Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1705: Why is it the fairy king?


There were deafening sounds coming from the air.

In a well-known ancient temple in the Buddha realm, a monk is practicing asceticism and has reached the realm of Xianzun.

Hearing the movement, he looked up and found a young man passing in the air with an old man and a dog.

"Where is Xiaoxiao, An dare to mess up my ancient temple and clean it!"

The monk was about to step forward to stop him, and suddenly saw a large group of immortal kings and immortals following behind these three guys.

Aggressive, as if chasing an enemy.

"Amitabha, the poor monk suddenly remembered that there is still something to do..."

The monk turned around and left, shocked in his heart.

Who are these two people and one dog?

Can actually attract so many immortals to chase and kill!

The Buddha Realm... I'm afraid it's going to be messed up.

Those two and one dog were a combination of wicked dogs who flee wildly after winning the inheritance of the ancient Buddha.

As for the gang of immortal kings, immortal kings were following them at this time, chasing after them, annoyed in their hearts.

Originally thought that the ancient Buddha inheritance would come in handy, but he didn't expect to be fooled by Xu Que.

Thinking about it this way, the illusion created by Xu Que at the beginning was a trap at all.

This guy hid the croton powder inside, and then secretly delivered it to the hands-on Immortal Venerable.

The Immortal Venerable was recruited, and when everyone's vigilance relaxed, this guy immediately began to use the universal sentient beings, bewitching their minds.

However, many people feel that something is wrong.

It stands to reason that this secret method of saving sentient beings is simply not something they can truly master at their current level.

You know, that is the secret method used by the ancient Buddha to develop believers.

For Buddhism, believers are their most important resource, and it can be said that it is not an exaggeration at all.

Therefore, for believers, Buddhism has always adopted the most powerful means of controlling the mind, and will never let any believer out of their control.

And Buddhism will set many strict regulations, which are also realized on this basis.

During the chase, someone found the little monk, and after inquiring, he learned that even if he came to save all sentient beings, it would be impossible.

After chasing for a long time, everyone finally stopped in a desert in the Buddha realm.

"Damn, you have been chasing for so long, don't you feel tired?" Xu Que complained angrily, "Isn't it just an ancient Buddha inheritance? Is it necessary to kill your parents as well as me?"

Everyone was almost so angry that the three souls came out of their bodies and seven souls ascended to heaven.

Isn't it just an ancient Buddha inheritance?

You are embarrassed to say, then you have the ability to pass on the ancient Buddha to us!

"You still have the face to say that!"

"Then don't take it if you have the ability! Hand over the ancient Buddha inheritance!"

"This guy is really shameless, and the old man will set him back today to dispel his hatred!"

Everyone was full of annoyance, not only because of the inheritance of the ancient Buddha, but also because of the extremely inferior methods used by Xu Que and others on the road.

Looking around, even the highest cultivation level of the Immortal Venerables, at this time, are all embarrassed and embarrassed.

"I want the deity to say that if you are not capable, come out and challenge alone!" Er Gouzi stood up arrogantly and pointed to one of the female monks, "It's you, the deity sees you upset. For a long time!"

The female monk's face was gloomy, and she stood up directly, and the aura of an immortal erupted immediately.

"Uh...cough, I didn't say you again, why are you standing up?" Ergouzi immediately shifted his target and looked at an old man, "I'm talking about you old man! Come here and get beaten!"

The old man snorted coldly and jumped into the air. The cultivation technique was already running even when he was still in the air. The cultivation base of the Immortal Venerable Peak was undoubtedly revealed.

"No, you people didn't call you, so what do you do when you run out?!" Er Gouzi wiped cold sweat from his forehead and turned his head. "That dwarf! It's been a long time since you are not pleasing to your eyes, you have to stand up and get beaten it is good!"

"Who's your mother's dwarf?" The monk stood up directly, roared, and instantly turned into a three-foot-tall monk.

Ergouzi: "..."

After a moment of silence, Er Gouzi returned to Xu Que's side, put on a pair of sunglasses, and slowly said: "Oh, none of you can fight, this **** is very disappointed with you."

Xu Que concealed his face: "It's really embarrassing to go out and don't say you know me."

"This **** is unparalleled in the world, and he is the number one brave of the Exploding Heavens Clan. Where is it that shame?"

Duan Jiude made up his knife and said: "Teacher Ergou, the most important thing to be a person is to have self-knowledge. It is the most embarrassing thing to be without self-knowledge."

An Immortal Venerable stepped forward and said solemnly: "Xu Que, if you hand over the inheritance of the ancient Buddha now, we can leave the blame for the past, but if you are obsessed, you will not be able to bear the consequences."

The reason why they didn't embrace them now was mainly because they were afraid of Xu Que's counterattack before he died. After all, the dog was famous before, and the immortal Venerable who died under them was not uncommon.

What's more, the inheritance of the ancient Buddha is now in Xu Que's hands. If he is forced to ruin the inheritance, wouldn't these people on the scene be emptied.

"Benefactor Xu, we have just joined forces to place a ban here, and you can't escape." Even Xiao Bulb thought that now Xu Que honestly handed over the inheritance of the ancient Buddha is the best choice.

Several immortal kings and Xianzun jointly placed the restriction, even if Xu Que used system functions to crack it, it would take a lot of time.

The strong confronted, and life and death were often only a moment, and Xu Que couldn't get so much time at all.

As for Ergouzi and Duan Jiude, the two wastes are purely for watching movies, and they are useless at all.

Just when everyone thought that Xu Que would be obediently obedient, they saw him suddenly take a step forward, with an exaggerated arc at the corner of his mouth, and laughed arrogantly: "Do you want to inherit the ancient Buddha? It's on me, but I It won’t be handed over to you, if you have the ability, come to me and take it away!"

Everyone was stunned.

What is Xu Que thinking about?

We have all told him clearly the pros and cons, how dare he provoke us so?

Really think you have the strength to match the Immortal Venerable?

While on the road, UU reading www.uukānshu.com has Xianzun to analyze. They have always overestimated the real combat power of the wicked dog. The previous victory over the Tianmen Xianzun was also by strategy, not head-on. Defeat it,

What's more, there are so many Immortal Venerables who are present at the same time, even if the people of Tianmen are here, they must avoid their sharp edges.

"Asshole, you are going to toast and not eat fine wine!" A fairy could not help but yelled, and stepped forward. "

Xu Que raised a cold smile at the corner of his mouth, and his whole body suddenly soared, rushing all the way to the fairy king realm.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

what's the situation?

Why is this guy suddenly in the fairy king realm?

(End of this chapter)

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