Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1670: Deliver it yourself?

"The strongest anti-routine system (!

The news spread again and again from the mouths of hundreds of officials.

Shocked the world!

There was a lot of discussion among the people, and the people could hardly believe it.

Is this still their faint emperor who ignored the government for eight years?

Is it a ghost?

There is a new variety of food with a yield of 40 shi per mu, I dare not even think about it!

But no matter what, Xu Que did a good thing this time.

The people sang praises for Xu Que.

What ordinary people see is that Xu Que has developed new crops that can feed the people.

As for those in high positions, they see more.

In an official house, several middle-aged people are sitting around a stone table with solemn expressions.

"What do you think about this time?" The middle-aged man sitting in the first place raised his teacup and slowly said.

He was inspired by Xuanyuan Wanrong's uncle Xuanyuan, and he was also one of the most important ministers in the court.

As for the others, they are loyal supporters of the Foreign Relations Party.

"It doesn't matter whether these things were really made by the emperor, but the old man from the Ministry of Industry and Technology actually started this matter in public, indicating that he is already on the side of the emperor."

The middle-aged man under the head pondered for a moment, and said, "If I guess right, I'm afraid that the emperor has now aroused the desire to seize power. This matter is just a test."

"Actually, in my opinion, the emperor's sudden awakening this time may not be a good thing. If I can concentrate on the government in the future, it would not be a good thing for me in the Eastern Tang Dynasty." Someone defended Xu Que.


The headed middle-aged man slapped the table and sternly said, "Did you forget how many things we have done in order to support the empress? If the emperor is allowed to regain power, how long do you think it will take your majesty to find out these things?"

For a while, everyone was speechless.

Once the emperor and the courtier, all of you here understand this principle.

If it were not for Xuanyuan Wanrong, even if Xu Que ignored the government, his power would still be in his hands after all, and the courtiers would still serve Xu Que.

But Xuanyuan Wanrong happened to appear, but when Xuanyuan Wanrong entered the palace, he showed amazing ambition.

He tried his best to win over courtiers and nepotism, which forced Xu Que to take control of Dongtang's authority.

Even before the two of them entered this world, the entire Eastern Tang Dynasty had reached the point where only the Queen Xuanyuan was known, and the emperor Xu Que was forgotten.

Nowadays, whether it is opening a restaurant or researching and developing crops, it represents one thing.

Once the emperor declared to the world-he is back!

"As you can see, how should this matter be handled?" someone asked.

Everyone was silent, their eyes converged, and they all saw what was in the other's heart.

It is absolutely not possible to let their emperor regain power!

In the palace, Xu Que once again negotiated with Xuanyuan Wanrong.

"Well, can you hand over Yuxi to me this time?" Xu Que said triumphantly, "I can easily get two million military expenses. Who is more suitable to be an emperor than me?"

Hey, when I get the Yuxi, I will abolish you as a queen and be demoted to a common citizen in the first place!

When you are on the street, alone, and helpless, I will go on a luxurious tour again and let this woman see and see the honor of Lao Tzu's emperor!

Just think about it...

"No." Xuanyuan Wanrong said lightly.

"Hey, that's right, we two are grasshoppers on a rope now... Wait what did you just say? No?"

Xu Que was immediately angry: "You woman doesn't speak credibility! If you say yes, I will solve the trouble and give Yuxi to me?"

Yuxi is the order of the emperor, without it, Xu Que's imperial decree is useless.

He was able to mobilize the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and he still relied on the six transfer orders given by Xuanyuan Wanrong.

Xuanyuan Wanrong said faintly: "Everything you do is not considered a strategy for governing the country. Combined with your reputation in the world of cultivating immortals, all these may be tricks and tricks. How can you tell me to trust you?"


This woman is shameless!

Xu Que was so angry that he almost laughed: "Xuanyuan Wanrong! I didn't take you to play like this!"

"I'm telling the truth, not to mention... When did I say that as long as you solve the trouble, I will give you Yuxi?"

"Obviously promised... Uh, this..."

Xu Que was startled suddenly.

Yes, this woman seems to have never promised herself...

"Okay! You are ruthless!"

Xu Que couldn't say it for a long while, so he could only turn around and leave with his neck.

Damn, I have to think of a way to get this woman to spit out the jade seal.

Isn't it because the courtiers listened to her, when I turned around, I proved his ability, and there were ways to get Yuxi back!

He has investigated the current court power, and it is roughly divided into three groups.

A group of relatives headed by Xuanyuan Wanrong, these guys are the biggest forces in the court, and they firmly hold their authority.

One group is the former emperor and veterans who embraced themselves as the head, swearing to the death to defend the royal dignity.

The last group is the important ministers who are loyal to the court, such as Gong Qiwei and other young courtiers.

This third group of people said it nicely, called the good birds to choose the wood and rest, and the awkward ones were called the wall-to-head grass.

Whoever has the most power will stand on whose side!

"Huh, Xuanyuan Wanrong, since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous!"

A smile appeared on Xu Que's face, and if he wanted to get Xuanyuan Wanrong, he had to get this group of foreign relatives and party feathers.

Otherwise, any of his own decisions will be stopped.

"Damn, it's not easy to get better, isn't it easy to get rid of it?"

It's time for you to see what it means to have experienced the Internet spray in the era of information explosion!

On the second day, above the court.

Xu Que was just sitting on the dragon chair, before his hips were hot, someone played.

"Your Majesty, the minister has this play!"

It's Xuanyuan Enlightenment!

Xu Que narrowed his eyes and stared at him for a long while.

I was trying to mess with you, but you guys actually brought it to your door?

Xu Que smiled in his heart and waved: "Say."

"The emperor, now there are years of drought, the treasury is empty, and the people are not living for life. It is probably due to the divine condemnation. The minister also asked the emperor to impose an edict and ask God for forgiveness and rain heavy rain to alleviate the suffering of the people."


Qunchen suddenly exploded the pot!

Xuanyuan inspired this trick, which is tantamount to setting the emperor directly on the fire.

The sin of oneself is equivalent to a book of repentance, telling the people what they have done wrong, and praying for forgiveness from heaven. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

It doesn’t matter if you change to a Mingjun, but if it’s Xu Que...

The stupid things he has done in recent years are not too few. If he has sinned against himself, it is equivalent to making things public to the public in these years.

In this way, what Xu Que did and the prestige he had just established would instantly fall to the bottom of the folks.

At that time, Xuanyuan Enlightenment could continue to assume that the emperor is temporarily inappropriate to preside over the government, and continue to let Xuanyuan Wanrong control the government.

Xuanyuan Wanrong will not fall, her relatives will live forever!

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