.


However, when the Immortal Venerable Asura crowd flew towards Xu Que, they shouted in madness and fear.

Until it fell in front of Xu Que, he didn't dare to stay for half a second, immediately turned his head and fled like crazy, and did not forget to run to Zhouming Temple, full of resentment and anger.

"No...impossible!" Zhou Mingsi's expression instantly changed.

How can the Faxiang have such power?

Even the Asura people at the Immortal Venerable level didn't dare to check the authenticity, and just ran away.

The key is that the Shura people are still rushing towards themselves, this is to kill themselves to vent their anger!

"court death!"

The more Zhou Mingsi thought about it, the more annoyed it became. He used his righteousness to seal the magic scriptures, intending to kill someone with a knife, but he didn't expect to use a stone to hit himself in the foot.

However, with such a powerful secret technique, he is not really afraid of the Asuras of the Immortal Realm!

call out!

A stream of light across the sky.

Zhou Ming Temple single-pointed the sky, catching the streamer that swept from the sky, with a magnificent momentum, staring at the oncoming Shura crowd.

"Let's see if I come to the west with a sword, I will kill you..."


Before Zhou Mingsi's words fell, there was a sudden muffled sound, and the whole body exploded into a cloud of blood, and the breath instantly disappeared.

Bloody fog is all over the sky! No root hair left...


Everyone in the audience was startled instantly, and their faces were full of astonishment.

"What's the situation?"

"What the **** happened, why did that Immortal Venerable... why did it explode?"

"Could it be that the killing with a knife was also counted, and it attracted the attention of the will of heaven and earth?"

"It should not be. This method of death is too weird. It doesn't look like the will of heaven and earth."

"That's right, you should have noticed in the second level earlier. If the will of heaven and earth does it, it will inevitably be accompanied by a funeral bell."

Everyone talked about this and seemed to have thought of something.

Huh, all eyes turned to Xu Que.

Is it possible that this one has any secret method that can avoid the will of heaven and earth and quietly kill a strong immortal?

In the same way, the remaining immortals of Tianmen were also dull.

Zhou Ming Temple is a powerhouse at the Immortal Venerable level anyway, how could it be possible to explode and explode? He is not Deidala!

"Big brother!"

Zhou Meizuo and Zhou Ximen had tears in their eyes at this time!

Since their four brothers confronted the Explosive Heavens Gang, nothing good has happened again.

First, the fourth brother was cold, and now the eldest brother has also exploded. Who knows what will happen in the future?

"I'm going to kill Xu Que, I'm going to smash him into ten thousand pieces!" Zhou Meizuo clenched her fists tightly, furious!

The other two Immortal Venerables of Tianmen immediately frowned and reminded in a low voice, "Brother Zhou, calm down, don't do anything here!"

"I know!"

Zhou Meizuo resisted his anger, gritted his teeth and said: "When I leave the Buddha state, I must tear him to pieces in order to pay tribute to the spirit of my elder brother in the sky."

"How on earth did this guy do it?" Zhou Xi's face was solemn, and he muttered in a low voice.

He couldn't figure out why the eldest brother would still be killed in this place controlled by the will of heaven and earth, the key is that the murderer would not be punished.

"Tsk tusk, brother Que, look at their stupid appearance, it seems that they haven't guessed the truth yet." Er Gouzi raised his brows, slurped his mouth, and spoke to Xu Que with a sullen face.

"Awesome, this is the fourth one. They haven't noticed that there is something wrong with the righteous sealing magic script?"

Duan Jiude was deeply moved. The villain's IQ is not online. Is this the inhumanity of the world or the distortion of human nature?

"Oh, this is all retribution! That's why I always say that I usually do more good deeds and save a little bit of yin. Look at the people like Tianmen. If they don't do anything at ordinary times, don't they suffer retribution?

At this time, Xu Que said humblely.

The sound was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone present.

The corners of everyone's mouth suddenly twitched.


Damn it, is this guy so shameless?

If you really want to have retribution, wouldn't it be necessary to blow up hundreds of times based on what this guy did in the first two levels?

But nobody really dared to say these things.

Everyone looked at Xu Que silently, their eyes faint.

