Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1702: I gave the laxative

"Boy, your **** shell is so useful. They didn't even see that what was just now was an illusion." Duan Jiude said in a low voice.

Xu Quewei said indifferently: "Hurry up and arrange it. With so many immortals, we can't run away without any preparation."


Duan Jiude and Er Gouzi glanced at each other and began to set up a formation behind them.

With the shell of the gods as a cover, the immortal kings and immortals on the opposite side can't tell what they are doing, only three people standing in front of them posing POSS.

Everyone frowned, and they couldn't understand how Xu Que and the others escaped that palm.

"Could it be an illusion?"

"It is very likely that these guys are best at these crooked things."

"If it is really an illusion, it would be quite terrible to be able to blind our perception to do this."

"Huh! Fancy, the old man wants to see what you have to do!"

An immortal snorted coldly, leaped forward, and directly raised his hand to slap again.

The irresistible coercion came instantly, crushing the surrounding rocks into dust. Some of the immortal kings with weaker cultivation bases were even unable to resist the coercion, their brows were frowned, and the exercises started to resist.

"It's just one, it's not enough to see!" Xu Que raised his index finger, shook it left and right, and said provocatively, "I dare say that I don't need to do anything at all, this person will retreat by himself!"


As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar.

"What a joke, I really thought I was a god!"

"This is Immortal Venerable, even if it is Immortal Emperor, I can't say such a thing."

"It seems that these guys haven't been taught for too long, and they have forgotten about it!"

There was a lot of discussion, and they didn't believe what Xu Que said.

Just when Xianzun was about to rush to Xu Que, he suddenly stopped the car, his face changed drastically, his brows wrinkled, and big beads of sweat fell from his forehead.


A huge noise came from him, which seemed to be a sign that some other physiological activity was about to appear.

Xian Zun widened his eyes and said in disbelief, "This...what exactly did you do with me?!"

"Oh, Xianzun can't do it anymore? Didn't you say you want to shoot us to death?" Duan Jiude said with a sneer on his face, "Come on, I'm waiting for you."

"Grass! This guy is so arrogant!" someone said angrily.

"But why did this fellow Taoist suddenly stop?"

"Yeah, there is a smooth road ahead, and there is clearly no danger. As long as you continue, you will definitely be able to capture the three of you!"

Everyone was puzzled, not knowing why this Immortal Venerable stopped suddenly.

Only he himself knew that his belly was tumbling to the sea at this time, and he was suffering from colic, as if a knife was tossing in his stomach.

The big beads of sweat rolled down from his forehead, and Xianzun's complexion was green and purple.

This situation has not appeared on him for a long time, this is clearly a sign of poisoning!

"You are so despicable and shameless... actually poisoned the deity!" Xianzun said with gritted teeth.


Everyone was suddenly shocked, and their gazes at the combination of the wicked dogs suddenly became vigilant.

I knew that when the cultivation base reached the level of the Immortal Venerable, the ordinary poison had no effect, and the toxin could be expelled as soon as the exercise worked.

Being able to exert an effect on Immortal Venerable is definitely a rare poison in the world, and they naturally dare not approach it for fear that they will be recruited too.

Xu Que was stunned, and immediately said righteously: "Asshole! My blasting gang has always been upright and upright, how can I do such a despicable thing as poisoning?!"

"That's right! The poison is such an indiscriminate thing, the deity doesn't look at it at all!"

"The old way has always convinced people with virtue, and there is absolutely no possibility of poisoning!"

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude one after another echoed the road.

Someone questioned: "Spoken words and expressions, of course you don't want to admit it!"

Speaking of this, Xu Que suddenly let out a long sigh, full of sadness: "Let’s think about it together, in the second and third levels, which level I didn’t try my best to break through the level, but I didn’t expect the big house to be like this. It makes me very chilling to misunderstand me so much!"

The words were so sincere, and those who were still questioning were suddenly speechless.

Although this guy did pit a little bit before, but if it weren't for him, the second and third levels, I'm afraid they might not be able to break through.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that this guy has pitted some spirit stones at most, and it seems that there is no one who really wants to pit him.

Of course, those people in Tianmen have already had grudges, and everyone has become a mortal enemy, no matter who starts, they will not show mercy.

Another Immortal Venerable said in a deep voice: "In this case, you dare to swear by the way of heaven, saying that you never go down!"

Without saying anything, Xu Que directly raised his right hand: "I, Xu Que, swear by the law of heaven, that there will be absolutely no poison. If I poison, I will let Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude beat five thunderbolts!"


As soon as the voice fell, there was a muffled thunder.

"Fuck! Why are you bombing us? You are unreasonable!" Er Gouzi was taken aback and ran directly behind Xu Que, clutching the corner of his clothes tightly, "God, you can see clearly. Don't miss it if you want to blast this guy."

The black and heavy clouds are gradually spreading from the sky, but because the prohibition has not been completely dissipated, the aura of Heavenly Tribulation has not diffused.

When everyone saw Xu Que just finished speaking, there was a burst of thunder, and they felt speechless, but they did not doubt the authenticity of Xu Que's words.

After all, swearing by the way of heaven is no joke. If Xu Que was really poisoned, he would have been smashed into powder by the sky.

"Is it really not his poison?"

"That's weird, how did this fellow Daoist get poisoned?"

"It's too weird. Could it be that there is something we don't know about in this buddha realm?"

When everyone was talking about it, Xu Que suddenly stood up and said righteously: "I know what's going on?"

With that said, he pretended to look at the Immortal Venerable and concluded: "This fellow Taoist is about to have diarrhea!"


What are you kidding?

Everyone finds it incredible, UU reading www. What is the existence of uukanshu.com Xianzun?

The unsullied body has long been separated from the advanced existence of mortal behavior, how can there be such a thing as diarrhea?

"Xu Daoyou, you are just ranting, do you know what kind of existence Xianzun is? How can it be possible to have diarrhea!" someone sneered.

Xu Quezhen said eloquently: "Of course I know, because I am the laxative!"

"Hmph, let the old man tell you... Wait what did you just say? You gave the laxative?"

Everyone looked at Xu Que in unison, their faces full of surprise.


Say it again!

[Four changes, ask for a monthly pass! 】

(End of this chapter)

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