Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1664: Not quite right

With Xuanyuan Wanrong's order, Xu Que left the Imperial Garden and went straight to the Ministry of Engineering.

Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry is a black and thin man, about forty years old from his appearance.

Seeing Xu Que's arrival, Shang Shu's expression suddenly changed, and he quickly got up to meet him, and said with a pleased smile: "Your Majesty, why are you free to come here?"

Xu Que heard the panic in the other party's words and glanced at him with a smile but a smile: "Why, Master Shangshu from the Ministry of Industry does not seem to welcome this king?"

Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry trembled and explained in anxious tone: "Where is the word, your Majesty's Holy Grace, the minister can't ask for it."

On the surface, he was kind, and his heart was roaring frantically at this time.

I can't ask for your sister!

Don't you have any points in your heart? Is this my scourge again?

The Ministry of Engineering had an ugly and stiff smile on his face.

To say that the six parts of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, apart from Gong Qiwei, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, who followed Xu Que's buttocks all day long, he was the most poisoned by the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry.

Every time Xu Que came up with a weird idea, he would immediately come to the Ministry of Engineering to conduct an experiment.

Fortunately, Xuanyuan Wanrong issued an order to prohibit Xu Que from making any adjustments in the sixth department. This prevented Xu Que's chaos.

Unexpectedly, the faint Lord actually came back today, and the fear of being dominated by the faint Lord once again appeared in the mind of Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry.

"Old Zhang, come with me. I have something to look for you."

Xu Que learned from his memory that the other party's name was Zhang Kaiyun.

Zhang Kaiyun trembled, as if he had committed PTSD, and said with a mournful face: "Your Majesty...Weichen still has affairs to deal with, what's the matter...you go to Gong Qiwei?"

He hardly hesitated and sold his colleagues backhand.

Anyway, Gong Qiwei runs behind this faint monarch all day long.

"Really not going with me?"

"Your Majesty, the minister is really entangled in official duties. If he leaves, he will have a big basket!"

Xu Que narrowed his eyes slightly and drew a gold medal from his waist: "Lao Zhang, what do you think this is?"

Zhang Kaiyun looked at Xu Que's movements, and wondered if this fainted king would kidnap himself with a knife, suddenly a golden light flashed in front of him.

What is it, gold medal... gold medal?

Zhang Kaiyun's eyes widened suddenly, and his mouth couldn't close.

Fuck, six orders!

Isn't this thing carried by the empress? How can it be in the hands of this faint king!

Thinking of this, Zhang Kaiyun suddenly looked at Xu Que with a secretive look.

This faint lord... won't it be finally unbearable, so kill the empress empress and rob these six transfer orders to prepare for rebellion?

No, it doesn't seem to be a rebellion if he really did it!

And he doesn't have the strength and courage... Wait, it can only be stolen!

"Six orders, you can mobilize the people of the six at will, no imperial decree." Old God Xu Que said in the ground, "So, Lao Zhang, you should follow me honestly. We are old friends too, and won't hurt you. of."

In his memory, the former "little emperor" was actually very creative, and he had worked with many good things in the Ministry of Industry.

But later, in order to resist the traditional feudal ritual marriage, he became a fantasyist who dreamed of freedom and love all day long.

Hey, marriage hurts people, so what is the harm done by a hard worker!

But I don't know why, although Xu Que took out a transfer order, Zhang Kaiyun was even more frightened, stupefied that he would not go with him at all.

"I'm here today, Zhang Kaiyun, I will not go with you if I jump from here!" Zhang Kaiyun hugged the leg of the chair tightly and shouted hoarsely.

Xu Que was immediately happy, and wanted to be seen by people who didn't know, thinking that he was the flower-picking thief who wanted to tarnish his innocence.

After thinking about it, he knelt down and slowly approached Zhang Kaiyun.

Zhang Kaiyun looked nervous. In his heart, Xu Que must have been mad, and even killed the empress empress. He grabbed the token and came to clean the court.

He Lao Zhang will never follow the dazzling monarch!

I would rather be a bamboo in the wind than a slave to the knees of the drowsy king!

It is absolutely impossible for him to do something for this fainted king!

"Lao Zhang...Since you are so reluctant, it seems that the credit for discovering the new grain variety with a yield of 40 shi per acre can only be given to others." Xu Que's voice was like a mosquito and flies into Zhang Kaiyun's ears.

"Huh, **** new food, just forty stones... Fuck, forty stones?!"

Zhang Kaiyun was completely stupid.

What is this fainted king kidding?

Nowadays, wheat is grown nationwide, and the yield per mu is less than five shi, which is considered to be a relatively good harvest.

Yield forty stones per mu, bragging and not drafting?

However, during this period of time, Xu Que has accumulated a lot of pretending value through various pretending actions, and has already exchanged various excellent crop varieties in the system.

