Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1691: Immortal in the Eastern Tang Dynasty

"The strongest anti-routine system (!

call out!

The black short arrow slammed into the sky, like a Swift, exploding with a "bang" at the highest point.

All the soldiers stopped involuntarily, staring blankly at the brilliant fireworks in the sky.

what's the situation?

Why are there people setting off fireworks?

Why didn't you lose, so you started celebrating in advance?

"Hey, that seems to be put by your majesty?"

"What's the situation, why did your majesty suddenly set off fireworks to celebrate that we are going to destroy the country?"

"Is your majesty crazy?"

"No, what is that blasting gang?"

At the same time, the winning side Wu frowned, looking at the fireworks, he couldn't help but raise his heart.

This Xu Que is beyond common sense, God knows what this guy is doing.

However, after a while, there was no movement. Fang Wu couldn't help but relax and sneered: "Huh, it seems that this guy is too skillful and can do nothing. Send me orders..."


Suddenly, there was a dull sound in the distance, and the billowing smoke and dust could be seen faintly, gradually spreading over here.

After a while, a majestic iron knight appeared in the sight of everyone. The leading knight was holding a large flag with three brazen characters written on it: "Blow up the heavens!"

"Then, what is that?"

"Oh my God, where did this big team come from?"

"Look at the banners in their hands, the Explosive Heavens Gang! Are they the Explosive Heavens Gang Heavenly Soldiers the monarch said?"

"We are saved!"

Countless people have bright eyes, and their faces are full of ecstasy and horror.

This army of 300,000 people, engulfed in boundless power, came down on the battlefield like a **** soldier.

The leading knight slammed the flag into the ground, facing Xu Que, raised his hand and shouted, "See the leader!"

"See the helper!"

The rest of the knights roared in unison, and the aura radiating from their bodies directly washed away the clouds in the sky, and the sun shrouded in an instant.

Everyone was stunned.

Your Majesty, still hiding such a mighty army?

Hasn't he been planting vegetables all these years? Where did he get the army? !

Winning Fang Wu was also dumbfounded at this time.

Where did the 300,000 soldiers and horses emerge from?

After a short lag, he recovered his calm and said solemnly: "It's only 300,000 more. In front of my Qin State Iron Cavalry, it's impossible to withstand a blow!"

Xu Que laughed openly and waved the long sword in his hand: "The Exploding Heavens Help the Heavenly Soldiers obey orders! The whole army will attack!"


This terrifying cavalry quickly adjusted the square.

An imposing momentum rushed into the sky, and with a "boom", the entire iron cavalry violently charged towards the Qin soldiers!

Naturally, Qin Bing couldn't concede defeat so easily, what if it was more than 300,000?

They are the invincible soldiers of the State of Qin!

Only to die in battle, not to surrender!

The two top armies of the world, like two huge waves, collided fiercely.

Several Qin soldiers surrounded a fallen soldier of the Explosive Heavens Gang, and were delighted.

"This time we are going to make a contribution!"

"After killing this person, we can at least be promoted to a military rank!"

"Go together, and the credit will be evenly divided by then!"

The three of them swarmed up, the long blades in their hands were extremely sharp, and the sharp blade energy gushed out, and when they gathered together, it was actually comparable to a third-level master's blow.

These three people are also well-known among the Qin soldiers, and they have practiced combined knives. The combination of the three is enough to match the third-rank martial artist.

By virtue of this trick, they are in a battle against each other, breaking out their prestige.

"Take it to death!" the three roared.

However, the blasting sky gang heaven soldier just gave a cold snort, turned the long knife in his hand, and a powerful sword aura rolled out, instantly splitting the sword aura that reached the third stage realm at the sight of the opponent.


The three were shocked, this person turned out to be the martial art realm at the pinnacle of the third rank!

Before they could come back to their senses, the other party made another knife, and the three heads instantly fell to the ground, submerged in the horseshoe.

On the other side, a martial arts general who reached the second-rank realm, Qin State General, brandished a long sword in his hand and rushed towards the enemy in front of him.

"Boy, I'm Wei Wu, the general of the State of Qin, die!"

If you want to become a general of Qin, you need at least the third stage realm.

This Wei Wu is one of the best, with the strength of a second-rank martial artist, fighting on the battlefield to kill countless enemies.

However, the Explosive Heaven Faction Heavenly Soldier only waved a knife with one hand, and easily split the general into two halves.

Similar scenes occurred everywhere in the battlefield, almost forming a one-sided battle.

Cang Dang!

"These soldiers...the lowest level of cultivation is the third rank!"

Ying Fang Wuluo stood up immediately, his whole body was struck by lightning, and there was no gap even when the long knife at hand fell to the ground.

The army composed of a full 300,000 warriors has the lowest rank three, and there are even a few first rank masters!

With this army alone, the number of first-class masters can catch up with the number that exists in Qin's country today!

