Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1673: Heaven is about to change

Royal Palace, Royal Study Room.

"Give me Yuxi." Xu Que once again asked for Yuxi.

What he wants to do next must have Yuxi's will to make it right.

Otherwise, with the arrogance of the five surnames and seven hopes, I'm afraid it would be ignored at all.

Xuanyuan Wanrong glanced at him faintly, picked up the tea cup, and took a sip: "No, I know you want to start with Wuxing Qiwang, but it's not the time yet."


Xu Que took a deep breath and fixedly looked at Xuanyuan Wanrong's eyes, and said solemnly: "Lastly say it again, if you don't give it, I will do things my own way."

"I also said one last time. Dealing with them requires a long-term plan. Don't be dazzled by anger!" Xuanyuan Wanrong said solemnly, without giving in.

She is very aware of the status of the five surnames and Qiwang in the Eastern Tang Dynasty. If they are moved at this moment, it is likely to cause great turmoil.

For her, the future development of Dongtang is not important.

The important thing is that at the moment, and before her normal life ends, the power is in control, and her life is safe!

So don't be arrogant!

"Well, the ways are different!"

Xu Wei nodded, then turned and left.

Xuanyuan Wanrong slowly put down the tea cup in her hand and looked in the direction where Xu Que was leaving, with some hesitation in her eyes...

The next day.

Wuxing Qiwang had already learned the news circulating in the palace, and was overjoyed.

"I just said, the emperor's children can't help us at all."

"Haha, I played beautifully with this hand, not only on the merit monument, but also withdrawing the silver. We will receive both fame and fortune!"

"Master Xuanyuan, you have to collect the one million taels from the previous profit."

"Hmph, the emperor child doesn't even have Yuxi in his hand, even if he really wants to do something, he is powerless!"

Inspired by Xuanyuan, the important official of the court, gathered around the five-surname and seven-wang family members, toasting and pushing, it was so unpleasant.

In their view, the little emperor was nothing but a waste.

Not enough to be afraid!

Even the Jiang family, the first of the five surnames and seven hopes, announced in the imperial city that it will host a banquet in three days!

The insiders all denounced the Jiang family, and it was nothing more than making the country difficult to make money. Now it is still made public, which is simply outrageous, but this is of no use.

A few days later, news came from the palace.

A meteorite outside the sky fell in the imperial city, after the imperial family excavated it, it turned out to be a jade seal.

The emperor Xu Que called this an imperial power granted by heaven.

From now on, the past jade seal is invalid, and this heavenly jade seal is honored as the national jade seal!

The news came out and did not cause much commotion among the people.

But many people who knew that Yuxi was in the hands of Xuanyuan Wanrong frowned.

If the emperor replaced the old jade seal in this way, how could the queen sit still?

"No need to worry, the queen will definitely deny the so-called imperial power granted by the gods."

"Haha, that's right, the little emperor is too tender after all, what's the use of playing this trick?"

"Father Jiang, will the birthday feast continue?"

"of course!"

Today's Jiangfu is extremely lively.

Elder Jiang has already set a seven-day birthday banquet, and today is the most important feast.

They invited almost ordinary wealthy families in the Eastern Tang Dynasty, and even high-ranking officials in the imperial city were not in the minority. These well-known figures gathered in Jiang Mansion.

Just at the beginning of the birthday banquet, there was a thunderous noise outside the mansion. It was clear that a large number of people arrived.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The next moment, the door of the Jiang Family Mansion was knocked instantly.

"Lao Jiang, open the door, I'm here to give you the end...Oh no, I'm here to wish you a birthday!"

A silly voice sounded.

Everyone present was dumbfounded for an instant.


"Why is the emperor here?"

When everyone was stunned, they heard a loud "bang" and the entire gate of the mansion fell down.

"Oh, how could this door fall without knocking!"

Wearing a dragon robe, Xu Que led thousands of soldiers and horses, and appeared directly in front of everyone.

At this time, the expressions of everyone in the audience changed drastically.

"What does the emperor do with soldiers and horses?"

"He's crazy, but today is Grandma Jiang's birthday!"

Old Mrs. Jiang narrowed his eyes slightly, but still sitting on the chair, and said lightly: "I don't know that your Majesty is coming to my Jiang Mansion. If you wish to congratulate the old man on his birthday, the old man will take it with his heart."

As he said, he swept his eyes aside.

The Jiang family immediately understood, and with a wave of their big hand, a group of private soldiers immediately walked out of the dark place of the mansion and lay in ambush.

Although these private soldiers did not appear in front of everyone, the dense footsteps directly betrayed them.

Xu Que grinned and said, "Master Jiang is very arrogant. He sat and talked when he saw me. That's all. How dare you use private soldiers to ambush me?"

Mrs. Jiang's face was as usual. In his opinion, Xu Que was nothing more than an abandoned emperor without the slightest authority.

As a wealthy family with five surnames and seven hopes, changing the dynasty with a wave of hands is just a breeze, and an abandoned emperor is not qualified to make him in awe.

"Your Majesty is serious. Today is the birthday of the little old man. Since your majesty is here, the old man happens to have thin wine in his house. I don't know if your majesty can see it." Old lady Jiang said neither humble nor overbearing.

The surrounding wealthy and prominent families all looked at Xu Que with a smile, and talked unabashedly.

"This little emperor dared to directly rush into Jiang's house?"

"Laughing to death, what can he do to us? It's just luck to be the emperor."

"If we wait to join forces, the royal family will be overthrown and then stand."

All kinds of rebellious words were passed directly to Xu Que's ears.

He smiled faintly: "Old Mrs. Jiang is really hospitable. Since I have said so, then I will come in!"