"Hey, looking at the longing eyes of the sentient beings, the old man can't bear it anymore." Duan Jiude shook his head and sighed.

"Yes, Brother Que, or save them." Er Gouzi also said.

Xu Que was taken aback, what do these two goods mean?

Brain twitched?

At this time, save a woolen man...

"Hey, wait, you two know how to break the barrier?" Xu Que suddenly reacted and immediately asked Duan Jiude and Ergouzi through voice transmission.

Duan Jiude and Er Gouzi didn't respond, but there was an unusually wretched smile in their eyes.

"Brother Que, or use that treasure, only that treasure can save everything." Er Gouzi spoke again, saying in an imploring tone.

When everyone at the scene heard this, they immediately pricked their ears.

Rao could not help being astonished by Zhou Meizuo's several Tianmen powerhouses.


Can Xu Que have treasures on his body to save all this?

Everyone ignited hope.

"Shut up, Ergouzi, what are you talking nonsense? There is no treasure on Brother Que's body." Suddenly, Duan Jiude's expression changed and he sternly reprimanded.

"..." Xu Que's complexion also sank, staring at Ergou coldly, with the word "unhappy" almost written on his face.

"This **** is not talking nonsense!"

Er Gouzi shouted, turned to look at Xu Que, his eyes split and said: "Brother Que, do you think we can survive without using that treasure? Even if we can escape by chance, there are so many people here, why are you? Bear the heart to watch them die here in vain?"

"Amitabha Buddha, the two dogs benefactors are kind!" The small bulb folded his hands together, full of respect and warmth, and saluted the two dogs.

"Shut up, what do you know?" Duan Jiude suddenly shouted, rushing out, blocking Xu Que, and looking at Er Gouzi: "You wolf-hearted thing, how does Brother Que treat you normally? How can you say such a thing?"

"What's wrong with this deity saying this? The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility." Er Gouzi said sonorously.

Everyone present was instantly moved.

Damn it, this dog will do well!

And this is on our side. It's a good dog to stand up and talk to save us!

From now on, we will never eat dog meat again!

"Fart, do you think that Brother Que doesn't want to save everyone? But do you know, if you use the treasure, how much will Brother Que have to pay?" Duan Jiude shouted angrily.

"Duan Jiude, you short-sighted person, I am waiting for the lives of so many people present, is it possible that there is a little fairy crystal, a little fairy artifact, and a little treasure medicine?" Er Gouzi was full of disdain. Sneered.

"Just a little bit? Oh, saving so many people, I'm afraid..." Duan Jiude also sneered.


Suddenly, Xu Que gave a deep drink, interrupting the conversation between Ergou and Duan Jiude.

He stepped out, his eyes were deep, and after taking a deep breath, he exhaled slowly, looking around everyone in the room.

"Mighty King is right. I do have a treasure that can save everyone here, but this treasure is extremely difficult to activate. Every time it is opened, a huge price is required..."

Speaking of this, Xu Que paused slightly.

Everyone at the scene collapsed. Nima knew that this would happen, and was about to deceive our fairy crystals and treasures.

However, Xu Que continued to speak: "In the previous level, I asked you for a lot of fairy crystals and treasures. In fact, I was preparing for this treasure, but I didn't expect it to be used so soon."

"Although I don't know if it will be enough, please rest assured, from this moment on, my Bombing Gang will never accept you half and half."

"Even if the price of urging the treasure is great, my blasting gang is bound to take everyone out of this hurdle."

Xu Que's words resounded instantly.

The audience fell into silence for an instant.

Everyone's eyes widened, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was shocked and unbelievable.

Could it be...we all misunderstood him?

It turned out that everything he had done before was not for his own personal gain, but for worrying about the emergence of a distressing situation like the third stage, so that so many fairy crystals and treasures were confined, all of which were prepared for stimulating the mysterious treasure!


In an instant, everyone present faced Xu Que, bowed together, and shouted: "Daoyou Xu, I'm sorry!"

"Daoyou Xu is righteous, we misunderstood you."

"Friend Xu, we are willing to take out..."

Someone just said this, Xu Que immediately shouted: "Shut up, I said, I will never charge you half and a half to the blasting gang. If you can think of me, give me a bit of thin noodles, don't take things out again. I won't accept such things."

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