This army is terrible, it's terrifying to the extreme!

In front of the soldiers of the Eastern Tang State, Qin Bing, who was invincible, faced this army of warriors, almost unable to fight back, and was immediately rushed to pieces.

At the beginning, Qin Bing tried his best to resist, trying to block the blasting of the Tiantian Gang by relying on the advantages of the battle formation and the number of people.

But after a few rounds, the army formed by millions of Qin soldiers was almost completely disintegrated.

Even if there is a war **** like Bai Qi to command the battle, it is still difficult to restore the defeat.

The battle situation is like the collapse of Mount Tai, which can be prevented by non-manpower!

Half an hour later, the fight continued.

Only this time, it was not the Dongtang soldiers who were chased down, but the army of the Qin State who had swept across Liuhe and was invincible!

Everyone was stunned, and Hu Zhengtang, who had been in command of the battle, was filled with incredible emotions in his heart.

They actually did it...not only were they not defeated, they even seemed to have a tendency to defeat Qin Bing!

"All the soldiers obey the orders! The whole army attacked and attacked Qin soldiers!"

Following Hu Zhengtang's order, the soldiers of the Dongtang Kingdom followed closely behind the Tianbing Gang and launched the final assault.

This became the last straw to overwhelm the camel, and Qin Bing's army fell to the bottom and collapsed!

King Qin couldn't believe his eyes at all, and shouted angrily: "Stop them for me! You are Qin's iron cavalry, you are not allowed to fail!"

Bai Qi hurriedly arrived, knelt down on one knee, and said anxiously: "Your Majesty, we are already defeated, please retreat quickly!"

"My iron cavalry is invincible in the world, how could it be possible to lose!" King Qin almost blushed, and his sanity was on the verge of collapse.

There was a bitterness in Bai Qi's heart, even if he used soldiers like a god, but the opponent's strength was too strong, it didn't make sense at all!

A single charge killed hundreds of thousands of people. Qin Bing had more than three million soldiers, not bad, but only a few charge matters.

The most important thing in a war is morale. Once a soldier is slain, he has already lost.

"No! I didn't lose! I can still go to battle myself!"

Winning Fang Wu didn't believe that he would lose at all. He had been the son of destiny for so many years, how could he lose to a small border country?

"Since you won't leave, let's save your life!"

A frantic voice suddenly sounded, and Xu Que's whole person was like a sharp sword, rushing into the battlefield, single-handedly rushing to the winner Fang Wu.


Without giving the winning Fang Wu a chance to speak, Xu Que swung his sword and chopped off the opponent's head.

Winning Fang Wu until his death, his eyes were filled with incredible expressions.

Bai Qi's face turned pale, and he knelt on the ground softly, as if he had been drained of energy: "Your Majesty... is dead..."

The former soldier **** had completely lost the idea of ​​fighting at this time.

Xu Que grabbed King Qin's head, and his voice spread throughout the battlefield: "King Qin is dead! Those who descend will not kill!"

The fighting Qin Bing looked up and found that King Qin, whom they had extremely admired, had only one head left, with a desperate expression on his face.

When King Qin died, the spiritual support in their hearts completely collapsed!

Cang Dang!

The sound of the sword landing, there was the first soldier to surrender, followed by a large block of Qin Bing kneeling to the ground.

Hu Zhengtang wiped a hand on his bloodstained face, looked around, he was startled at first, then ecstatically said: "We have won...We have won! The Eastern Tang Dynasty is immortal!"

"Dongtang will be immortal!"

"We have won! Your Majesty is invincible!"

On the battlefield, countless Dongtang soldiers were ecstatic and hugged each other.

On the wall, Xuanyuan Wanrong let out a sigh, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Asshole... It seems that you are indeed a good emperor."

The hustle and bustle of celebration resounded throughout the entire battlefield, and it hasn’t dissipated for a long time...

This battle completely established Dongtang's position as the overlord of Kyushu.

Although King Qin was dead, after all, Qin State was a behemoth that once swept Liuhe, and a great battle could not bring Qin State down.

However, Qin II, who was pushed to power by the group of officials, seemed not so clear-headed. On the first day of his ascension, he swore a poisonous oath to avenge his father.

Then, despite the dissuasion of hundreds of officials, harsh tyranny was carried out across the country, UU reading www.uukanshu.com conscripted soldiers and raised taxes, and the people did not have a living.

Those who were destroyed and wanted to restore the country were ecstatic when they saw it.

Good job Qin II!

They were worried that they could not find the source of the uprising, and they just set off at this time, leading the poor and poor people in the people to start resisting.

All of a sudden, the smoke was everywhere, Qin's interior was torn apart by the rebels, and Qin II was so devastated that he could take revenge for his father again.

At the time when Qin’s civil turmoil was the most serious, the Eastern Tang State sent troops again and began to conquer the world!

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