Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1708: Paid the ransom

"What is this?!"

"Fuck! This is a catastrophe?"

"Impossible, nowhere is there such a long catastrophe!"

"That's right, don't be kidding, if this day of calamity really falls, I won't even be able to hold it!" A fairy king said in horror.

Not only him, but all the monks present, looking at the frantically dancing golden dragon, their whole person was stupid, only feeling a huge shock, as if even the soul was washed away by the roar just now.

There was even an immortal king with a low cultivation base, his legs softened directly, and he slumped on the ground, as if he had lost his soul, staring blankly at the dragon.

Are you telling me that this thing is a catastrophe?

What a joke!

Where is the long catastrophe like this!


A huge roar continued to sound, the wind was violent, and the dark iron-like clouds continued to spread, covering the surrounding sky together, turning the day into night.

Soon, a golden dragon was completely formed, a huge dragon head poked his head out of the clouds, and a larger body was hidden in the black clouds.

"Then, that is the ancient catastrophe!" Someone exclaimed, "Like a dragon, it's powerful than the sky, and ordinary monks will turn into ashes when they encounter it!"


The people present invariably took a sigh of relief, leaving only shock in their hearts.

This is what an ancient catastrophe!

But this did not diminish their shock in the slightest.

There are all people who have seen big winds and waves, and naturally many people have seen the ancient catastrophe.

But the crux of the problem is that, according to the records in ancient books, the ancient catastrophe is at most the thickness of the arm, but if you don't say this thing in front of you, they all think it is a real dragon!

Xianyunzhou is not a creature that does not call it a dragon, but it is not a real dragon, but a monster beast with a trace of true dragon blood for some reason.

The true dragon is a true sacred beast, carrying the will of heaven, with unfathomable strength and infinite power.

Therefore, any gadgets that are in contact with the dragon are far more powerful than the monks' imagination.

"Oh my god... why is this ancient catastrophe so terrifying?"

"I have practiced for nearly a thousand years, and I have never seen such a mammoth ancient catastrophe... it's terrible..."

"Oh my God, if this ancient catastrophe comes down, we're afraid we won't be able to resist it at all!"

"What kind of Dao Yun is this guy in the end? Why would God bring such a mighty calamity down!"

"It's over, something big is going to happen, look behind the robbery cloud! There are more than one ancient true dragon heaven robbery!"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and stared at the sky intently.

Just as the golden dragon broke through the black cloud and was about to descend, they saw that behind the cloud, countless golden lightning bolts were still condensing, and the shape of the dragon was gradually taking shape.

"Fuck! How many calamities are there in this special?"

"This kid shouldn't be the legendary intolerable person!"

"Where is Du Jie? I just want him to die!"

"Don't care if he is dead! We are going to die now!"

One of the monks present was counted as one, and their faces were filled with expressions of horror in disbelief.

This ancient catastrophe condensed into a true dragon, if there were only one or two, that would be fine.

But the problem is that there are dozens of ancient catastrophes right now!

This is so special, even if it is desperate, it can't stop it at all!

"Friend Xu Dao! The old man knows that I was wrong, please stop quickly, don't let the catastrophe affect us!" An immortal king hurried out in fright, and at the same time began to frantically crack the prohibition, "You guys are all stunned. What are you doing, quickly lift the ban!"

To be able to cultivate to the realm of the immortal king must have experienced countless difficulties and obstacles before being able to reach the point where it is today.

If you die here, it would be too worthwhile!

Laozi went through all the hardships, and finally cultivated to the realm. If he was directly smashed to death, or because someone else crossed the catastrophe to smash to death, it would be so embarrassing!

"You Daoist Xu, I came here to help you. I'm an ally!" Another immortal king had an ingenuity and began to have a relationship with Xu Que. "As long as you let me go out, I am willing to become a close comrade-in-arms of Daoyou Xu. From now on, I will take you as the head of the horse! When you meet the people of the bombing gang, you will definitely treat them with the best etiquette!"

That tone, that look, it's not an exaggeration to say that it is licking a dog.

The immortal king has a bitter face, and it is not that he is quite licking the dog.

But if they really let this ancient catastrophe fall, they really couldn't stop it, and in the end there would only be a dead end.

As for shame or something, it doesn't matter at all, okay?

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but curse in their hearts.

Damn, why did you put a ban just now!

Okay, I can't run away immediately if I want to run!

Several immortal kings glanced at each other, the true essence in their bodies surged, and they began to think of ways to break the prohibition, trying to escape before the catastrophe descended.

However, at this moment, they suddenly saw Duan Jiude and Er Gouzi, who had ran out before, suddenly ran back and worked hard outside the prohibition.

Before they could react, one after another powerful bans were constructed, directly shrouded in the bans they had set up together, completely sealing everyone up.

Damn it!

Everyone was stunned and messed up directly in the wind!

"You are **** sick, aren't you?"

"Hurry up and open the restriction for Lao Tzu, otherwise the old man will definitely never end with you!"

"Hurry up and stop! Don't add more restrictions!"

The Immortal Kings and Immortal Venerables are completely stupid, this person is too wicked!

Actually, they added a ban outside the ban, which made it clear that I didn’t want them to go out!

Looking around, except for the restriction that everyone had just set up together, the periphery was already densely packed with dozens of restrictions.

The attainments of these two guys in the restraining formation seem to be quite extraordinary, and each restraint is established with extremely advanced techniques.

This also shows a problem, UU reading www.uukanshu.com that is-they have no chance to escape now!

These dozens of prohibitions have already taken shape, even if the immortal kings on the scene take action together, it is impossible to escape this area before the ancient catastrophe falls!

What's more, Duan Jiude and Ergouzi are watching outside at this time, ready to repair the restriction at any time.

With these two guys guarding, even if they and others have the ability to break the ban, there is no chance at all.

"Friend Xu Dao, we have no grievances and no grudges against you. It is only because of the inheritance of ancient Buddhas that we have come to this point. Fight against the Exploding Heavens Gang again!" A fairy even said, taking the initiative to subdue softly.

Everyone had retreated to the edge of the restriction, and they didn't even dare to approach Xu Que.

Xu Que glanced at them and sneered: "Want to go? All right, let's pay the ransom first!"

(End of this chapter)

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