Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1709: If you don’t listen to God’s words, you will suffer

Ransom, ransom?

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, a little unresponsive.

Xu Que rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Have you never heard of kidnapping? Now you are my hostages, don't you need to pay a ransom if you want to go?"

Hearing Xu Que's words, everyone's faces were almost crooked.

Laozi's dignified fairy king, Xianzun, has fallen to the point where he wants the ransom to redeem himself.

What a shame!

An immortal statue sinks into the devil, and slowly speaks: "I don't know how much ransom is required by Fellow Daoist Xu?"

Xu Que squinted his eyes, feeling the terrifying aura coming on his head, and said with a smile: "Everyone is a figure with a head and face in Xianyunzhou. The lowest cultivation base present is the fairy king. I think one person needs a billion spiritual stones. Divide?"


Everyone suddenly took a breath of air, and their eyes were full of incredible expressions.

Billion? !

Why don't you just go and **** it... Oh, he's robbing now, then it's okay.

But the problem is, who can get a billion!

Even if there is, it is impossible to bring a billion spirit stones on the street!

Is there no place for flowers with a lot of spiritual stones to burn? Even the immortal emperor couldn't walk around with a billion spirit stones!

"Friend Xu! Here are all my spirit stones!"

"This is all of my wealth, please also ask Daoyou Xu to accept it!"

"Friend Xu, this is the spirit stone I brought with me. If the amount is not enough, I can go back and fetch it for you when I leave here." A fairy king knew that there were not many spirit stones on his body, so he actively proposed.

Although their fairies have retreated to the extreme side of the prohibition, once the ancient catastrophe comes, it will cover the area for hundreds of miles, and there will be no place to hide by then!

Everyone is extremely annoyed at this time, why are they chasing this kid?

Isn’t it just an ancient Buddha inheritance? Just give it to him?

Regret is to regret very much!

Who would have thought that a big Luo Jinxian kid would suddenly break into the fairy king realm at this moment!

What's more terrifying is that this guy's catastrophe is still the ancient catastrophe!

Let alone the ancient catastrophe, but this ancient catastrophe is much stronger than the legendary ancient catastrophe!

There is something wrong!

Looking forward to thousands of years, the monks present had never seen such a powerful ancient catastrophe.

Is this really a catastrophe?

Could it be that this kid offended Tiandao, so Tiandao came here to take revenge!

I have to say that they have indeed guessed the truth, but the truth is too amazing, so no one thought about it for a while.

"Xu Que, you think carefully, we are Qingyun Taishangmen is a sect under the Tianmen, you can only save this tribulation once, if you kill us, Tianmen will definitely die with you!" You Xian Zun's heart was uneasy, so he had to lift up the name of Xianmen, hoping to let Xu Que stop.

"Xu Que, I'm willing to swear by the demons of the heart, as long as you let us go, we will never retaliate, and we will never be an enemy of the Tiantian Gang again!" A fairy king even swore directly on the spot and wanted to leave.

However, no matter what they said, Xu Que stared at the sky as if he hadn't heard it at all.

He slowly lowered his head and looked at the crowd condescendingly, a pair of deep black eyes without the slightest emotion, and the thunder light flew behind him like a **** and a demon.

He raised his hand and grabbed it, and all the spirit stones thrown out by the crowd were collected into the system.

"Everyone, does this little spirit stone seem not enough?" Xu Que said softly with a playful smile.

An immortal king gritted his teeth and threw the storage ring on his body directly: "Xu Que, this is all the wealth I brought out."

The rest of the Immortal King Xianzun also reacted and threw their storage rings towards Xu Que.

"Here are all the magic weapons I brought out, please accept it, Daoist Xu."

"I don't bring much. If it is not enough, I can write you an IOU to Fellow Xu Daoist."


Xu Que's eyes lit up and he nodded appreciatively: "Yes, you have a good idea, then write me an IOU."

Everyone was stunned, then turned their heads and glared at the talking fairy king.


You are so idly okay, what IOU said!

What's so special is that you only need to hand over the things you have on your body. When these are good, you still have to owe a sum of money to the outside!

With Xu Que's character, everyone has no doubt that Xu Que will come to the door with the IOU to ask for debts in the future.

After all, this guy, at first glance, knows that he is the kind of personality that is not afraid of the sky, and even the gods of Tianmen dare to pit, let alone the gods of these small forces.

With a feeling of humiliation, everyone wrote out IOUs and handed them to Xu Que.

After a while, Xu Que had a lot of IOUs in his hand, and he was happy.

"Qingyun Taishangmen, owes me three billion spirit stones."

"Nine Tigers Blood Sword Gate owes me three billion spirit stones."


After reading all the IOUs, Xu Que put them into the system, and nodded with satisfaction: "Yes, not bad, you are very cooperative. Ben Zhitian helps the master to be friends with the most sensible person."

Who the **** wants to be friends with you!

Everyone roared in their hearts.

If it weren't for the fact that the ancient catastrophes above their heads would fall, it would be impossible for them to sign such unequal IOUs!

Three billion spirit stones!

Selling them is almost the same!

At this moment, a few immortal kings with extremely slow speed suddenly emerged from a distance.

When I got closer, I saw the scene before my eyes, and the whole person split directly.

"What? These immortal kings were actually locked in by Xu Que, and they are about to cross the sky?"

After hearing the ins and outs of the matter, the hearts of these immortal kings couldn't help but feel fortunate.

Fortunately, Lao Tzu is slow enough, otherwise it should be me who is locked in it now!

"Ghahahaha, the deity said, let you run away quickly, you must not listen." Er Gouzi stood outside the restriction, laughing with arms akimbo, arrogant, "This is not listening to the words of God, and you suffer. Right in front of me."

Duan Jiude's expression on his face felt deeply: "Yes, the old man has already warned you not to offend this kid. You have to chase and kill for so long. I really don't know what you think. One of them is not handsome or witty, so he dare to fight this kid?"

After pitting Xu Que many times, he can live well to this day, this matter has always been quite proud of Duan Jiude's heart.

Look at you immortal kings, usually one by one, but when you meet this stinky boy, you still don't have to wither.

I am different from the old man. I have pitted this kid many times, but I still have a good point to say today!

Is this what?

This is called a gap!


At this time, UU reading www.uukanshu.com once again erupted in the sky above the desert with a deafening loud noise.

Behind the first golden dragon, dozens of golden dragons condensed again.

At this time, these golden dragons were madly absorbing the ancient catastrophes around them, and their bodies became even bigger.

Except for Xu Que, the people who were under the robbery had already begun to feel breathing difficulties at this time, with cold sweat on their foreheads, and even the immortal king's cultivation level was not enough. At this time, they couldn't even straighten up.

This is the power of Heavenly Tribulation!

The so-called mountain ancient catastrophe, the coercion contained in the world, is enough to make a monk of the fairy king collapse directly!

(End of this chapter)

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