As he said, he suddenly raised his hand and shouted: "According to me, the Jiang family is suspected of harbouring the Qin offender and suspected of treason. Now we will conduct a full search of the Jiang family!"


Following Xu Que's order, a large number of soldiers and horses poured into Jiang's family, and even entered from all directions, instantly subduing Jiang's private soldiers.

Humph, a group of scum, but this time, I asked Ding Yong to bring all the Imperial Guards. Do you dare to be arrogant?

"The emperor, are you trying to destroy my Jiang family?" Old grandfather Jiang's face sank, and he asked coldly.

"Why did Mrs. Jiang say this? I just received the spy news to confirm it. If the Jiang family is innocent, how can I kill the innocent?" Xu Que responded with a smile.

"The emperor, the prisoner has been arrested!"

Soon, Ding Yong brought someone to report!

A middle-aged official was taken out, and it was inspired by Xuanyuan, who had secretly met with the Jiang family.

"The emperor, what's wrong with me?!" Xuanyuan enlightened, sweating profusely, and said in panic.

Xu Que directly raised his hand to reveal and threw a ledger, throwing it on Xuanyuan Qiqifa's face.

"For disaster relief donations, you have embezzled seven million taels of silver. It has been searched in your home. Today's crime is hidden in Jiang's house. Today, I personally led my troops to arrest and cut it on the spot!"

Seven million taels?

Still hiding at home?

You're a **** idiot!

Xuanyuan Qifa suddenly widened his eyes: "You, you wronged me, how could I hide seven million taels at home..."

"I care where you hide, so you admit to corruption? Drag it out and kill it." Xu Que waved his hand outside the house without waiting for him to finish.

"No, wait, I want to see the queen..."

Xuanyuan Qiqihar's expression changed drastically, and he suddenly realized that the emperor was coming for real, and immediately shouted.

However, in the face of the Imperial Guard, no matter how hard he struggled to resist, it was useless, and he was soon pulled out of the Jiang Mansion!

After a while, the sound of the blade being unsheathed outside the house, and the wailing inspired by Xuanyuan immediately disappeared without a trace.

Everyone felt chills in their hearts.

This Xuanyuan Enlightenment is the powerful partner of the Five Sects and Qiwangs in the court. The key is that the relatives of Queen Xuanyuan were killed like this?

Is it possible that this emperor really wants to tear himself apart with these famous families today?

"Your Majesty!" Old lady Jiang was black as ink, and said angrily, "Without investigation, I asked the officials to be cut off. I didn't agree with the rituals. There was no imperial decree based on verbal decree and reason. Could it be that you really want to be a faint lord?"

"Haha, Junjun? I haven't been a Junjun for many years." Xu Que narrowed his eyes slightly and leaned forward, "Today, I will be a tyrant!"

"You..." Old lady Jiang flushed with anger in an instant, and had difficulty breathing.

"His Majesty!"

At this time, a guard rushed out of the house, holding a jade seal and a dragon robe in his hands.

"Your Majesty, your subordinates found this thing in the house!"

Longpao Yuxi?

Damn it!

Everyone changed their colors and hid this thing privately. This is a felony of rebelling against the nine clans!

Even if Mr. Jiang was confused, he wouldn't be able to put these things at home!

There is only one possibility... This thing was brought by the Imperial Guard just now!

Xu Que took the Yuxi dragon robe and said with a grinning smile: "I didn't expect Jiang Jia to have such ambitions and dare to commit rebellion!"

"According to my order, the Jiang family has committed an uproar, and the evidence of the crime of conspiracy is conclusive, and the nine clans will be implicated, and ask to be killed on the spot!"

"You, do you dare to slander the old man?" Old man Jiang roared angrily, "You don't have a jade seal. My five surnames and seven noble families have a pill book in the previous dynasty. No jade seal is stamped with the imperial decree. You must not innocently condemn it!"

"Oh, Yuxi, I have one."

Xu Que smiled and took out a gorgeous Nine Dragon Jade Seal from his arms, took the long-written imperial decree from the attendant next to him, and pressed it down fiercely, "Die under the imperial decree of this day to grant the jade seal, you can be considered dead. ."

Everyone’s heart sank to the bottom, remembering that they had just heard the news of the Heavenly Jade Seal, UU reading www. uukānshu.com suddenly understood everything.

"No, no, this Yuxi..." Old lady Jiang shook his head and shouted, but was soon dragged down by the Imperial Guard.

Everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

This faint lord...has already been prepared for a long time ago, he wants to use the Jiang family to have an operation!


With Xu Que's order, the guards raised their swords, countless heads fell, and the whole Jiang family was bloody!

Old Mrs. Jiang was left until the end. After watching the whole process, she trembled and panicked in her heart.

How dare this emperor?

Without the Jiang family, the scholars who entered the court as officials would have lost a great road to heaven. Isn't he afraid of causing turmoil?

"Tsk tut!"

At this time, Xu Que picked up the long knife and came to Grandpa Jiang. The knife was placed directly on his neck, and he smiled and said, "Do you really want to know why I dare to do this? Are you afraid of the chaos of the world?"

Grandpa Jiang suddenly raised his head, and a burst of resentment broke out in his eyes: "Your Majesty, how dare you..."

"Because I am super brave."

Xu Que held a cold face and waved the knife directly, and a big head fell on the ground.

"I won't let you know if I die, are you angry?"

He put away his long sword, stared at the chilling noble families around him, and said loudly: "From today onwards, the recommendation system will be abolished and the imperial examination will be established. Scholars of the world can learn to enter the dynasty on their talents, without the recommendation of the noble family!"

After speaking, he rode away.

The rest of the people looked at each other, and an idea emerged in their hearts.

The sky of Dongtang Kingdom...is going to change!

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