The key is that these gadgets are also very cheap and can be exchanged for a lot of them.

"Lao Zhang, you don't seem to believe it? Why don't you look at this!"

As Xu Que spoke, he took a potato out of his arms and looked at Zhang Kaiyun with a smile.

Zhang Kaiyun was confused, took the potato, put it in front of his nose and smelled it, wondering: "Your Majesty, what is this?"

"Potatoes, you can eat them, eh, you can't eat them if they are not cooked, I have some cooked ones!"

Xu Que stopped Zhang Kaiyun who was about to eat raw potatoes, reached out his hand and took out another cooked potato from his arms, and handed it over: "Peel the skin and eat it. This thing alone is enough to make the people worry about food and clothing!"

"Is this... really edible?" Zhang Kaiyun was a little confused, always feeling that this majesty is weird today!

"You don't believe it? Then let me show it to you?" Xu Que raised his eyebrows.

"Weichen dare not!"

Zhang Kaiyun hurriedly responded, peeling the skin quickly and stuffing the potatoes into his mouth.

Then in the next second, Zhang Kaiyun trembled like an electric shock, and then froze in place.

He was dumbfounded!

This soft and waxy taste melts in your mouth, this **** scent...

It's so delicious too!

At this time, Zhang Kaiyun almost wanted to roar and shout, this thing called "potato" is so delicious, and it is also very full!

If it could produce forty stones per mu, it would definitely be able to feed the people of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and it would be more than enough!

"Your Majesty, this thing...this thing..." Zhang Kaiyun looked at Xu Que, and said nothing.

Xu Que looked at the ten-point increase in the system interface, and his face was full of joy.

"I know what you want to ask, don't ask, come with me, and you will know when I take you to a place."

Xu Que waved his hand, and walked out directly.

Zhang Kaiyun was stunned for a moment, then followed closely.

Soon, the two came to the outskirts in a carriage.

"Ten miles ahead, you can stop."

Xu Que followed the coachman Daoming's direction.

During this period of time, he was not all going to goulan to listen to music. In fact, he also met some people and asked them to arrange reliable subordinates.

Such as reclaiming land, planting some crops or something.

Finally, the system is used for ripening.

When the two arrived, the crops on the ground were all mature, and the gratifying fruits were all over the branches.

Standing on Tian Hu, Zhang Kaiyun was already dumbfounded.

This... how is this so possible?

Such a yield per mu is crazy!

He rubbed his eyes vigorously, looked at the harvested land in front of him, and after confirming that it was real, he couldn't help but tears.

"Your Majesty, it really is a generation of Mingjun, I have an emperor like your Majesty in the Eastern Tang Dynasty, it is the blessing of our country, the blessing of the people!"

"Your Majesty, what else do you have to do, give it all to the Weichen, and the Weichen will do it for you too!"

Zhang Kaiyun completely threw away his previous thoughts.

For the crops with a yield of 40 shi per mu, let alone let yourself do the work, even if you kill him to sacrifice for the heavens and exchange these crops, you will be earning blood!

What, you said Xu Que is a faint gentleman?

Shit, he is my sweetheart!

"Lao Zhang, that matter... I will leave it to you to be responsible."

Xu Que smiled and said. UU Reading www.uukananshu.com

"Weichen will do his best!"

Zhang Kaiyun immediately leaned on his knees and shouted aloud.

On the same day, Xu Que handed over the cultivation methods and seeds of these crops to Zhang Kaiyun and let him try the planting on his own.

After all, crop cultivation has to rely on the water and soil environment, and cheating on your own makes the system ripening ineffective.

Only by letting Lao Zhang try to plant it once can he determine whether he can really produce forty stones per mu.

With a look of excitement, Zhang Kaiyun rushed back to the Ministry of Engineering to call up the staff and started the farming plan!

And Xu Que continued to go to other parts.

No one knows what he talked about with Liubu Shangshu, at least Xuanyuan Wanrong had no news, except for Zhang Kaiyun.

After all, the two traveled together to the outskirts, unless the spies were blind, it would be impossible to be invisible.

Inside the palace, the smoky sandalwood smoke wafted, creating a dreamy atmosphere.

Xuanyuan Wanrong leaned halfway on the bed, shading with gauze curtains all around.

The spy knelt on one knee in front of the bed and reported everything Xu Que had done.

"Retreat." Xuanyuan Wanrong whispered after listening.

The spies retreated, and the whole room was calm again.

Xuanyuan Wanrong flipped through the file in her hand, with doubts between her eyebrows and eyes.

What the **** is this guy doing?

Are you really busy with national affairs? Impossible, with his kind of character, it would be nice to not toss out a moth and cause chaos in the world!

But... how come it always feels wrong?

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