Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1710: Do you still charge twice?

If it weren't for the presence of a lot of Immortal Kings and Immortal Venerables, all the pressure was evenly distributed, I am afraid that everyone has already got down now.

But there is one exception, that is Xu Que, who stands at the center of the tribulation.

I saw an expression of excitement in his eyes, with his head raised and chest raised, majestic, ready to face the catastrophe at any time.

The people who had handed over all their wealth, and were even forced to write a huge amount of spiritual stone IOUs, saw that Xu Que seemed to be quiet and immediately became anxious.

"Friend Xu Dao, we gave the Lingshi, and the IOU has been written, is it time to let us out?" An immortal king was like an ant on a hot pot, sweating profusely.

But he wasn't in a hurry, seeing that the catastrophe was about to come, and if he didn't leave, it would really be too late.


Xu Que suddenly looked at him with an innocent look: "When did I say you can leave?"

"Um...what do you mean by Daoist Xu?" The immortal king was taken aback for a moment, and an ominous premonition surged in his heart.

Xu Que shook his fingers and said slowly: "I said just now that you should pay the ransom, right? I also said that your ransom is not enough, right? The IOU was raised by you, and I just implemented it according to your suggestions, but what I said. In everything, which one is said to let you go?"

Damn it!

Everyone was stunned.

What do you mean?

Wouldn't let people go after taking the spirit stone? !

Are you ready to shame?

"Friend Xu Dao, don't want to make such a joke." The Immortal King wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said with a smiling face, "This matter is of great importance, it must not be such a joke..."

Xu Que's face became cold, and he said solemnly: "Who the **** is kidding you?"

He glanced at the Immortal King Xianzun below, and sneered: "In the beginning, you took the initiative to chase me and wanted my ancient Buddha inheritance. Now that I find that I can’t figure it out, I want to go. Come on such a cheap thing? You all stay here today. As for the suicide note, remember to write it down as a reminder for your descendants."

Speaking of this, Xu Que paused, and then said in a deep voice, "Tell them that I will detour for Laozi if they meet the Zhantian Gang in the future!"

The sound resounded like thunder, echoing in the air, like a sledgehammer hitting everyone's hearts fiercely.

The immortal king pointed his finger at Xu Que with a trembling finger, and said sharply: "You dare to fool us? It's so deceitful!"

Xu Que was immediately happy: "Yes, I'm just playing tricks on you, what can you do with me?"


At this moment, the golden dragon above the sky suddenly roared, and then swooped down from the air and headed straight for Xu Que.

The catastrophe has come!

Everyone trembles suddenly, their faces are indifferent, and they shouted desperately: "No!"


A dazzling dragon-shaped lightning, like a sharp arrow across the sky, suddenly pierced through the air, and instantly landed on Xu Que's head.

At the same time, the extremely terrifying Tianwei also completely locked everyone in the restriction.

Xu Que, who was the first among the robbers, naturally became the first target of the golden dragon's attack.

And in the black thundercloud, dozens of golden thunder and lightning were also separated, and they pounced on the immortal king Xianzun who was present.

The fairy king who fell outside was stunned when he saw this scene.

Because the number of tribulations that were separated was at least several times smaller than the ancient catastrophe that Xu Quesuo had to experience.

It's simply not the same!

If Xu Que's catastrophe was a golden dragon, then these lightnings were nothing more than small snakes.

Even if the dozens of golden lightning were added together, there was no way to compare with Xu Que's.

"What's the situation? Why are these golden lightning so small?"

"That's right, the ancient catastrophe of Xu Que is terrifying to the extreme, but in comparison, the ancient catastrophe of these immortal kings is not a class of existence at all."

"Could it be that these Immortal King Immortal Venerables used any special methods to forcibly weaken the power of Heavenly Tribulation?"

Several people talked about it, for some reason.

Suddenly, Duan Jiude put his hands on his back and pretended to speak: "Don't panic, everyone, I know this well, and I know what happened at this time."

Several immortal kings recognized Duan Jiude and originally wanted to do it, but looking at the terrifying tribulation in the distance, they finally suppressed that thought.

Haven't you seen what the previous group of brothers are doing now?

I'm still doing it, I'm afraid it's been too long.

"Please also ask fellow Daoists for advice." The Immortal King arched his hands.

Duan Jiude looks like a peerless person. He looks ahead, and his eyes are full of vastness and depth: "It's not impossible to tell you, it's just...this matter is about secrets, even if it’s the old man, I’m afraid I will also be hated by the heavens. If I get revenge at that time, I am afraid that old man, I have no means to protect myself..."

While talking, he stretched out his right hand and made a gesture of rubbing money.

Upon hearing this, several fairy kings looked as ugly as eating shit.

Damn, Rory is so wordy, isn't he just wanting good things!

"This thing is a healing elixir passed down from my family. It is of great benefit to the treatment of injuries. Please also ask fellow Taoists to accept it." A fairy king took out a bottle of pill from the storage ring and handed it up.

Duan Jiude quickly probed his hand, and before Er Gouzi rushed over, he took the pill into his arms.

"Damn, so stingy, I actually gave a bottle of medicine..." Duan Jiude muttered.

The immortal king didn't hear clearly, frowned and said: "Friends, what are you talking about?"

"It's nothing, I said that you are really handsome, you know that you are a master at a glance." Duan Jiude smiled and introduced to everyone, "Actually, this situation is normal. The ancient catastrophes encountered by the immortal king Xianzun, In fact, it is the real ancient catastrophe. The ancient books are full of ancient catastrophes, and the ancient catastrophes under the gods are like human arms and infinite power."

The news was that when Xu Que was in Tianzhou before, he killed ten heavenly kings with the pit of heaven. At that time, there was an old man who was present at the scene.

Although this place is Xianyunzhou, the ancient catastrophe is really rare and abnormal, so even these native immortal kings can't figure out what the ancient catastrophe really is.

Hearing Duan Jiude’s explanation at this time, UU reading www.uukanshu.com couldn’t help but be surprised: “Then why Xu Que’s ancient catastrophe was so violent? It was huge, like a real dragon, and even more lifelike, as if the real nine-day dragon came to the world. ?"

Duan Jiude smashed his mouth and rubbed his fingers again: "Well...this matter involves Skyrim..."

The corner of the fairy king's mouth twitched, and he cursed in his heart.

Nima's, can this be charged twice?

The wicked dog combination is really shameless to the extreme!

"This is the treasure I found from an ancient ruin, and I invite fellow daoists to smile." The immortal king forced his smile on his face and handed over a broken immortal weapon.

Duan Jiude accepted it with disgust, and then explained to everyone: "Because of Xu Que's cultivation path, Tiandi thinks that he belongs to the gods, demons, and Buddhas. Therefore, the descending tribulations are endless and changeable. Said, it is even more powerful, slaughtering the gods and destroying the Buddha and the demons!"

(End of this chapter)

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