Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1665: Reckless

In the next few days, Xu Que began to disappear again.

Xuanyuan Wanrong is still presiding over the court affairs in the palace.

The ministers who had been shocked by Xu Que's private treasury policy before had not had time to be happy for two days before they had calmed down.

What Mingjun is back!

What emperor will finally rule the country?


I couldn't see the figure for several days in the morning, and I was still a faint king at all!

However, Xu Que's private treasury strategy, after the joint control of several old courtiers, has already achieved great results in China.

A large number of silver biscuits were like snowballs, piled up in the private library quickly, and then part of it was distributed in the name of disaster relief.

The victims in the famine area received relief and were grateful to the royal family.

As for the national treasury, because of the existence of private treasury, the cash flow has been buffered. For the time being, there is no need to worry about the distress of not having silver.

At this time, Xu Que was pestering Shangshu of the Ministry of War, asking him to find someone for himself.

"Your Majesty, it's not that I don't help you, but that your idea is really..." The Ministry of War Shangshu hesitated for a long time, and failed to say that sentence. It is indeed a bit disrespectful.

Xu Que put on a serious face: "Master Chen, do you not believe me?"

"The minister would never dare, but... this is really not good." Shangshu of the Ministry of War quickly denied.

Yes, I just don't believe it!

Suddenly you asked Lao Tzu for three thousand elite soldiers, and you said you want to prepare for the rainy day and train soldiers and horses!


Forget how you cheated people before?

This is still fresh in the memory of Shangshu of the Ministry of War. Back then, a nest of bandits outside the imperial city did not know where they came from. They were bold enough to take the mountain as king.

Xu Que, who had just begun to pursue his dreams, immediately sought out dignitaries from the Ministry of War, and wanted to go up the mountain to suppress the bandits.

As a result, the bandit was not suppressed, and instead he became a hostage.

Fortunately, the bandits were a little forced, and didn't dare to tear the ticket directly, and finally Xu Que had a chance to be rescued by the master.

However, if the bandits were a little bit more ironic at the time, and backhandedly tore their votes, I am afraid Xu Que would become the most embarrassing emperor in the history of the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

At this time, Xu Que came over to find his important person, and said that he wanted to implement a fine soldier policy to cultivate the ultimate assault assassination squad.

Ma yeah, scare me to death!

"Emperor, you are a bone, let alone training good soldiers, I'm afraid you are hurting yourself." Shangshu of the Ministry of War was cold, completely unsympathetic.

Xu Que glanced at him and walked slowly to the courtyard of the Ministry of War.

The yard of the Ministry of Defense is different from the Ministry of Engineering. It is filled with all kinds of weapons. In the center, there is even a bluestone specially used for experimental weapons.

When the Bingbu Shangshu saw Xu Que walk over and put on a punching gesture, he suddenly began to panic: "Your Majesty, don't hit the bluestone, I just just say casually, you can't be able to move..."


Suddenly, a loud noise drowned all the words behind him.

A small fist hit the bluestone fiercely, and time seemed to stop at this moment.


In the next second, the bluestone split instantly, turning into countless rubble, splashing around.

Bingbu Shangshu was completely stupid, and he didn't even notice that the stone swept across his face and brought out blood marks.

What did I see?

That useless, sickly faint gentleman, actually blasted the bluestone with a punch!

That is the bluestone that has been lying in the courtyard of the Ministry of War for ten years, and after countless knives and axes, it is still unable to stand up from the outer meteorite!

When has this fainted monarch been so fierce?

Although there is no way to redeem the cultivation technique of immortality, there are as many martial arts cheats as there are.

Regardless of internal qigong or external practice, Xu Que only needs to exchange it, and then spend some pretense to force himself to cultivate to the top.

It only takes three seconds to become a martial arts master!

It's so fast!

Xu Que let out a sigh of relief, retracted his right hand, and asked with a smile, "Master Shangshu, what do you think now?"

Shangshu of the Ministry of War was stunned, unable to take into account the shock in his heart, and immediately responded: "There is such a mighty power as an emperor, so why don't I worry that I will not be happy in the Eastern Tang Dynasty!"

