Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1669: Is your majesty

Soon, Xu Que's matter began to spread from the mouths of hundreds of officials in the court.

Completely shocked the whole country.

Almost everyone knows that the emperor of the dynasty, relying on the hot pot he developed, made a million taels of silver a day.

It's nothing more than a million taels of silver, but the point is that he didn't hesitate to give out all of this silver for military expenses.

This move can be described as a high-end and bright festival, which immediately attracted the admiration of countless people among the people.

"As expected to be our emperor, we have wrongly blamed him in the past few years!"

"That is, the emperor's majesty will be proud and will dominate the world for generations to come!"

"Woo, the emperor is too good for the country and the people, from now on I will be a loyal fan of the emperor!"

As for those dignitaries who bought hot pot, as well as the relatives and relatives of the emperor, they all reacted to the dumb loss.

But it was the emperor who made them suffer this loss, even if he was unwilling in his heart, he could only knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

Soon, that batch of military expenditures was replaced with weapons, food and grass, and was quickly transported to the border, equipped with soldiers and horses.

In just a few days of fighting, the nomads at the border were instantly beaten to death.

The power of the Eastern Tang Dynasty revived.

This incident passed back to the imperial city, and Xu Que's reputation rose to a new level in the hearts of the people across the country.

At this time, in the back garden of the palace.

Xuanyuan Wanrong and Xu Que sat opposite each other, Xu Que still looked lazy.

Xuanyuan Wanrong looked at him with complicated eyes, not knowing what she was thinking.

"If you continue to stare at me, everyone is a mortal body, a man and a widow. If something happens, I will not be responsible." Xu Que suddenly said.

Xuanyuan Wanrong didn't care about his glib tongue this time, but seriously asked: "Where did you hear the story you told?"

Previously, Xu Que used the method of public opinion and hunger marketing to sell True Love Hot Pot on the earth, and his actions were too fast.

When Xuanyuan Wanrong reacted, Xu Que had already harvested all the leeks.

She was naturally shocked, and her view of Xu Que was shaken again.

If he was just an ignorant person, how could he come up with such a brilliant idea!

According to reports from the spies, most of the wealthy people who were cut leek were relatives.

In other words, while Xu Que is making money, she intentionally or unintentionally weakens the influence of these forces. This method is simply unimaginable!

Although Xuanyuan Wanrong didn't understand, she wasn't a stupid person. After a little thought, she understood that if these paths were placed in the realm of cultivating immortals, it would be enough to cause one after another.

And all this was what she thought of the rogue who was considered ignorant and incompetent.

But what Xuanyuan Wanrong cares most is the story Xu Que told.

Yue Lao is an immortal, even she doesn't know this, how could Xu Que know?

Could it be... he has a connection with the immortal world?

Hearing Xuanyuan Wanrong’s question, Xu Que was stunned, and his face was blank: "Wait...You are not taking that story seriously, are you?"

Damn it, isn't this woman silly and sweet?

Xuanyuan Wanrong raised her eyebrows slightly and said, "You made it up?"

"It's not nonsense... it's not exactly."

Halfway through, seeing Xuanyuan Wanrong's tendency to change her face, Xu Que immediately changed her words and said with a deep expression: "Actually...only the fairy is fake. In this story, the real Yuelao is me."

"I fell in love with a woman back then, but I couldn't be with her. To commemorate her, I made a hot pot."

When he said this, Xu Que's face was serious, his tone was affectionate, and there was a hint of regret in his eyes.

Xuanyuan Wanrong was stunned immediately.

This... turned out to be a story that happened to him?

In order to commemorate this woman, he did not hesitate to use this method!

Xuanyuan Wanrong had also tasted that hot pot, knowing that it would take a lot of energy to research such a delicious thing.

Even a cultivator cannot easily do it.

He knew that the woman could not be with him, but he was still willing to waste his energy to make this thing to commemorate her.

Could it be said that this disciple is really an affectionate person?

Xuanyuan Wanrong was at a loss for a while, she was a little confused about who Xu Que was.

If he is affectionate, he looks like a rascal when facing himself.

But if he is a bastard, the affection in his eyes cannot be hidden when he says that...

As for Xu Que, there was only one thought in his mind at this time.

This woman won't really believe it, will she?

Just now I just habitually pretended to be forced, Lao Tzu's women are all living well!

"Then why is it called Haidilao hot pot?" Xuanyuan Wanrong asked again.

"Because I thought about becoming the Sea King and fishing for her in the vast sea. Although I knew it was impossible to get her, it was also a thought."

After Xu Que finished speaking, he stood up in silence and walked away.

Xuanyuan Wanrong couldn't help but stare at the bleak, slightly trembling behind him when he left.

Xu Que, who turned his back to her, smiled uncontrollably.

After Xuanyuan Wanrong became a mortal, she was really cute, and she was as easy to fool as before.

This woman is really strange, does her IQ decrease with her cultivation?

After this incident, Xu Que found that Xuanyuan Wanrong's attitude towards him began to change.

Although she still frequently expressed dissatisfaction with herself, she never said that she was a disciple as before.

Xu Que felt that the relationship between the two parties should have eased. He simply took the opportunity to get back the power, but he was rejected mercilessly.

Bah, dog woman!

Just know to pretend to be a lie!

The two of them were just plain and plain, getting along lukewarm and lukewarm.

Xu Que still couldn't see anyone every day, and the throbbing in Xuanyuan Wanrong's heart gradually subsided with the passage of time, and her views on Xu Que deteriorated again.

Obviously Dongtang Kingdom is now in need of vigorous development, but he runs outside all day long. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

Is there any awakening to be the king of a country?

However, a few days later, Xu Que reappeared above the court in an unprecedented manner.

Xuanyuan Wanrong was a little stunned, did this guy actually come to the morning court on his own initiative?

Xu Que was rather carefree. He sat on the dragon chair without changing his face, and waved his hand: "Everyone, Aiqing, if you have something to tell, you can retreat without any problems!"

At this moment, the Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry came out more and more, saying loudly: "The minister has this memorandum. After continuous efforts, I finally found grain that can produce 40 shi per mu. I hope that the empress will promote this thing in the world. !"


Countless courtiers were in an uproar, even Xuanyuan Wanrong stood up instantly, recalling the report of the spies before in his mind, and looked at Xu Que with surprise eyes.

Could it be said that what the spies reported before was true? !

An excited courtier stepped forward and grabbed the hand of Shang Shu of the Ministry of Industry and shook it vigorously: "Lao Zhang! You are so awesome! This can be invented!"

Zhang Kaiyun chuckled twice, and said in a low voice: "In fact, I didn't invent it, the real inventor...someone else."

"Who is it? Say it, I'm going to give him three prostrations and nine prayers, and set up a longevity memorial at home!"

Zhang Kaiyun glanced at Xu Que, and saw that the other party didn't mean to stop him, and then slowly said: "This thing was invented...It was your Majesty."

The man was stunned, and the others were also stupid.

Damn it!

It was actually researched out by the unconscious gentleman?

[Four more delivered, ask for a monthly pass! 】

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