Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1652: But it’s okay to speak

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"Ah this..."

The many monks present were startled.

Was actually rejected?

Before all kinds of benefits, how much blood we have dripped in our hearts, this time we wanted to take the initiative to give some benefits, but was rejected?


Did you really misunderstand this guy before?

Many people look complicated and somewhat unpredictable.

Originally, they wanted to see if this was Xu Que's new routine, so they offered to hand over some of the fairy crystals.

After all, you have to give it anyway, it would be better to actively cooperate and pay a little less at the same time.

But now they were rejected, completely beyond their expectations.

"Xu Daoyou is righteous, I was really too little-hearted before I waited!" A monk stepped forward and said, expressing his guilt in his heart.

"It's okay, what I did before was really inappropriate, but I don't want to expose the treasure, so I don't blame you." Xu Que also replied, and his generous attitude won the favor of many people present.

"Friend Xu Dao, I don't know what the treasure is that solves this level?" The monk asked again.

"..." Xu Que paused for an instant.

What baby can crack this level?

I don't know how to know, isn't this just fooling around with Ergouzi and Duan Jiude?

"This treasure is extraordinary..." Xu Que subconsciously opened his mouth, thinking about flicking again.

"Brother Que!" Suddenly, Er Gouzi jumped out and shouted: "You have to think clearly, you can save everyone, but will it be too good to expose the bead now?"


Everyone at the scene caught this keyword and they were all startled.

Xu Que also froze for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

That's right, how can I forget that purple bead, it is a small independent space, if you hide in, you can directly ignore the Shura people in this level.

Thinking of this, Xu Que waved his hand and said awe-inspiringly: “It’s okay, it’s okay to let everyone take a look at it. Even if someone from the Heavenly Gate wants to **** it, I don’t believe that all the heroes here will just sit back and watch. "

Damn it!

The Tianmen powerhouse not far away almost yelled at him.

When did we say we were going to grab it?

Why are you guessing about us like that?

However, everyone at the scene agreed, shouting to make Xu Que feel relieved to take the treasure out. If anyone dared to become greedy, everyone would definitely take action.

Xu Que naturally did not believe the nonsense of these people, but he also took out the purple bead.

This bead is very unstable, but whenever there is a wave of immortal power rushing in, it will directly **** the other party into it. If someone really comes to grab it, it will be completely self-inflicted.

At this moment, Xu Que really wished that the strong from Tianmen rushed over.


As soon as the beads came out, the majestic void power burst out instantly.

There was a commotion in the crowd.

"Hey, this thing...what a strong void wave power!"

There was an old man with a face full of surprise: "Xu Xiaoyou, with such vain power, does this thing contain a small world?"

"Not bad!" Xu Que smiled slightly, and calmly blocked Xian Yuanli's hand, leaving only the purple bead lying on it calmly.

The expressions of everyone present changed drastically, their eyes fixed on the bead.

In this thing, there is a small world?

This... this must be at least the existence of the fetish level!

If you can own this thing, wouldn't it be possible to open up a world on your own, and during the holidays, you will be able to make a god?

Several strong men in Tianmen also had their hearts beating faster, and their breathing became rapid.

I really want to grab this bead!

"Friend Xu Dao, I didn't expect you to possess such a fetish. The old man admires and admires it, but I don't know what this thing has to do with breaking this barrier?"

The old man asked.

Xu Que looked at the talkative old man quietly, and scolded him for so cooperating.

What does this bead have to do with cracking this level, and how do I know?

"Ahem... This thing is too powerful, I forcibly took it out for everyone to watch, it is really a huge consumption, it is better to let the two... Let the mighty King and Duan Jiude explain to everyone!" Xu Que began to act, his face pale. He lifted that bead with difficulty.

"Friend Xu Dao, the consumption is so large, you should put this thing away quickly." Everyone hurriedly shouted.

"It's okay, I can hold it, let everyone take a look." Xu Que gritted his teeth and said with difficulty.

The hearts of everyone suddenly became hot.

Daoyou Xu is really warm-hearted, good guy!

"Everyone, in fact, the small world in this thing is the key for us to crack this." At this time, Er Gouzi also began to explain to everyone.

Duan Jiude cooperated with his partner on the side: "Yes, we will use the secret method of blasting the sky to open this thing, then everyone can enter the small world."

"As long as we enter it, we can urge the bead to break through the void of this pass and enter the next level safely." Er Gouzi added.

After listening, everyone frowned slightly and hesitated.

Everyone enters that small world together?

This... this is not so good.

After all, this was something that Zhitian helped him to bring out, and the small world inside was probably under their control.

If this were to go in, wouldn't it mean that you would throw yourself into the trap and let the mermaid fish?

"Friend Xu Dao, there is a saying that the old man doesn't know when to say it inappropriately." At this moment, the old man spoke again, his face embarrassed.

Xu Que rolled his eyes calmly, and said with a smile: "But it's okay to talk."

"This thing is a small world. If we enter it, if you don't let us out, what is the difference between us and trapped in this stage?" The old man said straightforwardly.

"This..." Xu Que was taken aback for a moment, his face full of shock.

Then he stared at everyone present, and said in disbelief: "You...you guys, don't you think of me like that? I, Xu Que, is such an unbearable person in your eyes?"

"Heh..." Xu Que shook his head and smiled as if to laugh at himself: "It's fine, I never force you, anyway, no matter whether you come or not, we will urge this thing to leave this level, you come or not, whatever you want Right."

After speaking, Xu Que put the beads away and walked to the top of the mountain.

Su Yunlan glanced at each other, did not speak, followed Xu Que directly.

"Unreasonable!" Ergouzi jumped out, glaring at everyone: "This **** is not easy to think of all beings. They are all a life, so they took the initiative to ask Brother Que to save you. I didn't expect you to be so ignorant of good or bad, and you doubted Brother Que motivation."

"Oh, old man, I said long ago, these people shouldn't be saved, Ergouzi, you are still too naive and kind." Duan Jiude sneered and walked away.

"Damn, the deity is blind. Anyway, your life is yours. Wherever you want to die." Er Gouzi cursed and turned his head to follow.

"This... a few misunderstandings, I didn't mean that."

The old man was dumbfounded and hurried to explain, but Xu Que and his party had already gone.

Everyone present stayed in place, UU reading www.uukanshu. com hesitates.

What the old man asked was the voice of all of them.

After all, it's someone else's small world, and if you rush into it, if the other person has any evil intentions, then you will really fall into the trap of yourself and others.

But if you continue to stay here...

The crowd turned their heads and looked at the large swarms of Asura crowd behind them, and they were also a little bit troubled.

It seems more dangerous to stay in this place.

"Xu benefactor, the poor monk is willing to enter that small world." At this time, the little bulb folded his hands together, and Baoxiang solemnly swept towards the top of the mountain, chasing Xu Que.

When the other people saw this, dozens of figures immediately stopped hesitating, and followed one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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