"Your Majesty, please here, I'll take you over to choose people, as many as you want, but your Majesty, can you put your fist down first, the Weichen looked panicked..."

It was another few days, fleeting.

His Majesty Xu Que, who had disappeared for several days, finally appeared in the hall at this moment.

He finally came to the morning!

The court officials all looked indifferent, and the excitement in their hearts had long since faded away.

I thought that His Majesty put forward a good plan to prepare for a strong return and regain control of the affairs of the country.

Unexpectedly, this product disappeared without a sound for more than ten days before it appeared.

What is this!

"Dear Aiqing, can you tell me anything today?" Xu Que said, sitting on the dragon chair, somewhat distracted.

He has been running around these days, relying on the six adjustment orders given by Xuanyuan Wanrong, and finally arranged what he wanted to do.

Although I had previously given the private library system and shocked the pretenders obtained by the officials, there was no problem in exchanging system products.

But just working on a good strategy, obviously there is no way to gain the trust of the courtiers.

Especially the old thing from Shangshu of the Ministry of War, he wants to point people, and even the **** thing that the Ministry of War has just laid off the staff can say it.

Simply disrespectful!

So even if everything was ready, it took Xu Que a lot of effort to persuade six Shangshu.

If the cultivation base is imprisoned and become a mortal, it is natural to abide by the natural laws of the body.

At this moment Xu Que felt that he was dying sleepy, and he wished to go back to sleep immediately, sitting on the dragon chair and yawning.

Xuanyuan Wanrong glanced at him coldly.

This kid, after all, is still this tired and lazy look, unbearable!

At this moment, a general suddenly stepped forward and began to play: "The minister has his own memorabilia. Recently, border nomads have frequently disrupted our borders and looted the people. He also asked the emperor to send troops to expel the nomads and raise the power of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Oh, I'm going to fight, right? I'll give you soldiers and horses, let's fight." Xu Que was not interested in these things and agreed casually.

The general looked embarrassed and whispered: "Um... Your Majesty, the soldiers and horses are here, but the military expenses for this battle..."

Xu Que was stunned, and suddenly reacted.

This **** is here for money!

Before he could respond, Xuanyuan Wanrong spoke faintly: "This matter will be discussed later. Nowadays, there are natural disasters in the country, and stable development is still needed. There is no excess silver for military needs."

The ministers also seconded one after another, UU reading www.uukanshu. com deeply agrees.

Today, the Eastern Tang Dynasty is awaiting prosperity, the people's livelihood in the country is dying, and it has just experienced natural disasters, it really needs a long period of stable development.

As for the frontier nomads, it is not a big trouble, but expelling requires a large amount of silver to maintain the consumption of the army, which is a money-burning job.

Xu Que was immediately unhappy: "It's unreasonable, how can this work? People are all dancing at your grave, so if you don't go out and give him two punches, punches, and press the nomads on the ground, let them know what to do. Called strength!"

"Rugged man."

Xuanyuan Wanrong snorted coldly, "How can it be such a trifling matter to fight a war and hurt the people and money?"

"If it doesn't fight, it will be worse. In the future, people will break into the country and burn, kill, and looting. Wouldn't it be even more laborious for the people and fortune?" Xu Que insisted.

"Are you determined to fight?" Xuanyuan Wanrong raised her eyebrows coldly.

"Yes!" Xu Weijian headed.

"Okay, you can fight if you want, but the central government will not pay you half of the military expenses. You can't touch the private treasury and the treasury!" After Xuanyuan Wanrong finished speaking, she got up and left.

Dealing with nomads is not a big war, but the army consumes a million taels of silver at every turn, not a small sum.

Xuanyuan Wanrong thought that controlling his finances would make Xu Que realize the reality and give up this idea.

However, Xu Que sat on the dragon chair with a smile, exuding a look of the world: "A mere million taels of silver is also considered money?"

Yeah, when he earns Lingshi, he can remember it every tens of millions!

[The second one arrives, continue to ask for a monthly pass! 】

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