Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1706: And this good thing

Xu Que stared at the gang of immortal kings, and his cultivation broke out unabashedly.

The reason why he did so many methods and failed to break through was mainly because Su Yunlan and the others hadn't left very far. With his current movement through the tribulation, no one could be spared.

In addition, in the trial of the Buddha realm, there is always the suppression of the aura of the ancient Buddha, so the catastrophe of heaven has not come.

After being chased by these guys so far, the breath of the ancient Buddha had already disappeared without a trace, and Su Yunlan and others had also left the Buddha realm, Xu Que naturally had no more scruples at this time.

This desert has just become his place to cross the calamity!

Moreover, after Xu Que inherited the inheritance of the ancient Buddha, he had a faint feeling that his breakthrough this time would not be easy.

At least the power that poured into one's body was far more than just letting one break into the fairy king realm!

Even... Immortal Realm is possible!

It's just that the difficulty of crossing the catastrophe this time is definitely the most difficult one in my history.

Even the last Five Heaven Tribulation, it was just a breakthrough from the human fairyland to the Daluo fairyland.

This time, I had to break through from Daluo Jinxian all the way to Immortal Venerable Realm, and the difficulty was totally different.

"Why are you in the Immortal King Realm, wait... Fuck, boy, are you going to overcome the catastrophe now?" Er Gouzi, standing next to Xu Que, felt the fluctuation of Xu Que's body for the first time, and was directly scared. Jump back.

Duan Jiude was also frightened, and asked cautiously: "No, why is this kid suddenly in the Immortal King Realm? Is the ancient Buddha inheritance so powerful?"

It's no wonder that the two of them are so scared, mainly because Xu Que's catastrophe is really too abnormal.

That is simply not a catastrophe that normal people can have!

The last time the five heavenly tribulations came to the fore, it was a human fairyland, and ten immortal kings were blasted to the dregs. The horror was extreme!

"Are you only breaking into the Immortal King Realm this time?" Er Gouzi asked cautiously.

Xu Que smiled faintly, and a glimmer of light flashed between his eyes: "Of course."

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude breathed a sigh of relief: "It's okay, it's just a breakthrough, there should be no problem..."

"No." Xu Que continued, "I should directly break into the Immortal Realm this time."

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude were stunned, seeing the confusion in each other's eyes.

"Teacher Duan, did I make a mistake?" Er Gouzi slapped Duan Jiude's face, "Do you feel pain?"

"Pain, it doesn't seem to be an illusion... Fuck! Why are you hitting me?" Duan Jiude touched his face, and just about to reply, he reacted immediately and was furious.

"It doesn't hurt to beat yourself." Er Gouzi said confidently with his hands on his hips.

Duan Jiude almost laughed angrily: "My Nima...It seems that the old man needs to let you understand why the flowers are so red today!"

"Hey, you dare to do it! This deity will teach you a lesson today!"

The two immediately fought together, and then they fought farther and farther, and farther and farther...They soon moved away from Xu Que's side.

Xu Que looked at these two goods with a speechless expression, thinking that the bombing gang had these two pit goods, and their average IQ was lowered by a notch.

Seeing that he was approaching the gang of immortal kings soon, Er Gouzi turned over and stood up quickly: "Everyone, after careful consideration, this **** deity decided to abandon the shadow and join you."

Duan Jiude also said with a serious face: "Yes, the old man sees Xu Que that boy is not a thing, he is too deceitful, so I come to help you."

Everyone looked dumbfounded, and suddenly they were a little confused about whether these two goods were enemy or friendly.

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude took this opportunity and squeezed directly to the back of the crowd, found a corner and got up.

"I'll give you a suggestion. It's better to find a place to hide later." Er Gouzi shouted, "This kid is about to overcome the catastrophe!"

Crossing the robbery?

Everyone felt the fluctuations of the Immortal King Realm's breath on Xu Que's body, and they all talked a lot.

"When did he break through to the fairy king realm?"

"You actually want to cross the Tribulation at this time, do you want to use the Heavenly Tribulation to kill us?"

"Hmph, it's a joke!"

They didn't take Er Gouzi's words seriously at all, and they sneered at them one by one.

"What can we do with the tribulation of the mere fairy king realm?"

"Haha, could this kid lose his heart and become mad, and want to use Heaven's Tribulation to deal with us."

"I want to see what's different about his Heavenly Tribulation."

Those present at the scene didn't bother to talk about avoiding the catastrophe.

A joke, the lowest person present is the fairy king, which one has not been tempered and has experienced countless catastrophes?

What can you do to them?

Could it be possible to hack them to death on the spot?


Everyone was not in a hurry to do anything, but looked at Xu Que in a moment, waiting for his catastrophe to come.


At this moment, a dull roar came from Xu Que's body.

boom! boom! boom!

As if countless shackles were broken, the aura on Xu Que's body began to climb frantically, approaching the Immortal King Realm.


At the same time, a thunderstorm suddenly thundered in the clear sky that had originally been shining brightly.

Immediately afterwards, billowing black clouds flew from a distance, but when they drifted not far away, they suddenly stopped.

"Strange...this is Jieyun? Why doesn't it move?"

"I don't know, this Jieyun seems a little weird... Is it afraid of coming over?"

"You're joking, how could Heavenly Tribulation be afraid of those who crossed the Tribulation." A fairy king laughed, "This kid attracted Heavenly Tribulation. Now we don't need to act, he will be wiped out!"

"Why did fellow Taoists say this?"

"Everyone does not know that this place is the desert of Goddess in the Buddha realm. According to legend, this place is the place where ancient gods died. Any calamity that reaches here will be multiplied in power." The fairy king explained proudly. "This kid broke through so hastily, there is absolutely no possibility of surviving."

"It turns out that UU reading www.uukanshu.com is like me and other immortal kings who have already survived the tribulation. Even if the tribulation is strong, it will not suffer too much damage."

"That's right, after the robbery is over, if this kid is not dead, we can search for his soul and win the inheritance of the ancient Buddha."

Everyone laughed loudly after hearing the words, and the look in Xu Que's eyes was no different from that of a dead person.

Xianzun, who had been laxed by Xu Que before, was even more happy at this time, with a bit of bitter expression in his eyes: "Young man, after you die, I will bring your corpse back and hang it in front of the sect. Let you know the fate of offending us!"

Xu Que was still focusing on improving his realm, but when he heard this, he couldn't help but raise his brows.

Thunder Tribulation will increase several times?

Is there such a good thing?

[Four more arrives, ask for a monthly pass! 】

(End of this chapter)

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