Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1700: 2 dog cheating

Without saying anything, Xu Que pointed at two dogs: "I testify, that's what he said, fellow daoists have spotted this dog's head, don't miss it!"

Duan Jiude repeatedly echoed from the side: "Yes, that's right, this dog is really insidious and cunning, despicable and shameless, I am ashamed to be with it!"

Seeing everyone showing fierce light, they are clearly preparing to do something to themselves, Er Gouzi suddenly panicked, and said anxiously: "No! You can't beat me! This is a trial in the Buddha realm, and fighting is forbidden! Just now, you have played the true essence. The surrounding bans have been triggered. Didn’t you pay attention?"

Everyone's expressions were slightly startled, and their faces suddenly became difficult to look at.

At this time, around them, a horrible atmosphere of restraint was permeating.

If they dare to do anything next, then they will be greeted with a storm-like blow.

You know, this is the temple where the ancient Buddha is located, and what remains is bound to be the prohibition set by the ancient Buddha himself.

Among those present, even the highest immortal venerable cultivation base did not have the confidence to say that he could survive it.

Seeing that the crowd did not dare to move, Er Gouzi became arrogant again, barking at the crowd.

"Come on! I have the ability to beat this deity! This deity will let you all!"

"Doesn't anyone have the courage? The great fairy cloud continent in Nuo, can't even find a person who dares to fight against this god! It's really lonely and lonely!"

"The so-called high place is not better than this!"

Er Gouzi stood up with his hands on his back. I don't know when he changed into the extremely coquettish panties. The red cloak was fluttering behind him, and his face was full of loneliness, showing his mastery.

At the same time, a powerful BGM sounded again.

"How invincible is, how lonely!"

"How invincible is, how empty!"

"On the summit alone, the cold wind blows constantly!"

"My loneliness, who can understand me~"

Accompanied by the vigorous and deep singing, the color of the cloak behind Er Gouzi became more and more vivid.

Xu Que yelled: "Damn, I just said why the previous tape recorder was gone! It was stolen by this dead dog!"

Others looked at Er Gouzi's hypocrisy and almost vomited blood with anger.

Damn, you are a master of hammers!

If it weren't for the bans everywhere, your dead dog would have been scummed by us long ago, so how can you be qualified to be arrogant here!

Feeling the gazes of the people like wolves and tigers, Ergouzi was so courageous, he couldn't help shivering.

"Don't be persuaded, the only chance to mock so many immortals in public is this time, and you will be gone if you miss it!" Seeing that Er Gouzi had the intention to retreat, Xu Que whispered, "If you dare to mock them again, I would like to call you a dog brother!"

With that, Xu Que winked at Duan Jiude frantically.

Duan Jiude instantly understood, and said with a serious face: "Yes! Ergouzi as long as you can do it, you will be the eldest brother from today!"

Encouraged by the two of them, Er Gouzi suddenly became hot in his head and started spraying in public.

"You rubbish, you are in vain! I just dare to stand there and fart, and I can't even move a single hair of the god!"

"The deity only needs a finger to crush you all into powder!"

"With all due respect, it's not that I said you rubbish, but all of you here are rubbish!"

With these words, everyone present except Xu Que and others scolded in, and everyone's expressions were already ugly as if they were a black pot.

Big guys, big and small, can be regarded as personalities. When have they been scolded like this by a dog?

But fucking, there's no way to do it!

Too frustrated!

"Damn... this dead dog is too arrogant! You must beat him up when you go out!"

"How can a beating eliminate the hatred in our hearts? It must be skinned and boned to eliminate this hatred!"

"Yes, I will cook it in a pot by myself for seven to forty-nine days!"

"Friends, call me together then!"

Er Gouzi was so arrogant at this time that he directly took out a piece of stinky tofu with added ingredients and threw it at everyone: "Hey, still want to cook this god? Eat me a stinky tofu!"

Everyone changed their color when they heard it, and quickly dispersed.

They had seen the power of that stinky tofu with their own eyes before, and the stinky odor was endless for three days, it was a big killer!

At this moment, Xu Que frowned suddenly.

Since gaining the inheritance of the ancient Buddha, he has far more control over this place than others, and at this time he has noticed the anomaly before everyone else.

The prohibition here... seems to be weakening!

The immortals are not vegetarians, and soon someone exclaimed: "The power of restraint here is weakening!"

As soon as the voice fell, I saw a gap appearing in the air, and before it was fully formed, a series of gaps appeared.

With the appearance of these gaps, the golden Buddha's light is madly lost, which means that the power of prohibition is rapidly weakening.

After a while, the Buddha's light in the whole temple dissipated, and it was no longer magnificent and magnificent, but it seemed to be a little lonely.

"This, what's the situation?"

"It's the teleportation formation just now! The teleportation formation opened the channel to the outside world, and it was bombed, so the power in it will be torn apart!"

"Hahaha! You can't live by committing sins!"

Everyone quickly deduced the truth, Xu Que was a little surprised.

What teleportation array Ergouzi set up just now! The power after being broken can even be shredded by prohibition!

"No, the teleportation formation Ergouzi set up before was not the kind of powerful formation, mainly because of the power of countless immortal kings gathered here, which caused this situation."

As the formation master second only to Ergouzi in the team, Duan Jiude gave an explanation after a little thought.

Xu Que suddenly realized that it is no wonder that the prohibition was not activated just now because it was interfered by the power of these people.

It's normal to think about it. After all, the prohibition here has existed for tens of thousands of years, and it has long been broken, and it is beyond expectation to be destroyed now.

But now, UU reading www. uukanshu.com's bad luck is Ergouzi...

"You, what do you want to do?!" Er Gouzi shook his body, feeling the cold gaze around him, and said in a trembled voice, "Everyone is a person with a head and a face. If there is any contradiction, let's talk about it. Don't just fight and kill. Kill, my Buddhist guide must be merciful...Ah! Xu Que save my deity!"

Xu Que sneered twice and gloated: "You deserve it, who made you want to cheat Lao Tzu?"

All the immortal kings rushed forward, all kinds of means came out, and they blasted directly at Er Gouzi.

Er Gouzi screamed, ran behind Xu Que in a hurry, and shouted loudly: "The ancient Buddha inheritance is in the hands of this kid, and he is the culprit!"

Everyone was taken aback, right!

This dead dog counts as a wool, and now the inheritance of ancient Buddha is the most important!

Xu Que's face was as ugly as he had eaten shit: "Nima's, Ergouzi, you are cheating!"

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