Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1707: Robbed of the sky

Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude were still watching the show, but when they heard the words that Heavenly Tribulation would strengthen, they quickly retreated madly.

An immortal king frowned, wondering: "Why are you so scared, but the immortal king's robbery is only a trivial matter, and I can easily resist it."

Er Gouzi threw a sentence without looking back, and immediately broke through the prohibition: "Stupid."

"Idiot." Duan Jiude followed closely behind Er Gouzi and ran all the way out of the restriction.

"Bastard!" The Immortal King immediately furious, shouted sternly, raising his hand to kill the two.

Anyway, they were all with Xu Que. The combination of Quede Dog was so conscientious that everyone was punishable by it.

However, Er Gouzi and Duan Jiude, as if they had eyes behind them, twisted their bodies, avoided the blow of the fairy king, and ran into the distance.

Looking at that hurried figure from the back, it seemed that he was afraid to stay here.

The two suddenly ran away, and the Immortal King and Immortal Venerables who were present suddenly began to feel uneasy in their hearts.

what's the situation?

Why did you run off suddenly?

Isn't Xu Que with them? Is it possible that he abandoned his partner and ran away like this?

And how did they get out? ?

The ban here was put together by everyone present, the purpose was to ban Xu Que's actions, so that he could not escape.

The prohibition is strong, even if the peak of the Immortal Venerable is here, it will not be broken for a while.

This person and a dog seemed to be walking, and he ran out without seeing any action to break the ban?

"Xu Que, this is your good brother of the Explosive Heavens Gang, who left you and ran away."

"It's really disappointing. Even the mere immortal king's robbery is so afraid of it. It seems that your wicked dog combination is just a vain name."

"When we kill you, we will kill that person and dog, and you will be expelled from Xianyunzhou!"

"Be prepared to accept your failure!"

Everyone ridiculed one after another, their expressions relaxed and free, as if waiting for the beginning of a good show.

For them, the immortal king robbery is certainly powerful, but it is only for the monks who have just stepped into the fairy king realm.

A monk like himself who has been immersed in the Immortal King, Immortal Venerable Realm for many years, and has a firm grasp of his own power, is nothing more than an Immortal King's robbery, and he is just appreciating a thunderstorm.

Even if it is injured, it is nothing more than going back and using some elixir to recover from the injury. The most used elixir will be more precious.

You know, here is Xianyunzhou, where the fairy kings are everywhere, and the trivial immortal king's robbery is just sprinkling water.

Isn't it because you haven't survived the catastrophe, what are you afraid of?

Xu Que glanced at everyone, and a joking smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Are you sure you won't lift the restriction? Don't run away then."

An immortal king came out more and more, confidently saying: "Hey, even if I am dead today, I am smashed into ashes by the robbery, it is impossible to leave here!"

"Yes, courageous." Xu Que exclaimed, and continued to run his true essence, summoning Heavenly Tribulation.

At this time, Duan Jiude and Er Gouzi, who had already left the restricted area, were standing on a small hill, pointing at everyone.

"Teacher Duan, how many do you think these weak intelligences have survived?" Er Gouzi curled his lips with an expression of disgust.

When Duan Jiude saw this, he pretended to think for a while, and said in a deep voice: "I think, I guess all of them will be dead. They are too close and can't run away."

"I also think that the main reason is that they are too stupid. Seeing that we are all running away, they dare to stand there and watch."

"That's right, it's no wonder that I heard that the immortal king Xianzun of Xianyunzhou is not very good at his brain, most of them were stupid before."

At the beginning, the fairy king who wanted to do something, looked at Duan Jiude and Er Gouzi with dead eyes and looked at himself and the others, suddenly a feeling of anxiety surged in his heart.

Didn’t they break the ban to escape? Why are you still commenting now?

The most important thing is that the eyes of this person looking at himself and others are really like looking at a dying person, with only sympathy and compassion, but not even the slightest worry.

Judging from the previous performance, the relationship between wicked dogs can be said to be quite stable, and the three understand each other.

Now even the dog who is most afraid of death hasn't run away, and an expression ready to watch a play can only explain one situation.

That is... they believe that Xu Que can do what he said!

Over the years of cultivation, the immortal king has cultivated a kind of spiritual ability that is close to advancement, and can feel what is going to happen next with a vague sixth sense.

As Jie Yun continued to approach, the sixth sense of anxiety in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Where is the problem?

Jieyun is a fake, in fact, there are reinforcements from the Explosive Heavens Gang?

Or that this kid really has any means to make Heavenly Tribulation his means to clean up himself.

This immortal king is more inclined to the second conclusion.

After all, the bombing day gang has seen three altogether so far, and one is not a human being.

If this is all dead, the Zhantian Gang will be expelled from the list.

Thinking of this, the fairy king shook his head vigorously, leaving those strange thoughts behind.

A big Luo Jinxian, even if he has the ability, in front of these immortal kings and immortals, he can't overcome any storms.

Jie Yun was getting closer and slower and slower, as if he was reluctant to come over.

Everyone was suddenly puzzled.

What is going on with Jieyun Jiner?

When hacking people in the past, the robbery cloud came as fast and fast, and I wished that you would break through the next second and immediately slashed on your head.

At the moment, covering the sky to pick it up, just as if you are afraid to come over?

Upon seeing this, Xu Que narrowed his eyes and shouted, "Come here!"

The robbery cloud seemed to have heard it, and it spread out in an instant, covering the entire sky completely.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

What's the special situation?

Why did you come here suddenly?

You are a god, a little dignity, can you come here as soon as someone yells, don't you want to save face?

"Do you want to pass on the ancient Buddha?" Xu Que grinned, and UU read www.uukanshu.com with a touch of joking, "Then live well first!"

Speaking of this, Xu Que suddenly raised his voice and opened his arms towards the sky. There was a touch of madness in his expression, and his head was dancing, like nine gods and demons descending into the world!

He stared at Jieyun fiercely, as if a **** instructed him, and screamed: "Heavenly Tribulation, come down to me!"


When the voice fell, a loud noise exploded between the world and the earth.

Golden lightnings as thick as arms condensed in the clouds, quickly entangled together, and merged into golden dragons.

The dragon uttered a long roar, descending from the sky with an unparalleled terrifying aura!

Everyone present was stunned!

(End of this chapter)

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