Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1699: I heard you want us to beat you

Xu Que could clearly feel that after the Righteous Qi Sealing Demon Sutra was upgraded to the third stage, the true essence in his body had far exceeded his current realm.

It was even so huge that even the Immortal King Realm could not bear it.

This time, it was the Second Heavenly Tribulation!

Immortal king robbery, immortal king robbery!

However, because of the shielding of the Buddha realm, the aura of Heavenly Tribulation hadn't come down for a while, and everyone present except Xu Que knew nothing about it.

Seeing the catastrophe was approaching, Xu Que's waist suddenly became hard.

The robbery is in hand, I have the world!

Xu Que, who owns the tribulation, is the most invincible existence in this world!

At this time, he even swelled to the point where he dared to compete with the Immortal Emperor!

"Hahahaha! Since you all can see it, then I am not afraid to tell you straightforwardly that I am in my hands in the ancient Buddha heritage. I don't pretend, I will showdown!" Xu Que laughed arrogantly.

Everyone was shocked, this person is too arrogant!

With the inheritance of the ancient Buddha, I dared to announce it in such a grand manner. This is not to be beaten by the society!

Most of the people present are the Immortal Venerable and the Immortal King. You are short of a big Luo Jinxian, and you want to swallow the inheritance of the ancient Buddha alone.

Basically everyone present has this idea, but no one has said it for a while.

After all, the strength that Xu Que demonstrated before made everyone feel a little jealous.

In the end, it was Ergouzi who broke the silence.

"You bastards, you are so brazen and nasty! The ancient Buddha inheritance has always been part of my blasting gang. You outsiders want to **** it from our blasting gang. This **** is the first one to not agree. !" Er Gouzi spoke uprightly, scolded everyone fiercely, then turned his head and looked at Xu Que pleasedly, "Am I right, brother Que?"

Duan Jiude also stood up at this time, righteously saying: "Yes, yes, we have always adhered to the important principle of the inseparability of the ancient Buddha inheritance and the bombing of the sky, so the ancient Buddha inheritance should be our lack of brother!"

These two goods, seeing that the inheritance was taken by Xu Que, they stood up and licked them without hesitation.

Although they are pitted, they are not stupid.

In Xu Que's hands, it's not always going to be taken out sooner or later.

If it falls into the hands of these immortal kings, it is basically impossible to get it back in this life.

Xu Que looked at the performance of these two goods, nodded in satisfaction, and fully affirmed their language.

Everyone shouted in their hearts as they looked at the wicked dog combination that was already well-known outside.

The three of you are shameless!

When did the ancient Buddha inheritance become part of your Bombing Heaven Gang? Is it just because of such a broken stone monument? !

And you, that dog, obviously what you just said, the ink on the stele hasn't even dried yet, it is obviously made not long ago, and now when I turn around, I say that it belongs to the Bombing Heaven Gang since ancient times!

Are you embarrassed to say that we are brazen and mean? !

Just what I said to you, you are so shameless that you are many times more shameless than us!

Xu Que said solemnly: "Now I want to take the ancient Buddha inheritance. Who of you agrees and who opposes?"

"I object!"

As soon as the voice fell, an immortal king stood up with a gloomy expression: "You are too overbearing to say that. The big guys know that the inheritance of the ancient Buddha has nothing to do with your bombing gang. You actually want it now. Do you want to be an enemy of all of us?"

Some words directly placed Xu Que on the opposite side of everyone present.

Of course, even if he doesn't say that, most people will stand on the opposite side of Xu Que. After all, the inheritance of ancient Buddhas is of great importance.

How could they let Xu Que take it away alone?

As soon as this statement came out, everyone immediately agreed.

"Yes, honestly hand over the ancient Buddha inheritance, we can still leave you a way out."

"The inheritance of the ancient Buddha is owned by everyone, don't want to swallow it alone."

"Quickly hand over, there is still a ray of life."

As everyone talked, they scanned Xu Que with greedy eyes.

Although Xu Que was making trouble outside, but after thinking about it carefully, this person is nothing more than a big Luo Jinxian.

Which one is not the Immortal King Xianzun?

Even if he kills the Immortal Venerable of Tianmen, who knows if he is lucky?

The so-called Xixi in the world is all for profit, and there is an ancient Buddha's heritage in front of them, and everyone's jealousy towards Xu Que is fading bit by bit.

Xu Que also understood that if it weren't for being in the Buddha realm, they couldn't do it, I'm afraid they would have already swarmed to take them down.

"Brother Que, how are we going to run?" Er Gouzi leaned to Xu Que's side and asked in a low voice.

Duan Jiude looked calm on the surface, but he was panicked in his heart: "Yes, kid, what plan do you have, let us say to the ward! Now so many immortal kings and immortals are staring at me, I am very stressed!"

Xu Que waved his hand: "Let's not go!"

Ergouzi:? ? ?

Duan Jiude:? ? ?

What the hell?

Not going? !

The two of us thought you had some way to escape, so we got into trouble with you!

Are you telling me not to go now and stay here as a sandbag?

Er Gouzi jumped straight forward and stood in front of Xu Que, righteously saying: "Brother Que, then I have to talk about you. The inheritance of ancient Buddha is the precious wealth of Xianyunzhou. How can a helper have the idea of ​​monopolizing?"

"That's right, I have to criticize and criticize you." Duan Jiude also put on an awe-inspiring appearance, nodded and said, "I have always taught you to be willing to share, and to share with others is the only thing. The source of our happiness, if you do this, you will only plunge yourself into the whirlpool of greed and go to the path of the magic path. It is really undesirable!"

"Hey, are you two really him? It's on both sides of the wall and grass!" Xu Que laughed angrily.

Everyone was also dumbfounded and kind, so why did they suddenly condemn Xu Que again?

Even so, they still remain vigilant in their hearts, after all, the wicked dog combination is notorious, and their lower limit is close to the dark canyon that Xianyunzhou is famous for.

At this moment, Er Gouzi suddenly raised his hand to punch out a real yuan, and rushed towards Xu Que: "Today I am going to walk for the sky!"

Xu Que was stunned, thinking that Er Gouzi was so brave now?

Take the wrong medicine!

Immediately afterwards, he saw Duan Jiude winking at himself, and he immediately reacted, raising his hand directly, and gathering Su Yunlan and others around him.

The light of the teleportation array suddenly lit up, it turned out that Ergouzi even took advantage of the nonsense, and quietly carved the teleportation array to escape here!

"Hahaha, idiots! This **** is incomparably powerful, can you trash stop this god?" Er Gouzi arrogantly said, "Come and hit me if you have the ability!"

Everyone was furious, and a group of immortal kings and immortals were tricked by a dog?

"Friends, UU reading www.uukanshu.com stop this guy together!"

With that said, everyone didn't even care about the rules of the Buddha Realm trial, and they directly shot out a lot of true essence, blasting towards the teleportation formation.


Er Gouzi screamed and hurriedly avoided. Xu Que saw this and hugged Su Yunlan and others, and avoided him.


The moment he stepped away, the teleportation array was directly blown up, and the light that had already risen gradually disappeared into the air.

"Ah this..." Er Gouzi was dumbfounded.

Everyone turned their eyes to Ergouzi and sneered again and again.

"Dead dog... who said just now, let's beat him up?"

(End of this chapter)

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