Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1675: It's over


The envoy of the State of Qin was stunned for an instant, with a stunned expression on his face.

Is this guy crazy or am I crazy?

What did he say?

How dare you be so disrespectful to King Qin?

Soon, the envoy's face suddenly became gloomy, and his tone was cold: "Your Majesty, your remarks are a great humiliation to King Qin! If you apologize now, this envoy can forget the blame..."

"Forget Nima!"

Xu Que directly slapped his backhand on the face of the envoy.

With a crisp sound, Man Chaotang fell into a dead silence.

The envoy was completely dumbfounded and couldn't believe it.

Was he actually beaten?

Isn't this Dongtang monarch useless? Every day I only know what **** free love he pursues, I have never heard of him being so bold!

This is also mainly because Qin has been fighting all over the past few years, while cultivating health, and not paying much attention to the situation in the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

In their opinion, if a small border country like the East Tang simply hooked their fingers, their monarchs would have to kneel down and bow down to the ministers.

Unexpectedly, today's Dongtang is not the weak look it used to be.

The officials below were also stunned.

Damn it!

The emperor actually hit the envoy!

Is he crazy?

In exchanges between the two countries, the envoy is the representative of the monarch of a country.

There has always been a saying on the battlefield that the envoy should not be cut. If anyone moves an envoy, it is basically equivalent to declaring war.

Xu Que's behavior at this time was no different from directly slapping King Qin.

Xuanyuan Wanrong was also shocked by Xu Que's sudden slap.

"What are you doing?" she whispered, "what's the difference between this and declaring war on Qin?"

Xu Que drew his ears, and said, "If you declare a war, you will declare a war. It's not that you can't defeat it."

A joke, an envoy dare to be so arrogant?

Can even pretend to be forceful than Lao Tzu, can this bear you?

As for what he couldn't beat, Xu Que didn't care about it at all.

Just kidding, Ben forced the sage to read it for five thousand years, and keep the art of war and strategy in mind. Will he not be able to beat the **** King Qin in an illusion?

It doesn't exist at all!

"Asshole! You are dead, your entire Eastern Tang state will be destroyed!"

After the envoy reacted, his face flushed immediately, and he screamed furiously.

Nima's, also destroy the country?

Xu Que sneered twice, and in the horrified eyes of everyone, with a big wave of his hand, he didn't even take out a big sword from his crotch.

"It's time for robbery. The man stands on the left and the woman stands on the right, all holding their heads in their hands. Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude! Hey, what about you, give me some reaction!"


At this moment, there was deathly silence in the entire hall.

Everyone was dumbfounded, with a dumbfounded look.


You are the emperor!

The envoy who robbed Qin in the palace?

"The emperor, the emperor..." a courtier said tremblingly.

"Don't call me the emperor, I am now Xu Que, the leader of the Explosive Heavens Gang!" Xu Que smiled wantonly.

Bang Tian Gang?

Where the **** the ghost gang came from? !

No, the point is, when did the emperor join this blasting gang!

The envoy felt the coldness on his neck, and his face turned pale.

At the juncture of life and death, he no longer had the arrogance he had before, and said in a trembled voice: "That... Your Majesty, we can discuss things carefully and appeal to the law. King Qin always pursues fairness and justice. You do not benefit Dongtang by doing so. ."

"When you were so arrogant just now, did you consider appealing to the law?"

Xu Que said with a smile, "Apply to the law, right? I think your behavior has caused serious mental trauma to the monarch of the country, and ask your King Qin to pay me 300 million gold, or you will be castrated on the spot! "

300 million gold!

The envoy was dumbfounded.

You might as well just kill me!

If King Qin knew that the envoy he sent out was put on his neck with a sword, the first thing he wanted to chop was my envoy, okay?

If you lose face to other countries, who will die if you don't die?

Thinking of the end like that, the envoy only felt terrified in his heart, not even ****.

"Fuck, why are you so courageous and scared to pee?" Xu Que saw this, jumped away, waved his hand disgustedly, "Come on, take our envoy down, okay? Entertain."

Several sturdy soldiers stepped forward and left with envoys.

After finishing the envoy, Xu Que lay back and said leisurely: "Ai Qing, you have any ideas, please express."

The officials were silent.

Post a fart!

The behavior of Xu Que just now caused these officials to relieve their anger.

But after the qi was relieved, there were troubles that could not be dealt with.

Does this envoy kill or not?

If it is killed, King Qin must know that when the time comes with a wave of armies and horses, he and others can only become the people who perish the country.

If you don't kill, let the envoys go back. Today, the emperor humiliates the envoys so that King Qin must be furious. When that time comes, he will also roll in iron hoofs and destroy the Dongtang with his fingers.

"Xu Que, you do this, completely disregarding the overall situation." Xuanyuan Wanrong said with a cold face.

She is in a bad mood now, and it is not just Xu Que's off-line behavior.

It's because when Xu Que did these things, Xuanyuan Wanrong actually felt a trace of betrayal.

Didn’t we all decide to develop slowly?

Why do you want to do this?

After all, he was the same as before, completely disregarding other people's feelings.

Xu Que didn't feel the resentment in Xuanyuan Wanrong's words at all, and said lazily, "Do you really think people are here to persuade you to surrender? Shit!"

As he said, he stood up and said seriously: "I tell you, even if we surrender now, we will never get a chance to breathe. Maybe next year, Qin Bing will disappear for no reason in the territory of the Eastern Tang Dynasty. Then King Qin will have a reason. Come and pack us."

Xuanyuan Wanrong’s eyebrows frowned and became a Sichuan word: “Then, according to your opinion, King Qin will fight sooner or later, why is it sending someone to persuade him to surrender now?”

"There are only two reasons. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is too lazy to waste troops, and second, there are problems in his country that hinder the pace of outward expansion." Xu Que touched his chin, thoughtful. Said, "I am inclined to the second reason."

"Why make such a assertion?" Xuanyuan Wanrong still did not agree with Xu Que's words.

"Because a conceited guy like King Qin will not persuade him to surrender, but will only wait for others to take the initiative to surrender."

At this time, the ministers were already talking, and the civil servants and the generals were divided into two sides, and they were arguing loudly.

"In the view of the old officials, the plan for the present is to quickly rectify the soldiers and horses and shrink the defenses. Our country is far away from Qin. Qin's soldiers and horses will be under siege for a long time, and they will retreat."

"You old people don't fart, the emperor, give the minister 300,000 soldiers and horses, and the minister will be the general of the Qin army under the horse, and will never let the Qin army invade the country's soil!"

"You idiot knows how to fight!"

"Old Piff, are you going to fight?"

Xu Que sighed and slapped the dragon chair with a slap: "Be quiet for me!"

Xu Que has now established enough prestige, and everyone is silent immediately after giving an order.

"I now announce that I will fight with King Qin personally on the battlefield!"

The voice fell.

All the court officials were dumbfounded, almost thinking that they were hearing a hallucination.

What did the emperor say?

He wants to be conquered by the prince?

Go to a showdown with King Qin on the battlefield?

That's it!

It's over. After two years of stability, the emperor is sick again...

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