Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1684: Follow me

That day.

Xu Que stood on the city wall, holding the head of the envoy, and shouted at the millions of troops: "King Qin, you old thing wait for me, and I will bring the soldiers to kill you tomorrow!"

This action once caused a riot in the Qin soldiers, but fortunately Bai Qi suppressed the soldiers in the army.

And the Dongtang domestic, because of Xu Que's move, cheered up.

"Good shout!"

"Our monarch wants to be so tough!"

"The emperor is mighty!"

Suddenly, the prestige of Xu Que in China reached its peak.

In comparison, the barracks seemed a bit low.

The reason is simple, it is because of the four million army outside the city.

Four million, what concept?

The total population of the Eastern Tang Dynasty was less than 10 million, and Qin Guoguang was the one who had come out to fight, and it was already more than half of the population of the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

Such a huge army hoarding outside Tianmen Pass is a great pressure for the defenders of Tianmen Pass.

In addition, Xu Que's words completely ignited King Qin's anger.

The furious King Qin directly issued the most cruel and cruel military order-Tucheng!

When you break through Tianmenguan city, this city will not leave the chickens and dogs!

For a while, everyone in the city was in danger.

"It's over, we really can't win."

"Asshole! How can you know if you can't win a fight before you fight?"

"Qin has four million troops! Four million! You can't even keep the dead body with one slash!"

"I heard that King Qin is going to slaughter the city...what should I do, there are still children waiting for me in my family..."

"Why did the monarch provoke King Qin? It's just going to live in Qin for a few years."

Walking on the street, you can hear this kind of remarks everywhere.

The Qin army swept across Liuhe and were invincible. The pressure from fame alone was enough to crush every soldier of the Eastern Tang Dynasty.

There were even troops who had a small-scale mutiny that night, and Hu Zhengtang tried his best to suppress it.

The next day, above the city wall.

Hu Zhengtang was wearing armor, his face sinking like water, and under him were the soldiers of the State of Qin waiting to go out.

"Report to the general that all the soldiers who mutated yesterday have been imprisoned in the cell, but now the military is in turmoil...The next battle, I'm afraid it won't be easy to fight..." the lieutenant said worriedly.

Hu Zhengtang sighed and his eyes fell not far away. At this time, Xu Que was leading his three thousand soldiers and horses in preparation, ready to go out at any time.

At this point, they have no way to stop Xu Que.

"If the order is passed on, this battle is not for victory, but for undefeated. The most important thing is that your Majesty must not be lost!" Hu Zhengtang said solemnly.


The lieutenant clasped his fists and hurried down to issue orders.

At this moment, Xu Que was handing out the things he exchanged from the system next to each other.

Although the price of hot weapons was too high to be exchanged, this kind of cross-age cold weapons was so cheap that Xu Que exchanged all the costing value into equipment.

"Brothers, the use of this weapon has been handed over to you, and today is the time for you to make contributions!" Xu Que shouted loudly.

Through yesterday's heroic performance, Xu Que has completely conquered these three thousand soldiers, and now they are the only ones looking forward to Xu Que.

Even if Xu Que asked them to go directly to death, there would not be the slightest violation.

Xu Que sighed with emotion: "Sure enough, we still have to have the strength..."

In a blink of an eye, time came to noon.

After a whole morning, the two armies have completed their preparations.

Qin Bing's millions of troops lined up, making no secret of their strength, and was about to take this majestic city in one fell swoop.




Exciting battle drums sounded, and the millions of troops of the Qin Army roared in unison: "Qin will win!"

The sound was like thunder, and the air rushed into the sky, and even the clouds in the sky were faintly washed away.

As for the East Tang State, morale is low, facing such a strong team, it is inevitable to be a little timid.

The drums gradually calmed down, Qin's army dispersed, and a mighty and handsome middle-aged man walked out slowly.

With a dragon crown on his head and wearing a golden yellow dragon robe, he exudes an aura of dominion over the world.

"See my king!"

Millions of soldiers all saw.

He is the king of Qin State who swept Liuhe-Ying Fangwu!

Seeing this person, even Hu Zhengtang couldn't help frowning: "King Qin is imperial, commanding a four million army, and the morale is strong. We are afraid that this battle will not last long."

As he said, he rejoiced: "Fortunately, the emperor has promised me that this time I will not charge first, but only fight as an auxiliary army."

Xu Que curled his lips and said unhappy: "Damn...I am not as handsome as I am, what can I pretend?!"

But I have to say that this Ying Fangwu is indeed a personal character.

Judging from Xu Que's eyes, he was also the master of a country. Compared with this, the king of the Fire Yuan Kingdom at that time was a heaven and an underground.

"It's a pity, when you meet Benbisheng, your emperor's road may end here."

There was a sneer on Xu Que's face, he waved his long knife sharply, and shouted: "Brothers, King Qin has appeared, let him chop him later!"

"Cut King Qin!" Three thousand soldiers shouted in unison.

Xu Que added internal force to the roar, and the roar continued around the wall.

Sometimes, the simplest way of encouragement can have the best effect.

"Strange... I don't feel like I'm so scared anymore. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"Yeah, what is Qin Bing? We are the ones who want to kill King Qin."

"I'm burning up!"

Inspired by Xu Que's shout, the soldiers of Dongtang once again ignited their fighting spirit, and followed the three thousand soldiers shouting: "Cut the King Qin! Cut the King Qin! Cut the King Qin!"

Hearing this continuous roar, King Qin had already died of anger, and now he couldn't help his face change: "My great Qin is invincible, and I am invincible! The King of Eastern Tang, if you are willing to surrender, I can promise..."

"Vot to Nima! Wash your fart...cough, neck, get ready to die!" Xu Que interrupted King Qin's words directly.

This fellow dare to interrupt me?

King Qin once felt that he had become an emperor after sweeping Liuhe, and he had become a lot more open-minded.

But today, Xu Que repeatedly broke the defense, and his face was about to be deformed by anger.

"Listen to my orders! The whole army strikes! Take down Tianmen Pass and slaughter the city!"

Following the order from King Qin, Qin's army began to move.

Millions of soldiers moved together, the momentum was spectacular, and the dull footsteps sounded like stepping on people's hearts.

Xu Que stood at the forefront with three thousand soldiers, turned his head to look behind him, and shouted, "Brothers, follow me!"

When the voice fell, he took the lead and rushed out first.

Three thousand soldiers and horses followed closely, and the whole team shot straight out like a sharp arrow from the string.

Damn it!

Hu Zhengtang, who was standing on the city wall, was dumbfounded again.

Why did the emperor rush out again?

Didn’t he say that he will be responsible for assisting this battle?

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