Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1690: Come out, blasting the sky gang

"Bring my big sword, I will go up and kill him!"

Winning Fang Wu's eyes were red, and he threw the dragon's crown to the ground, lifting his robe and about to jump off.

Damn, he was humiliated like this for the first time!

Tens of thousands of people spit, who can stand it?

Where did the surrounding courtiers have seen this scene, and rushed to hug their emperor: "The emperor, the emperor don't want it, you are a daughter of a daughter, you must not go into battle to avoid damage!"

"Don't **** stop me, this kid is too arrogant, it will be hard for me to get rid of his hatred if I don't kill him today!"

"Your Majesty!"

When Xu Que saw this, he laughed even more: "King Qin, you are a bitch, come and chop me if you have a temper! I'll stand here and let you chop!"

As he said, he waved his hand vigorously: "Brothers, King Qin is already scared, come with me, and sing at him again!"

Ever since, the famous scene of the century when tens of thousands of people sang the King of Qin together reappeared.

"Wow! Xu Que child, I will kill you today!"

The voice of King Qin's anger echoed on the battlefield, not dissipating for a long time.

Seeing King Qin almost lost his mind by Xu Que, Hu Zhengtang and the soldiers under his command were astounded and shocked.

Your Majesty is really a genius!

Words and deeds can be described as scouring into the room, pointing to the key, and a few words made King Qin lose his reason!

"Killing the heart... It's terrible." Hu Zhengtang murmured, feeling that he knew his Majesty again.

Xu Que was happy watching the system's crazy increase in pretense.

But after spitting out two drools, he brought so much pretense value to himself.

King Qin deserves to be a good brother!

Under the persuasion of his courtiers, King Qin finally calmed down, but the anger in the depths of his eyes burned more and more fiercely.

"Spread my word, the whole army will advance!"

This time I put all the troops on at once, even if you are a god, there is nothing you can do!

The army of millions is slowly advancing, and ordinary people can hardly imagine the repressive power it brings. Just looking at the dense crowd makes people shudder.

Even with a small victory just now, the overall situation has not changed much.

Although Qin State lost hundreds of thousands of soldiers, Dong Tang also suffered a lot.

What's more, Qin has a total of 4 million people, and hundreds of thousands of soldiers are just a drop in the bucket, and the lost troops can be replenished almost instantaneously.

On the other hand, after the loss of one-third of the soldiers in Dongtang, the military formation suddenly became loose.

Even if some soldiers were dispatched from the city, they still looked a bit dejected compared to Qin soldiers who were still showing their majesty at this time.

"It's over...they are too many."

"You are afraid of a ball. With your Majesty, the sword god, it's useless no matter how many people come."

"Yes, we have your majesty, invincible!"

Hu Zhengtang also looked at Xu Que, his eyes full of reverence: "Your Majesty, you..."

"You shit, do you really think I'm a god?"

Xu Que rolled his eyes unhappily: "More than three million people, even if I kneel there and stay still, I can't finish cutting them next to each other!"

"Um...this is..." Hu Zhengtang scratched his head in embarrassment.

That's how it was said, but Xu Que had acted so fiercely before that even he thought Xu Que could kill these people.

But that is simply impossible. The soldiers and horses of more than three million people, even if the current Dongtang national strength is doubled, will not necessarily be able to stop it, let alone Xu Que alone.

"Soldiers, today is the time I am waiting for my loyalty to the country!" Hu Zhengtang took a deep breath, stood proudly on the horse, and announced the propaganda before the final battle. If you die, you must keep the enemy out."

The soldiers shouted in unison: "Don't let the enemy invade our country!"

Hu Zhengtang's heart suddenly surged with pride, and he said solemnly: "Your Majesty, it is an honor for the final general to be able to fight with your Majesty on the battlefield today!"

Xu Que glanced at him, slapped his backhand on his shoulder, and said sincerely: "Old Hu, you are good everywhere, but you are too pessimistic. Before the fight, he felt that he was going to lose. You You can’t think like that."

Hu Zhengtang smiled bitterly, wondering if he still hopes to win?

You said it yourself, but there are more than three million people on the opposite side... We have less than 600,000 people here.

The dull drum sound rang, and the rapid drum beat seemed to be hitting everyone's heart.

The huge army of Qin soldiers swept in like a torrent. Even though the inferior Dong Tang soldiers were timid in their hearts, they had to bite the bullet to greet them.

Among them, Xu Que was the most conspicuous, leading the army to fight hard, and for a while, he was in a stalemate with three million Qin soldiers.

Xuanyuan Wanrong stood on the wall, holding her hands together subconsciously.

"Queen, mother, don't worry, the emperor will be fine." The lieutenant on the side said softly.

"I didn't worry about him." Xuanyuan Wanrong said quickly, saying at the end, but involuntarily weakened.

Water-like eyes looked under the city wall, her eyebrows curled slightly, no matter how much she pretended to be calm, she still couldn't conceal her inner worry.

Now everyone is mortal, if they die here, they will really die outside.

Bastard... Don't die...

On the battlefield, Xu Que led an army on a rampage, and abruptly stopped Qin's army.

But under the advantage of the huge number of soldiers, even if Xu Que's martial arts went against the sky, he would not be able to defeat the opponent on his own. The battle of UU Reading www.uukanshu.com uncontrollably began to one-sided.

The Qin army was like a huge stone mill, slowly advancing, crushing the Dong Tang soldiers blocking the front into powder.

Facing the enemy's powerful offensive, the soldiers of the Eastern Tang Dynasty were high-spirited from the beginning and gradually became desperate. Later, they became numb and resisted completely subconsciously.

However, Xu Que was staring in one direction, as if waiting for something.

The winning side Wu proudly stood on the chariot and said loudly: "Xu Que, as long as you are willing to return to me and kowtow to me as the master, I can let you go."

Rao was so angry that the three corpse gods jumped by Xu Que. Winning Fang Wu was still stunned by Xu Que's performance.

"Come on to your mother, I will cut off your head as a chamber pot later!" Xu Que cursed without hesitation.


call out!

A sound of breaking through the air suddenly sounded, and in the distant sky, a black iron arrow pulled out a long tail and plunged into the clouds.

That was the signal he had set before, which meant that the army he had trained for many years had already surrounded the entire battlefield.

Xu Que suddenly brightened his eyes, turned his head to look at the winner Fang Wu from the air, and smiled triumphantly at the corner of his mouth: "Win Fang Wu, you're done!"

With that, he took out a Zhuge Liannu from his arms and pulled the trigger toward the sky.

"A piercing arrow, thousands of troops and horses come to meet! Come out, explode the sky to help millions of soldiers!"

[PS: There are only dozens of monthly tickets this month, which means that there are only dozens of people left to follow up? ? ? 】

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