Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1683: The King of Qin

"The strongest anti-routine system (!

Hu Zhengtang's mansion.

An envoy of the State of Qin was sitting on a chair, his face was full of arrogance that he could not resist.

The faces of several soldiers around him were as dark as the bottom of a pot. Had it not been for the military order, they would have already beaten the envoy to the ground.

"That's how Dongtang received the envoys?" The envoy rolled his eyes, and the old **** said on the ground, "The officer has been sitting here for half an hour, and your Dongtang monarch is not here yet? Could it not be me? Da Qin country puts it in his eyes?"

The soldier's forehead was violently blue, and he took a deep breath and said, "Your Majesty is discussing with the general. Please wait a moment."

"Oh, my king sent a local official here in person, because he wanted to have a good relationship with Dongtang, so as not to provoke a war between the two countries, but the king of Dongtang is so ignorant of good and bad, if I let my king know, I am afraid that I will have to get angry. "The envoy said yin and yang weirdly.

At this moment, an arrogant voice came from far and near: "Really? Then I want to see, what does King Qin look like?"

Immediately afterwards, a slender figure entered the room with a handsome face and a cynical smile on the corner of his mouth.

On the side, is a graceful and luxurious woman, with a cold look, and a graceful and luxurious temperament between her eyebrows and eyes.

It was Xu Que and Xuanyuan Wanrong.

Behind the two of them, Hu Zhengtang and other generals, almost all the soldiers who could speak in this city, followed.

There was no reason for him. Before coming, everyone had a big quarrel.

The conservatives headed by Hu Zhengtang felt that they should guard the city, and slowly figured it out.

With the geographical advantage of Tianmenguan Xiongcheng, as long as it is passively defended, it can be supported for several years.

As long as the country develops and the frontier troops are strong, they will be able to fight the Qin State in a decisive battle in a few years.

But Xu Que is not so.

In his words: "Others are riding on your head and shit. You don't want to beat him? You should rub him on the ground! Let him feel what strength is!"

The generals of Hu Zhengtang were speechless for a while.

The emperor, you are really right to say so, but you have to see the strength of both sides!

The opponent is the Qin State who has swept Liuhe!

Although you led 3,000 soldiers and horses and killed tens of thousands of people on the opposite side, it was just a small-scale battle.

If you really fight, your three thousand soldiers and horses are surrounded by hundreds of thousands of troops, you will die if you can fight!

Xu Que is not commenting on this.

Young soldiers, you have never seen real strength...

When the envoy saw Xu Que, the arrogance on his face faded slightly.

The courtiers in the country may not be clear, but as a guard by King Qin's side, he naturally knew that the man who had led three thousand soldiers and entered the army of Qin before him was the seemingly harmless monarch in front of him.

"See the Emperor of the Eastern Tang Dynasty." The envoy sat in a chair and arched his hand.

Although he was jealous, the envoy still maintained the arrogance he deserved.

When Hu Zhengtang and others saw this, their faces suddenly sank, and the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became anxious.

Xu Que raised his hand and pressed it, suppressing the impetuousness of the people, and staring at the envoy with interest: "I don't know, His Majesty King Qin, what do you want to bring to me?"

"The day before yesterday, our country tried to have friendly exchanges with your country’s soldiers, but your country misunderstood our good intentions and sent people to carry out raids on our country’s soldiers, which goes against the tradition of the two countries’ friendship." The soldiers of the Eastern Tang Dynasty blushed.

However, his next words made people even more angry.

"However, I, King Qin, has a kind heart and decided not to pursue it. The main reason for sending this official over this time is one thing."

"Persuading to surrender again?" Xu Que asked curiously.

King Qin isn't really that retarded, right?

The envoy thought that Xu Que was already scared, and a touch of arrogance came out again on his face: "My king said, as long as your country is willing to dominate the state of Qin, you will voluntarily form an alliance with the state of Qin, and make tribute every year, and at the same time invite the Eastern Tang state. If you enter the imperial city of our country for residence, our Qin State will not pursue this incident."

Nima's, King Qin of the dog day is really shameless!

Xu Que laughed angrily. He obviously came to fight, but he was killed by himself and turned his back on him. He was so embarrassed to make up such a rhetoric.

The envoy's remarks are very clear. They want Xu Que to be taken as a hostage and enter the Qin State. It is an alliance in name but in reality it is just another way to persuade surrender to be a minister.

Xu Que thought for a while. With King Qin’s face-saving virtue, he would actually make such a decision. Could it be that someone was behind him to speak for him?

What he didn't know was that after Bai Qi saw his performance that day, he went back to persuade him with death, trying to get King Qin to take Dongtang into his bag, so as not to be a pity for a talent who could fight for Qin.

But even if he knew it, Xu Que would only take a spit.

How can the gang leader of the bombing day succumb to others?

When Hu Zhengtang and others heard the words, there was a burst of light in their eyes, but they soon fell into hesitation.

One thing to say is that the plan given by King Qin is actually more suitable for the current Dongtang.

But in that case, they would have to wrong the emperor and enter Qin as a hostage, which they couldn't accept. ,

Compared with the entanglement of Hu Zhengtang and others, Xu Que seemed to not care about these at all, but said meaningfully: "What if I don't agree?"

The envoy raised his eyebrows: "Our country's four million troops are now displayed outside Tianmen Pass. The monarch has to think clearly."


The lieutenant on the side finally couldn't help it, and he slammed the table and stood up: "Enough! You Qin is too arrogant, you are just a small envoy, who dare to talk to your majesty like this, I will drag you now. Go out and feed the dog!"

The envoy sneered and said: "You have to think carefully. If I die here, the four million troops of Qin will be attacked immediately!"

The generals suddenly changed.

They haven't even set up the fortifications. If the Qin army is attacking the city now, it will certainly not break through the Tianmen Pass, but hundreds of thousands of people will be killed or injured.

Dongtang is far from being able to afford such a loss.

"Are you threatening me?" Xu Que smiled.

The envoy was stunned: "The official is just..."


Xu Que directly thumped the table and stood up, and said angrily: "I hate others for threatening me! The generals obeyed the order, King Qin humiliated me in Dongtang so much. As the monarch of Dongtang, he vowed not to accept this humiliation. Now I am right. It is a declaration of war on the State of Qin, and war will begin tomorrow!"

The envoy was immediately stupid, and before he had time to speak, he saw a blade of light passing by in front of him.

With a "click", the minister's head fell to the ground.

Hu Zhengtang and others were completely dumbfounded. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Your Majesty, what are you doing!

Things are still discussed!

Last time it was just in custody, why was it killed this time?

Xu Que put away his long sword, his face was full of anger, but he was secretly proud.

Damn, fortunately this envoy came to provoke him. Otherwise, how could Lao Tzu persuade Hu Zhengtang to start a war?

King Qin is really a good person!

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