Ultimate Scheming System

Chapter 1711: I can do it

Several immortal kings were shocked when they heard this.

Are you kidding me?

The slaying of the gods and the killing of the Buddha and the devil, just hearing these words, has already made people feel fearful.

Not only them, but as any immortal king exists in it, they can't stop even for a while, and they will be shattered into flying ash in an instant.

"It's terrible... Fortunately, I'm so slow."

"Indeed, if I ran a little faster just now, I'm afraid I am also trapped in the restriction now."

"Fortunately, fortunately, my master didn't teach me how to posture, otherwise I am afraid that something big will happen..."

I have to say that the celestial calamity that Xu Que is experiencing now has a hint of the rudimentary form of the world-destroying catastrophe.

The ancient catastrophes he had experienced before were violent, but they all had their shapes and did not contain the true power of ancient catastrophes.

But with the improvement of his cultivation level, Xu Que felt more and more that in the calamity of the day, there was a certain great horror, and it was an existence that the current monks could not resist.

Although only a trace was felt on the golden dragon, it was enough for He Ming to treat it with caution.

But this did not surprise Xu Que.

After all, what I am cultivating is the Three Thousand Dao, just to follow my heart.

To say something nice is to find another way, to say something bad is to be intolerable by the world.

Being born between heaven and earth is like being in a cage. The higher the cultivation level, the more you can feel the oppression of this heaven and earth on the monks.

It seems to be telling them that no matter what level you have cultivated, as long as you are in this space, you must abide by the rules.

Those who do not follow the rules will face great terror.

But what kind of character is Xu Que?

The leader of the Exploding Heavens Gang, a generation of forced saints, and will never be subjugated to others in his cultivation to this day!

Even if it's the way of heaven, don't even think about Lao Tzu bowing his head!

"Come on! More, it's not enough!"

Xu Que smiled disdainfully, and rose directly into the sky, like a sharp sword, trying to pierce the sky and collide with the golden dragon head-on.


The huge roar exploded, and the golden dragon uttered a huge dragon cry, resounding through the world.

One person and one dragon collide together instantly!

Before everyone had time to react, they only saw a dazzling golden glow, flooding the field of vision.

The immortal king Xianzun at the bottom managed to survive the ancient catastrophe, and the impact of Xu Que's collision with the golden dragon instantly rushed most of the people to the ground.

"Gosh... is this guy crazy?"

"That's the ancient catastrophe, he actually rushed up like this!"

"It's so hard for us to resist even this trace of catastrophe, how did he do it?"

The fairy kings looked into the air with complicated eyes, and their hearts were indescribable.

What will happen to a big Luo Jinxian who hit the legendary ancient catastrophe?


The huge roar echoed continuously, the surrounding void was distorted, and even black cracks filled with horror appeared.

That is the void entrance where the space is torn apart.

If you accidentally fall into it, you will immediately be involved in the turbulence of the space, even if the Immortal Venerable is in it, it will be a deadly situation.

Seeing Jin Mang's continuous expansion, just when it was about to fill the entire sky, it suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, Jin Mang dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then seemed to stagnate for a moment, before breaking into pieces.

That huge golden dragon, like broken glass, turned into countless golden shards, and flew into the air.

The dazzling light bloomed, stabbing people so that they couldn't open their eyes, but everyone at the scene still looked into the golden light, trying to see what was going on.

In the next second, a dusty figure gradually emerged from the golden light.

Behind him is the slowly shattering golden dragon, with boundless golden light shrouded in his body, like a real god's lower realm!

"Oh my God...what is he doing?" A fairy king suddenly widened his eyes and asked inconceivably.

I saw Xu Que as a magnet, absorbing all the broken golden glow into his body.

That can be an ancient catastrophe!

People like myself have difficulty even resisting, but this guy actually absorbed it directly?

"He is absorbing the ancient catastrophe!"

"My God, how is this possible?"

"This guy is too terrifying... he can even absorb the ancient catastrophe!"

Whether it is inside the ban or outside the ban, they all exploded.

Everyone looked at Xu Que dumbfounded, unable to believe their eyes.

What terrifying ability is it necessary to be able to absorb it even after fighting the ancient catastrophe!

Or is this ancient catastrophe actually not as terrifying as it seems?

Suddenly such thoughts surged in the heart of an immortal respect.

"Will it be possible that the golden dragon just looks big, but in fact it doesn't have such a strong power at all?" the immortal venerable guessed, "we all know that the more condensed the stronger, the more condensed it is, the more powerful it is. It doesn't make any sense at all."

A word that awakened the dreamer, and everyone who was still in shock, suddenly came back to their senses.

"It seems to make sense..."

"Maybe, the most powerful tribulations of the heavens were simply endured by us. He just shared a little aftermath."

"The more we think about it, the more possible it is! No wonder he will ban all of us, simply for us to help him share the catastrophe!"

With a beginning, everyone connected irresistibly, and soon conjectured a result that was far from the truth.

In fact, the ancient catastrophe that Xu Que survived was not so powerful at all. What he had to bear was only a small part. The truly powerful ancient catastrophe had already been shared by these immortal kings!

At the thought of this, everyone couldn't help but gritted their teeth.

"This bastard, it's too much!"

"That's right, not to mention the inheritance of the ancient Buddha, it even tricked us to help him share the catastrophe!"

"It's unforgivable!"

An immortal king stood up abruptly, and said sharply: "You can't let him take all the benefits. The ancient catastrophe after this day's catastrophe is shattered, surely there is not much power left, and this seat will also absorb it!"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused everyone to second.

"Yes, you can't let him take all the benefits!"

"Go with it, go with UU reading www.uukanshu.com!"

Those immortals who were still struggling to resist the ancient catastrophe recovered briefly and found that they actually wanted to absorb the golden light, and hurriedly wanted to stop them.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he felt the boundless pain hit, which immediately made him unable to distract other things.

Ergou and Duan Jiude, who were still outside the ban, suddenly looked weird when they saw everyone's behavior.

"Teacher Duan...I don't know if this **** is overworked recently. I seem to see that the immortal kings seem to want to absorb the ancient catastrophe?"

"Teacher Ergou, you are not blind, they really planned it that way..." Duan Jiude was completely stupid.

Are you crazy to absorb the ancient catastrophe?

Do you think everyone is Xu Que?

(End of this chapter)

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