Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1674: Wait for death

"The strongest anti-routine system (!

One night, the Jiang family's murder stunned the world.

It was also from this day that news that shocked the world spread one after another.

Numerous voices of discussion passed among the people.

"Have you heard that the emperor has developed a crop that can yield 40 shi per mu!"

"More than that, I also heard that the emperor also built a school and asked the poor to enter an official position!"

"Really? Isn't it true that poor people like us can also read...but books are so expensive."

"Harm, don't worry, the emperor has already developed papermaking techniques, and books are now sold very cheaply."

"Really! Then I'll buy a few sets now!"

Ever since Xu Que slaughtered the Jiang family among the five surnames and seven hopes, he has been out of control.

Building roads, making paper, commerce, splitting the family, surrendering to the treasury...

One policy after another, as if already prepared, started to be implemented step by step.

This also pushed this dilapidated Dongtang country toward the prosperous side.

After Xuanyuan Wanrong learned of the Jiang family's murder, she seemed to have acquiesced to Xu Que's approach and stopped opposing anything, allowing him to gradually take over the entire court.

This means that the empress empress who once held monstrous power is really going to give up power to fight for it.

After all, after all, the goals of the two are the same after all.

As long as the Dongtang Kingdom can develop steadily and without major changes, the two can be stable here to death, and successfully pass the test, it will be the best result.

Xuanyuan Wanrong still didn't understand why those strange thoughts always popped up in Xu Que's mind.

It seems deviant, but it can always have unexpected effects and make this country better.

She even wondered, could it be said that what Xu Que once said was not just slanderous, he really has the ability to become an emperor through the ages?

With the passage of time, Xuanyuan Wanrong herself did not realize that her view of Xu Que was changing bit by bit.

Time is the most changeable person, and in a blink of an eye, the two have been in this world for two years.

In the past two years, Xu Que's various policies have built Dongtang Kingdom into a strong and prosperous country.

Although it is still not as good as Qin, it is a far cry from the Eastern Tang two years ago.

On this day, it is the time of the court meeting again.

After leaving the dynasty, the two were in the imperial study room, discussing how to develop the next step.


Suddenly, an **** hurriedly rushed over, knelt down outside the door of the imperial study room, and shouted: "Queen Empress, Uh... Your Majesty, Qin has sent envoys!"


Xu Que and Xuanyuan Wanrong glanced at each other. After two years of running-in, they were already familiar enough to see each other's thoughts.

The two of them tacitly knew that this was a troublesome matter.

"I'll solve it, you are not good at these things." Xu Que said.

"..." Xuanyuan Wanrong hesitated a little, then nodded, tacitly approved.

The two got up directly, opened the door of the imperial study room, and walked away.

At the same time, above the hall, the envoy of the State of Qin stood among the officials with an arrogant expression, and his eyes were full of disdain.

All the courtiers around were dark and iron, talking in a low voice.

"This Qin State envoy is too arrogant!"

"There is no way...After all, Qin has a strong army and has ruled over half of the land in Kyushu."

"This time I said that I was here to visit, and God knows what's hidden in my mind!"

The envoy listened to the discussion around him and sneered, his expression becoming more arrogant.

"The emperor, the empress is here!"

Accompanied by the sharp voice of the eunuch, Xu Que sat on the dragon chair, and Xuanyuan Wanrong sat on the phoenix seat on the side.

The envoy's eyes were full of disdain, but he bowed his hands and said, "See the Emperor of the Eastern Tang Dynasty."

An admonisher immediately went out angrily: "Asshole! It is disrespectful to see your Majesty not to bow down!"

The expressions of the surrounding courtiers also contained faint anger, all of them looked like they were killing their father's and enemies.

Xu Que waved his hand and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's a guest from afar, I don't know what the envoy is doing this time?"

Xuanyuan Murong glanced at him, somewhat surprised.

Although the two had negotiated on their way here, no matter how provocative the envoys were, they had to endure it.

After all, the Qin country is now in great power, and if it really fought, the Eastern Tang Dynasty would have to destroy the country within three days.

They couldn't use any trace of their true essence right now, they were purely two ordinary people, and naturally it was impossible for them to use the power of a cultivator to crush Qin.

Therefore, the only plan now is to slow down.

Trying to find a way to preserve the Eastern Tang Dynasty first, with their two people's literary and military strategies, it is entirely possible to gradually overthrow the Qin country.

But it will take time.

With her understanding of Xu Que, this guy couldn't bear it.

At this time, the envoy straightened up and said loudly: "Your Majesty, I have only one purpose for the minister of Qin to come to your country this time."

He paused, looked around at the ministers, and said word by word: "Let your country return!"


The whole hall suddenly exploded!

"What? Let us surrender?!"

"King Qin is too much! My day is like a mother!"

"Do you want to die by saying that? My whole family is like my day!"

"Return before you fight? A joke! I have the power of the East Tang country to fight this battle too!"

"Um... Old Du, think about it clearly, we really can't beat it."

The envoy's words were too straightforward and aroused public outrage.

This behavior of persuading you to surrender without a fight is placed between countries, which is equivalent to saying that I will take you down, and obediently will not beat you.

To put it vulgarly, it is no different from riding on the head of the monarch of the Eastern Tang Dynasty and shit.

Especially, these words were still uttered by an envoy, and it was a great humiliation.

However, unexpectedly, Xu Que did not change much, always keeping a smile on his face.

After a while, Xu Que pressed his palm virtually to calm the scene.

Xuanyuan Wanrong leaned into his ear and whispered: "It can be agreed temporarily. At present, the strength of the Eastern Tang Dynasty is weak, and there are not so many troops to fight a nationwide war."

Xu Que didn't change his face: "How long do you think it will take us to reach Qin's national strength?"

"Ten...no, eight years."

Xuanyuan Wanrong had understood the strength of the Eastern Tang Dynasty, with a large population, but its military strength was weak, coupled with the backwardness of its weapons, so it had always been in a weak country posture.

In eight years, it can be built into a powerful country.

At that time, it will be enough to fight Qin State.

Xu Wei nodded his head and smiled more enthusiastically on his face.

If Duan Jiude saw Xu Que's smile at this time, he would definitely shout: "This kid must want to do something again!"

"Aiqing, don't be impatient. King Qin can send envoys to show that he is still very sincere."

Hearing that the emperor of the Eastern Tang Dynasty said so, the envoy looked more arrogant, as if he was domineering.

"But...before the decision, UU read www.uukanshu.com had some words, and hoped that the envoy could bring it to King Qin for me." Xu Que beckoned at the envoy, "the envoy came forward, this statement Don’t let others hear."

The envoy sneered in his heart, thinking that it was nothing more than words of begging for mercy, and came to the dragon chair.

The officials' eyes were about to bleed, and several people even held the official hats on their heads in their hands, and only waited for Xu Que to say the decision, and then threw their hats away.

"Dongtang Monarch, what do you want to bring us to the sage?" The envoy said with an arrogant expression.

Xu Que said with a smile, "Tell King Qin to wash his neck... Wait for death!"

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