Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1704: The reincarnation of the ancient Buddha?

Everyone seemed to have fought together, the whole trial place was extremely chaotic, and all kinds of lights and shadows flew together.

Collecting all the surrounding spirit stones, when Xu Que and others were about to slip away, a Buddha's horn suddenly sounded below.


The sound was like Hong Zhong Dalu, and instantly suppressed all the hustle and bustle on the scene.

Xu Que was taken aback for a moment, then his complexion changed sharply: "Damn, this little bald head is bad for me again!"

Er Gouzi curiously asked, "Little bulb? Who are you talking about?"

"It's a little bald head who likes to be nosy." Xu Que took a sip, turned his head to look at the black clouds that were rolling in the sky, and signaled Duan Jiude and Ergouzi to stay away, "I can't do anything today. Go far and don't splash the blood on your body later!"

When the Buddha's horn sounded, a burst of golden light spread out like a wave.

At the very center of the chaotic battlefield, the little monk was closing his eyes and chanting the Buddha's name in a low voice.

With the little monk as the center, the golden light source surging continuously, everyone who was swept by the golden light was taken aback for a moment, and his eyes slowly returned to the clear color.

"Strange...what happened just now?"

"I can't seem to control my thoughts and actions..."

"Damn it, I'm already Xianzun, but there is still someone who can control me?"

"Damn it! How can I buy this trash croton powder? What the **** is the wicked dog doing?"

After everyone regained their sobriety, they still remembered what happened just now, and they suddenly yelled at them.

What is going on?

These people remember what happened just now, whether it was Xu Que's passionate propaganda or the fanatical scene of himself and others.

But they couldn't understand why they became like that.

Although this croton powder sounds great, it is actually useless at all.

You say you can breathe in, but if you really fight, who will let you approach easily.

When the opponent saw you throw a bag of things over, it had already evaporated after a hundred thousand miles, and there was no chance for the opponent to absorb it.

People like yourself have lost their minds, and are actually rushing to buy croton powder?

At this moment, the little monk put down his hands, stopped chanting the Buddhist scriptures, and opened his eyes.

In his pupils, one could vaguely see a vague Buddha statue flashing, and he was immersed in a moment.

"Oh...donor, you are using Pudu sentient beings just now." The little monk sighed in a painstaking tone, "Putting all sentient beings is the sacred law of Buddhism. It should be used to open wisdom for the common customs and realize the true Buddhism morality. Donor, your usage like this is completely covering the dust of the Buddhist secret method!"

Pursuing all sentient beings again!

Everyone immediately reacted, looking at Xu Que and the others with sullen expressions, and yelled at them.

"Damn, I just said why I couldn't control myself just now!"

"This **** always uses this kind of tricks, it's **** it!"

"Get out of the way, I'm going to tear him up now!"

Compared to before, everyone just wanted to kill Xu Que and then quickly.

If it was just for the inheritance of the ancient Buddha and for the benefit, then it is now that face takes up a large part of the reason.

I would like to ask the many immortal kings present, who would dare to treat them like monkeys?

Only a combination of wicked dogs!

The little monk seems to have no waves in the ancient well, but in fact his heart has already been turbulent.

Buddhism's holy method to save sentient beings is true, and it is also described in Buddhist ancient books that once this secret method is published, three thousand miles are full of Buddha's land.

But that is used to describe the ancient Buddha!

The ancient Buddha's Dharma is profound, powerful and unparalleled, and it is known that every word and deed is the holy Buddha in the sky walking on the earth.

Even if other people master this Buddhism, it is impossible to achieve that effect. Even if they are not able to do it now, unless they use this secret method to mortals, they may be able to achieve the effect of three thousand miles of Buddha's soil.

But who are all here?

All are the Immortal King Xianzun!

Don't look at the number of immortals in Xianyunzhou like dogs, and the immortal kings are walking everywhere, but in fact, if this group of people enter the lower realm, they can completely push a whole world.

Just as Xianyunzhou attacked Tianzhou at that time, if it weren't for Xu Que's righteous Qi sealing the Demon Scriptures, he had entered a runaway state, and would have eliminated the invading Immortal King Xianzun in one fell swoop.

At this time, I am afraid that the native monks on the Heavenly Continent have already been slaughtered and cleaned!

Just mastering Pudu sentient beings, he can confuse so many immortals, what exactly is Xu Que's background?

Could it be that he is the reincarnation of the legendary ancient Buddha?

The little monk narrowed his eyes and looked at Xu Que from a distance, trying to find the shadow of the ancient Buddha from him.

"Damn, there is no refund for the items of the Explosive Heavens Gang once they are sold, and now you can't return it even if you want to return it!" Xu Que stood in the air, yelling.

Everyone suddenly became angry.

Are you embarrassed to say a refund?

Who the **** wants you to refund! It's as if we are rare in this spiritual stone!

"Oh, it turns out that you are not rare, so I laughed at it." Xu Que collected the Lingshi and waved to everyone, "Everyone, we are not going to turn around, we have the fate to meet thousands of miles away. Today, the Tiantian Gang will sell it on the spot. The meeting will end here. In the future, we will try our best to bring you more and better products. Goodbye!"

After all, grabbing Duan Jiude and Ergouzi and strayed away. As for Su Yunlan and others, he had already sent him away.

When everyone heard this, they cursed for a while, and suddenly felt as if they had forgotten something.

Strange...what the **** is it?

I always feel that it seems to be a very important thing...

"Fuck! Ancient Buddha inheritance!" A fairy king glanced over the little monk, and when he saw the bald head, he suddenly exclaimed, "The **** ancient Buddha inheritance is still on that guy, don't let him run away!"

Awakening the dreamer with a word, everyone immediately reacted and rushed towards Xu Que to chase after him.

"Grass! I was almost fooled by this kid!"

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, or else the ancient Buddha heritage will be gone!"

On this day, the monks in the Buddhist realm had the honor to witness a historic scene.

In the sky, Xu Que, Duan Jiude, Ergouzi and others ran forward frantically, behind them was a group of immortal kings, yelling and killing.

Whoever sees this scene, UU reading www. uukanshu.com has to give a thumbs up and sigh from the bottom of my heart.

Good guys!

This is the real big death!

The little monk followed behind and shook his head regretfully.

It's not that he doesn't want to admit it, it's true that from Xu Que's body, there is no shadow of the ancient Buddha at all.

It is said that the Middle Ages Buddha is fraternity, wisdom, and full of the beauty of human nature. It is said that after three thousand disasters, it will come to save the world and enter the Western bliss.

As for Xu Que...

If anyone tells him that Xu Que is the reincarnation of the ancient Buddha, the young monk estimates that it is possible for him to return to the vulgar on the spot.

This guy is so shameless that it's hard to look directly at him!

(End of this chapter)

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