Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1701: Cute and charming decent character

Xu Que had only one thought in his mind at the moment.

The dead dog mistaken me!

Finally, he turned his attention away, and the dead dog said a word, immediately let everyone focus on himself again.

"Damn, Er Gouzi, did you **** deliberately?" Xu Que yelled and grabbed Er Gouzi by the neck.

Ergouzi diegou is not afraid of boiling water. He stalked his neck and said: "Brother Que, you said back then that you have the same difficulties with the deity, and I enjoy it if you are blessed! Did you forget it so soon?!"

"You fart! When did I say this? What's more, why are you blessed to enjoy it?"

The two quarreled directly, and even tore each other.

After arguing and arguing, one person and one dog suddenly looked at each other, showing a comprehensive expression.

"It's now!"

Xu Que and Er Gouzi yelled together, and the people who rolled up around rushed towards the crack.

Now that the Buddha state is torn apart and the prohibition is broken, these gaps are the passage between the Buddha state and the outside world.

As long as you rush out, it will not be too high to fly!

"Hahaha! Everyone, go and eat!"

Xu Que laughed and rushed to the gap quickly.


A violent impact sounded loudly, and the speed of the fall would be as fast as it rushed past.

Xu Que was so dizzy that he fell directly to the ground, and it took him a long time to relax.

"Oh my god's head, it's going to die." Er Gouzi was clutching his head, rolling on the ground with a dying look.

An immortal king sneered forward, and said in a deep voice: "We don't dare to underestimate the reputation of the wicked dog. We have already joined forces to set up a formation here. You should still hand over the ancient Buddha inheritance."

"Yes, as long as you hand it over, we promise to let you leave safely."

"I'm waiting for Xianzun to be here, you should be able to believe the promise you made?"

Xu Que took a sip and said with disdain: "Believe? Shao Te is nonsense, Er Gouzi just pretended to force me to give only ten points, but if he still had ninety points to say to him, he was right. You are a group Despicable and shameless, you have no credibility at all!"

Ergouzi said vigorously: "The words of the gods are all the most reasonable sayings, but doesn't it mean that my words are speaking with full marks?"

"With your IQ, I can hardly believe that you are the reincarnation of the ancient devil dragon, and I believe in the reincarnation of the ancient devil pig."

"Hey, kid, how do you curse?"


The patience of everyone present gradually lost, seeing the gap getting bigger and bigger, the power of restraint was completely gone, and there was no more scruples.

"Since you don't want to hand it over, don't blame my subordinates for being merciless!"

An Xianzun gave a low voice, and raised his hand to press it out with a palm.

The space was instantly distorted, and instantly shattered into fragments, forming a piece of nothingness.

Duan Jiude and others suddenly took a breath, and the power of Xianzun's palm was so terrifying!

Since coming to Xianyunzhou, they have seen many Immortal Kings make moves, but they rarely see Immortal Venerable actually make moves.

The last time I saw it was a duel with Shengzong’s Yin-Yang Immortal King, and the Fajue displayed by the other party showed the coercion close to the Immortal Lord.

It is said that under the Immortal Venerable, all are ants!

The twisted space exudes a tyrannical force, which swept Xu Que and others in, and instantly tore them to pieces!

The entire Buddhist realm suddenly fell into a dead silence.

Everyone was stunned.

What's this...what's the situation?

Why did you slap to death?

Shouldn't, isn't this kid very strong? !

The Immortal Venerable who shot did not expect it, and looked down at his palm: "It shouldn't be... I don't have that much power... Could it be that my realm has improved recently?"

"Didn't the wicked dog even kill the Immortal Venerable before? Why can't even a palm be blocked now?"

"They were just using tactics before. This kid's true strength is only Da Luo Jinxian, how could he be able to stop the power of Xianzun's palm?"

"The problem is that people are broken, what about the ancient Buddha inheritance?" Someone suddenly said.

Everyone was suddenly shocked.

Damn it!

The inheritance of the ancient Buddha is still in Xu Que's hands. Now that people are dead, doesn't it mean that the inheritance of the ancient Buddha is also completely gone?

Wouldn't they make a trip in a hundred this time? !

Just as everyone was in entanglement, suddenly a burst of wild laughter came from a distance.

"Hahahaha! Fools, I didn't expect it!"

Everyone was shocked, turned their heads to look, and was stunned.

Xu Que and his party, who should have been torn into pieces, were already standing outside the gap. The three of the Quede Dogs group laughed wildly, and their smiles were horrible and horrible.

"Unexpectedly, this **** is an immortal existence, you will never kill me!" Er Gouzi said proudly with his hands on his hips.

"It seems that this Immortal Venerable is not very strong enough!" Xu Que took out his ears and looked indifferent. "Do you still say that you are a master? You don't have the energy to beat people. Go back and practice for a few more years!"


Everyone's eyes widened involuntarily, and they were **** off by the three men's humble appearance.

Damn, the wicked dog combination is too **** owing!

"Wait... How did they avoid that palm just now?" someone suddenly exclaimed.

"Yes, that palm has even torn the barrier of the Buddha realm just now, and it is logically involved in it, and there is no chance to escape."

"How did they do it? Even we didn't even notice it. Could it be that they hide their strength?"

Xu Que's eyes lit up and he said vigorously: "Since you have asked sincerely!"

"Then I will tell you compassionately!" Er Gouzi posed a skr posture and stood in front of Xu Que.

Duan Jiude looked awe-inspiring: "In order to prevent the world from being destroyed!"

"In order to maintain world peace!"

"Implement love and true evil!"

"Cute and charming decent character!"

"Xu Que!"

"God and two dogs!"

"Duan Jiude!"

The three looked at each other, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com stood together, with Xu Que as the center, Duan Jiude and Er Gouzi standing behind him, extending their hands like a pair of wings, and said in unison: " We are the Explosive Heaven Faction that shuttles through Xianyunzhou! The Explosive Heaven Faction, Xianyunzhou is waiting for us first!"

what the hell…

Everyone was completely dumbfounded, and many people were directly petrified in place, and the color on their bodies faded visibly.

"Too shame... how did they come up with such a shame formation?"

"God, my eyes! Help me!"

"I don't know why, after watching it, I unexpectedly felt that their movements were a bit sensational..."

"Fuck! You are not quite right, stay away from me and don't approach me!"

(End of this chapter)

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